Show All + {% for serie in allseries %} +

{{ serie|capfirst }}

+ {% if serie == 'sources' %} +

Each volume of the Sources series typically presents a primary source—relevant for the history and development of knowledge—in facsimile, transcription, or translation. The original sources are complemented by an introduction and by commentaries reflecting original scholarly work. The sources reproduced in this series may be rare books, manuscripts, documents or data that are not readily accessible in libraries and archives.

+ {% elif serie == 'studies' %} +

Each volume of the Studies series is dedicated to a key subject in the history and development of knowledge, bringing together perspectives from different fields and combining source-based empirical research with theoretically guided approaches. The studies are typically working group volumes presenting integrative approaches to problems ranging from the globalization of knowledge to the nature of spatial thinking.

+ {% elif serie == 'proceedings' %} +

Each volume of the Proceedings series presents the results of a scientific meeting on current issues and supports, at the same time, further cooperation on these issues by offering an electronic platform with further resources and the possibility for comments and interactions.

+ {% elif serie == 'textbooks' %} +

Each volume of the Textbooks series presents concise and synthetic information on a wide range of current research topics, both introductory and advanced. They use the new publication channel to offer students affordable access to highlevel scientific and scholarly overviews. The textbooks are prepared and updated by experts in the relevant fields and supplemented by additional online materials.

+ {% endif %} +
+ {% if Listofpublications %} + {% for Publication in Listofpublications %} + {% if Publication.Serie == serie %} +
{{ Publication.get_Serie_display }} {{ Publication.Number }}

{{ Publication.Title|safe }}

{{ Publication.Descriptionshort }}
+ {% if Publication.Publicationauthor1 %} {{ Publication.Publicationauthor1 }}{% if Publication.Publicationauthor2 %}, {{ Publication.Publicationauthor2 }}{% if Publication.Publicationauthor3 %}, {{ Publication.Publicationauthor3 }}{% if Publication.Publicationauthor4 %}, {{ Publication.Publicationauthor4 }}{% if Publication.Publicationauthor5 %}, {{ Publication.Publicationauthor5 }} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if Publication.Publicationauthorsuffix %} + {{ Publication.Publicationauthorsuffix }} + {% endif %}
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+ {% endif %} + {% endfor %} + {% endif %} +
+ {% endfor %} +