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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The module implelements the "Entropic Causal Inference" paper.
import numpy as np
class CausalPair(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.nofsamples = data.shape[0]
self.X = data[0]
self.Y = data[1]
self.Xmin = np.min(data[0])
self.Xmax = np.max(data[0])
self.Ymin = np.min(data[1])
self.Ymax = np.max(data[1])
def quantize_data(pair):
# Find number of states, n based on X, Y first
# We simply select n as large as possible and make sure on average each
# state has around 10 samples.
p = pair.nofsamples
# We also need the number of unique values to make sure we know
# when inputs are discrete variables
# A variable is deemed discrete if noofunique values is less than 1/5th of
# number of samples
uniqueX = pair.X.unique()
uniqueY = pair.Y.unique()
n = int(decide_quantization(p, uniqueX, uniqueY))
deltaX = (pair.Xmax - pair.Xmin) / n
rulerX = [pair.Xmin + i * deltaX for i in range(0, n - 1)]
deltaY = (pair.Ymax - pair.Ymin) / n
rulerY = [pair.Ymin + i * deltaY for i in range(0, n - 1)]
Xq = np.digitize(pair.X, bins=rulerX)
Yq = np.digitize(pair.Y, bins=rulerY)
return Xq, Yq, n, p
def decide_quantization(p, uniqueX, uniqueY):
noUniqueX = len(uniqueX)
noUniqueY = len(uniqueY)
discreteX = 0
discreteY = 0
if 5 * noUniqueX < p:
discreteX = 1
if 5 * noUniqueY < p:
discreteY = 1
# 256 is chosen as the upper limit on the number of states
n = np.min([256, discreteX*discreteY*np.max([noUniqueX,noUniqueY]) + discreteX*(1-discreteY)*np.max([noUniqueX, p/10]) + discreteY*(1-discreteX)*np.max([noUniqueY, p/10]) + (1-discreteY)*(1-discreteX)*p/10])
return n
def remove_outliers(df):
outliers_fraction = 0.005
p = df.shape[0]
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
classifier = IsolationForest(max_samples=p,
labels = 0.5 * classifier.predict(df) + 0.5
df = df[labels == 1]
return df
def estimate_conditionals(Xq, Yq, n, p):
# Mxy is conditional probability transition matrix X given Y: Mxy(i,j) =
# P(X=i|Y=j)
Mxy = np.zeros((n, n))
Myx = np.zeros((n, n))
for i in range(0, p):
x = Xq[i]
y = Yq[i]
Mxy[x - 1, y - 1] += 1
Myx[y - 1, x - 1] += 1
u = Mxy.sum(axis=0) # column sums: also marginal for y
v = Myx.sum(axis=0) # marginal for x
for i in range(0, n):
if u[i] != 0:
Mxy[:, i] = Mxy[:, i].astype(np.float) / u[i]
if v[i] != 0:
Myx[:, i] = Myx[:, i].astype(np.float) / v[i]
return Mxy, Myx, u / sum(u), v / sum(v)
def remove_zero_columns(M):
t = (M == 0)
v = np.all(t, axis=0)
return M[:, ~v]
def entropy_minimizer(Myx, Mxy, n):
# remove all zero columns
Mxy = remove_zero_columns(Mxy)
Myx = remove_zero_columns(Myx)
nYX = Myx.shape[1]
nXY = Mxy.shape[1]
flag = 1
eYX = []
while flag:
# choose min of max per column
e = np.min(np.max(Myx, axis=0))
Myx[np.argmax(Myx, axis=0), range(nYX)] -= e
flag = sum(eYX) < 1 - 10**-9
flag = 1
eXY = []
while flag:
# choose min of max per column
e = np.min(np.max(Mxy, axis=0))
Mxy[np.argmax(Mxy, axis=0), range(nXY)] -= e
flag = sum(eXY) < 1 - 10**-9
return eYX, eXY # eYX is exogenous entropy for X->Y
def calc_entropy(eYX):
return sum([-np.log2(i**i) for i in eYX])
def entropic(df):
# if not df:
# df = read_file(file_name)
# Mildly clean up the data by removing outliers here
# otherwise a few points can mess up the whole quantization
# Use an isolation forest fit by scikit learn
# df = remove_outliers(df)
pair = CausalPair(df)
Xq, Yq, n, p = quantize_data(pair)
# some columns of conditional probability tables will be zero, this is fine
Mxy, Myx, pY, pX = estimate_conditionals(Xq, Yq, n, p)
eYX, eXY = entropy_minimizer(Myx, Mxy, n)
hYX = calc_entropy(eYX)
hXY = calc_entropy(eXY)
hX = calc_entropy(pX)
hY = calc_entropy(pY)
return hX + hYX, hY + hXY