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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Here, we test the accuracy of various causal inference techniques in identifying ANMs with different ranges of noise term.
from __future__ import division
from functools import partial
import random
import sys
from timeit import Timer
import numpy as np
from nonparametric_tests import friedman_test, nemenyi_multitest, bonferroni_dunn_test
from cisc import cisc
from dc import dc
from dr import dr
from utils import progress, plot_multiline, reverse_argsort, dc_compat
__author__ = "Kailash Budhathoki"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2017"
__license__ = "MIT"
class InfRes(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ncorrect = 0
self.nwrong = 0
self.nundec = 0
def to_str(self, nsample):
assert self.ncorrect + self.nwrong + self.nundec == nsample
return"%d %d %d %.2f" % (self.ncorrect, self.nwrong, self.nundec, self.ncorrect / nsample), 20)
def map_randomly(Xd, fXd):
f = dict()
for x in Xd:
y = random.choice(fXd)
f[x] = y
return f
def generate_X(src, size):
if src == "uniform":
maxX = random.randint(1, 10)
X = [random.randint(1, maxX) for i in xrange(size)]
elif src == "multinomial":
p_nums = [random.randint(1, 10) for i in xrange(random.randint(1, 11))]
p_vals = [v / sum(p_nums) for v in p_nums]
X = np.random.multinomial(size, p_vals, size=1)[0].tolist()
X = [[i + 1] * f for i, f in enumerate(X)]
X = [j for sublist in X for j in sublist]
elif src == "binomial":
n = random.randint(1, 40)
p = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
X = np.random.binomial(n, p, size).tolist()
elif src == "geometric":
p = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
X = np.random.geometric(p, size).tolist()
elif src == "hypergeometric":
ngood = random.randint(1, 41)
nbad = random.randint(1, 41)
nsample = random.randint(1, min(41, ngood + nbad))
X = np.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample, size).tolist()
elif src == "poisson":
lam = random.randint(1, 10)
X = np.random.poisson(lam, size).tolist()
elif src == "negativeBinomial":
n = random.randint(1, 40)
p = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
X = np.random.negative_binomial(n, p, size).tolist()
return X
def generate_additive_N(size):
t = random.randint(1, 7)
suppN = range(-t, t + 1)
N = [random.choice(suppN) for i in xrange(size)]
return N
def test_decision_rate():
srcsX = ["uniform", "binomial", "negativeBinomial",
"geometric", "hypergeometric", "poisson", "multinomial"]
total = len(srcs) * len(srcs)
count = 0
progress(count, total)
for srcX in srcsX:
progress(count, total)
def _decision_rate(srcX):
nsample = 1000
size = 1000
level = 0.05
suppfX = range(-7, 8)
diff_cisc, diff_dc, diff_dr = [], [], []
res_cisc, res_dc, res_dr = [], [], []
for k in xrange(nsample):
X = generate_X(srcX, size)
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
N = generate_additive_N(size)
Y = [f[X[i]] + N[i] for i in xrange(size)]
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
undecided_cisc = cisc_score[0] == cisc_score[1]
undecided_dc = dc_score[0] == dc_score[1]
undecided_dr = (dr_score[0] < level and dr_score[1] < level) or (
dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] > level)
# todo(kailash): add the coin flip
diff_cisc.append(abs(cisc_score[0] - cisc_score[1]))
diff_dc.append(abs(dc_score[0] - dc_score[1]))
diff_dr.append(abs(dr_score[0] - dr_score[1]))
