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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Here we test causal direction of univariate tübingen cause-effect pairs.
from __future__ import division
import glob
import os
import re
import numpy as np
from cisc import cisc
from dc import dc
from dr import dr
from utils import dc_compat, plot_multiline, progress, reverse_argsort
from discretizer import *
XY_TRUTH_PATTERN = re.compile("x\s*-+\s*-*\s*>\s*y", re.IGNORECASE)
YX_TRUTH_PATTERN = re.compile("y\s*-+\s*-*\s*>\s*x", re.IGNORECASE)
def normalise(data):
max_val = max(data)
norm = lambda x: x * 1.0 / max_val
return map(norm, data)
def get_ground_truths_of_tubingen_pairs():
tubingen_pairs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
__file__), "data", "tubingen-pairs")
tubingen_pairs = glob.glob(
tubingen_pairs_dir + os.sep + "pair[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_des.txt")
truths = []
for pair in tubingen_pairs:
with open(pair, "r") as fp:
desc =
if XY_TRUTH_PATTERN.findall(desc):
truths.append(("X", "Y"))
truths.append(("Y", "X"))
# assert len(YX_TRUTH_PATTERN.findall(desc)) > 0
return truths
def get_all_tubingen_pairs():
tubingen_pairs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
__file__), "data", "tubingen-pairs")
tubingen_pairs = glob.glob(
tubingen_pairs_dir + os.sep + "pair[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].txt")
return tubingen_pairs
def load_tubingen_pair(pair_path):
data = np.loadtxt(pair_path)
X = data[:, 0]
Y = data[:, 1]
return X, Y
def load_tubingen_pairs():
tubingen_pairs = get_all_tubingen_pairs()
for pair in tubingen_pairs:
yield load_tubingen_pair(pair)
def test_tubingen_pairs():
epsilon = 0.0
level = 0.05
truths = get_ground_truths_of_tubingen_pairs()
multivariate_pairs = [52, 53, 54, 55, 71]
num_pairs = len(truths) - len(multivariate_pairs)
num_correct = 0
num_wrong = 0
nsample = 0
num_indecisive = 0
res_cisc, res_dc, res_dr = [], [], []
diffs_cisc, diffs_dc, diffs_dr = [], [], []
progress(0, 95)
for i, data in enumerate(load_tubingen_pairs()):
if i + 1 in multivariate_pairs:
X, Y = data
# X, Y = normalise(X), normalise(Y)
# discretizer = UnivariateIPDiscretizer(X, Y)
# aX, Xd, aY, Yd = discretizer.discretize()
# cisc_score = cisc(Xd, Yd)
nsample += 1
cisc_score = cisc(X, Y)
dc_score = dc(dc_compat(X), dc_compat(Y))
dr_score = dr(X.tolist(), Y.tolist(), level)
diffs_cisc.append(abs(cisc_score[0] - cisc_score[1]))
diffs_dc.append(abs(dc_score[0] - dc_score[1]))
diffs_dr.append(abs(dr_score[0] - dr_score[1]))
if cisc_score[0] < cisc_score[1]:
cause_cisc = "X"
elif cisc_score[0] > cisc_score[1]:
cause_cisc = "Y"
cause_cisc = ""
if dc_score[0] > dc_score[1]:
cause_dc = "X"
elif dc_score[0] < dc_score[1]:
cause_dc = "Y"
cause_dc = ""
if dr_score[0] > level and dr_score[1] < level:
cause_dr = "X"
elif dr_score[0] < level and dr_score[1] > level:
cause_dr = "Y"
cause_dr = ""
true_cause = truths[i][0]
if cause_cisc == "":
res_cisc.append(random.choice([True, False]))
elif cause_cisc == true_cause:
if cause_dc == "":
res_dc.append(random.choice([True, False]))
elif cause_dc == true_cause:
if cause_dr == "":
res_dr.append(random.choice([True, False]))
elif cause_dr == true_cause:
progress(nsample, 95)
# print "✓ = %3d ✗ = %3d ~ = %3d" % (num_correct, num_wrong,
# num_indecisive)
indices_cisc = reverse_argsort(diffs_cisc)
indices_dc = reverse_argsort(diffs_dc)
indices_dr = reverse_argsort(diffs_dr)
diffs_cisc = [diffs_cisc[i] for i in indices_cisc]
diffs_dc = [diffs_dc[i] for i in indices_dc]
diffs_dr = [diffs_dr[i] for i in indices_dr]
res_cisc = [res_cisc[i] for i in indices_cisc]
res_dc = [res_dc[i] for i in indices_dc]
res_dr = [res_dr[i] for i in indices_dr]
dec_rate = np.arange(0.02, 1.01, 0.01)
accs_cisc, accs_dc, accs_dr = [], [], []
fp = open("results/dec_rate_benchmark.dat", "w")
for r in dec_rate:
maxIdx = int(r * nsample)
rcisc = res_cisc[:maxIdx]
rdc = res_dc[:maxIdx]
rdr = res_dr[:maxIdx]
accs_cisc.append(sum(rcisc) / len(rcisc))
accs_dc.append(sum(rdc) / len(rdc))
accs_dr.append(sum(rdr) / len(rdr))
fp.write("%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (r, sum(rdc) / len(rdc),
sum(rdr) / len(rdr), sum(rcisc) / len(rcisc)))
plot_multiline([accs_cisc, accs_dc, accs_dr], dec_rate, [
"CISC", "DC", "DR"], "decision rate", "accuracy", "decision rate versus accuracy")
if __name__ == "__main__":