if undecided_cisc:
res_cisc.append(random.choice([True, False]))
res_cisc.append(cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1])
if undecided_dc:
res_dc.append(random.choice([True, False]))
res_dc.append(dc_score[0] < dc_score[1])
if undecided_dr:
res_dr.append(random.choice([True, False]))
res_dr.append(dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] < level)
indices_cisc = reverse_argsort(diff_cisc)
indices_dc = reverse_argsort(diff_dc)
indices_dr = reverse_argsort(diff_dr)
diff_cisc = [diff_cisc[i] for i in indices_cisc]
diff_dc = [diff_dc[i] for i in indices_dc]
diff_dr = [diff_dr[i] for i in indices_dr]
res_cisc = [res_cisc[i] for i in indices_cisc]
res_dc = [res_dc[i] for i in indices_dc]
res_dr = [res_dr[i] for i in indices_dr]
dec_rate = np.arange(0.01, 1.01, 0.01)
acc_cisc, acc_dc, acc_dr = [], [], []
for r in dec_rate:
dec_cisc_r = res_cisc[:int(r * nsample)]
dec_dc_r = res_dc[:int(r * nsample)]
dec_dr_r = res_dr[:int(r * nsample)]
acc_cisc_r = sum(dec_cisc_r) / len(dec_cisc_r)
acc_dc_r = sum(dec_dc_r) / len(dec_dc_r)
acc_dr_r = sum(dec_dr_r) / len(dec_dr_r)
# print dec_rate
# print acc_dc
# print acc_dr
# print acc_cisc
with open("results/dec_rate_synth_%s.dat" % srcX, "w") as writer:
for i, r in enumerate(dec_rate):
writer.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" %
(r, acc_dc[i], acc_dr[i], acc_cisc[i]))
# plot_multiline([acc_cisc, acc_dc, acc_dr], dec_rate, [
# "CISC", "DC", "DR"], "decision rate", "accuracy", "decision rate versus accuracy", "dec_rate_%sX.png" % srcX)
def test_accuracy():
nsim = 1000
size = 1000
level = 0.05
suppfX = range(-7, 8)
srcsX = ["uniform", "binomial", "negativeBinomial",
"geometric", "hypergeometric", "poisson", "multinomial"]
print "-" * 48
print "%18s%10s%10s%10s" % ("TYPE_X", "DC", "DR", "CISC")
print "-" * 48
fp = open("results/accuracy_synthetic.dat", "w")
for srcX in srcsX:
ncorrect_cisc, ncorrect_dc, ncorrect_dr = 0, 0, 0
for k in xrange(nsim):
X = generate_X(srcX, size)
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
N = generate_additive_N(size)
Y = [f[X[i]] + N[i] for i in xrange(size)]
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
ncorrect_cisc += int(cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1])
ncorrect_dc += int(dc_score[0] < dc_score[1])
ncorrect_dr += int(dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] < level)
print "%18s%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f" % (srcX, ncorrect_dc / nsim, ncorrect_dr / nsim, ncorrect_cisc / nsim)
fp.write("%s %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" % (srcX, ncorrect_dc /
nsim, ncorrect_dr / nsim, ncorrect_cisc / nsim))
print "-" * 48
def test_accuracy_at_model_space():
nsim = 500
size = 1500
level = 0.05
suppfX = range(-7, 8)
S = range(1, 7)
srcsX = ["uniform", "binomial", "negativeBinomial",
"geometric", "hypergeometric", "poisson", "multinomial"]
print "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("typeX".center(18), "sc_space".center(62), "dr_space".center(62), "full_space".center(62))
print "%18s | %s %s %s | %s %s %s | %s %s %s" % ("", "sc".center(20), "dc".center(20), "dr".center(20), "sc".center(20), "dc".center(20), "dr".center(20), "sc".center(20), "dc".center(20), "dr".center(20))
for srcX in srcsX:
nsample_sc, nsample_anm, nsample_all = 0, 0, 0
rsc_sc, rsc_dc, rsc_dr = InfRes(), InfRes(), InfRes()
ranm_sc, ranm_dc, ranm_dr = InfRes(), InfRes(), InfRes()
rall_sc, rall_dc, rall_dr = InfRes(), InfRes(), InfRes()
for k in xrange(nsim):
X = generate_X(srcX, size)
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
N = generate_additive_N(size)
Y = [f[X[i]] + N[i] for i in xrange(size)]
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
undecided_dr = (dr_score[0] < level and dr_score[1] < level) or (
dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] > level)
if cisc_score[0] != cisc_score[1]:
nsample_sc += 1
rsc_sc.ncorrect += int(cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1])
rsc_sc.nwrong += int(cisc_score[0] > cisc_score[1])
rsc_sc.nundec += int(cisc_score[0] == cisc_score[1])
rsc_dc.ncorrect += int(dc_score[0] < dc_score[1])
rsc_dc.nwrong += int(dc_score[0] > dc_score[1])
rsc_dc.nundec += int(dc_score[0] == dc_score[1])
rsc_dr.ncorrect += int(dr_score[0]
> level and dr_score[1] < level)
rsc_dr.nwrong += int(dr_score[0]
< level and dr_score[1] > level)
rsc_dr.nundec += int(undecided_dr)
if not undecided_dr:
nsample_anm += 1
ranm_sc.ncorrect += int(cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1])
ranm_sc.nwrong += int(cisc_score[0] > cisc_score[1])
ranm_sc.nundec += int(cisc_score[0] == cisc_score[1])
ranm_dc.ncorrect += int(dc_score[0] < dc_score[1])
ranm_dc.nwrong += int(dc_score[0] > dc_score[1])
ranm_dc.nundec += int(dc_score[0] == dc_score[1])
ranm_dr.ncorrect += int(dr_score[0]
> level and dr_score[1] < level)
ranm_dr.nwrong += int(dr_score[0]
< level and dr_score[1] > level)
ranm_dr.nundec += int(undecided_dr)
nsample_all += 1
rall_sc.ncorrect += int(cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1])
rall_sc.nwrong += int(cisc_score[0] > cisc_score[1])
rall_sc.nundec += int(cisc_score[0] == cisc_score[1])
rall_dc.ncorrect += int(dc_score[0] < dc_score[1])
rall_dc.nwrong += int(dc_score[0] > dc_score[1])
rall_dc.nundec += int(dc_score[0] == dc_score[1])
rall_dr.ncorrect += int(dr_score[0]
> level and dr_score[1] < level)
rall_dr.nwrong += int(dr_score[0] < level and dr_score[1] > level)
rall_dr.nundec += int(undecided_dr)
print "%s | %s %s %s | %s %s %s | %s %s %s" % (, rsc_sc.to_str(nsample_sc), rsc_dc.to_str(nsample_sc), rsc_dr.to_str(nsample_sc), ranm_sc.to_str(nsample_anm), ranm_dc.to_str(nsample_anm), ranm_dr.to_str(nsample_anm), rall_sc.to_str(nsample_all), rall_dc.to_str(nsample_all), rall_dr.to_str(nsample_all))
def test_accuracy_with_nonparam_tests():
nsim = 250
size = 1000
level = 0.05
fXd = range(-7, 8)
S = range(1, 7)
srcs = ["uniform", "binomial", "negativeBinomial",
"geometric", "hypergeometric", "poisson", "multinomial"]
print "%18s%10s%10s%10s" % ("X_TYPE", "ACC(CISC)", "ACC(DC)", "ACC(DR)")
for src in srcs:
ncorrect_this, nwrong_this, nind_this = 0, 0, 0
ncorrect_dc, nwrong_dc, nind_dc = 0, 0, 0
ncorrect_dr, nwrong_dr, nind_dr = 0, 0, 0
diff_cisc, diff_dc, diff_dr = [], [], []
for k in xrange(nsim):
X = generate_X(src, size)
Xd = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(Xd, fXd)
t = random.choice(S)
N = range(-t, t + 1)
Y = [f[X[i]] + random.choice(N) for i in xrange(size)]
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
diff_cisc.append(abs(cisc_score[0] - cisc_score[1]))
diff_dc.append(abs(dc_score[0] - dc_score[1]))
diff_dr.append(abs(dr_score[0] - dr_score[1]))
if cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1]:
ncorrect_this += 1
elif cisc_score[0] > cisc_score[1]:
nwrong_this += 1
nind_this += 1
if dc_score[0] < dc_score[1]:
ncorrect_dc += 1
elif dc_score[0] > dc_score[1]:
nwrong_dc += 1
nind_dc += 1
if dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] < level:
ncorrect_dr += 1
# H0 = all the algorithms are equivalent
iman_davenport, p_value, rankings_avg, rankings_cmp = friedman_test(
diff_cisc, diff_dc, diff_dr)
if p_value < level: # reject H0
print "rejecting friedmans's H0"
# H0 = anking of CISC is different to each of the other methods
ranks = dict([("cisc", rankings_cmp[0]),
("dc", rankings_cmp[1]), ("dr", rankings_cmp[2])])
comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values = bonferroni_dunn_test(
ranks, "cisc")
print comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values
print "all the algorithms are the same"
print "%18s%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f" % (src, ncorrect_this / nsim, ncorrect_dc / nsim, ncorrect_dr / nsim)
def test_runtime():
nrun = 5
level = 0.05
suppfX = range(-7, 8)
nvalues = 10
sizes = [100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000,
600000, 700000, 800000, 900000, 1000000]
for size in sizes:
p_nums = [random.randint(1, 10) for i in xrange(nvalues)]
p_vals = [v / sum(p_nums) for v in p_nums]
X = np.random.multinomial(size, p_vals, size=1)[0].tolist()
X = [[i + 1] * f for i, f in enumerate(X)]
X = [j for sublist in X for j in sublist]
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
N = generate_additive_N(size)
Y = [f[X[i]] + N[i] for i in xrange(size)]
dcX, dcY = dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y)
dc_t = Timer(partial(dc, dcX, dcY),
setup="""from __main__ import *""").timeit(nrun)
dr_t = Timer(partial(dr, X, Y, level),
setup="""from __main__ import *""").timeit(nrun)
cisc_t = Timer(partial(cisc, X, Y),
setup="""from __main__ import *""").timeit(nrun)
print size, dc_t, dr_t, cisc_t
def test_power():
sizes = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000]
level = 0.05
srcX = "multinomial"
nsim_cutoff, nsim_power = 100, 100
suppfX = range(-7, 8)
for size in sizes:
diffs_dc, diffs_dr, diffs_cisc = [], [], []
for i in xrange(nsim_cutoff):
X = generate_X(srcX, size)
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
Y = [f[X[i]] for i in xrange(size)]
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
diffs_dc.append(abs(dc_score[0] - dc_score[1]))
diffs_dr.append(abs(dr_score[0] - dr_score[1]))
diffs_cisc.append(abs(cisc_score[0] - cisc_score[1]))
cutoff_dc = np.percentile(diffs_dc, 5)
cutoff_dr = np.percentile(diffs_dr, 5)
cutoff_cisc = np.percentile(diffs_cisc, 5)
print cutoff_dc, cutoff_dr, cutoff_cisc
diffs_dc, diffs_dr, diffs_cisc = [], [], []
for i in xrange(nsim_power):
X = generate_X(srcX, size)
suppX = list(set(X))
f = map_randomly(suppX, suppfX)
N = generate_additive_N(size)
Y = [f[X[i]] + N[i] for i in xrange(size)]
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X, Y, level)
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
diffs_dc.append(abs(dc_score[0] - dc_score[1]))
diffs_dr.append(abs(dr_score[0] - dr_score[1]))
diffs_cisc.append(abs(cisc_score[0] - cisc_score[1]))
power_dc = sum(diffs_dc > cutoff_dc) * 1.0 / nsim_power
power_dr = sum(diffs_dr > cutoff_dr) * 1.0 / nsim_power
power_cisc = sum(diffs_cisc > cutoff_cisc) * 1.0 / nsim_power
print size, power_dc, power_dr, power_cisc
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_power()
# test_runtime()
# _decision_rate("multinomial")