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The ArndtLab Julia Registry

Register a new package or tag a release via ArndtLabRegistryTools

  • if tagging a new version of an already registered package bump the version number in its Project.toml
  • git commit and push the package
  • startup julia in the project dir (w/o --proj), and run the following code. Double check wether the tree_hash points to the right commit you want to register.
using ArndtLabRegistryTools; arndtlabregister()

Register a new package or tag a release

  • if tagging a new version of an already registered package bump the version number in its Project.toml
  • git commit and push the package
  • startup julia in the project dir (w/o --proj), and run the following code. Double check wether the tree_hash points to the right commit you want to register.
using RegistryTools, Pkg

function myregister(registry_repo, package_path = ".", tree_hash = nothing)

	package_repo = string(chomp(read(Cmd(`git remote get-url --all origin`, dir = package_path), String)))
	pkg = Pkg.Types.read_project(joinpath(package_path, "Project.toml"))
	if tree_hash == nothing
		possible_hashes = readlines(Cmd(`git log --pretty=format:'%T %s'`, dir = package_path))

		println(join(possible_hashes, "\n"))
		tree_hash = possible_hashes[1] |> split |> first
		@show tree_hash

	r = RegistryTools.register(
		package_repo, pkg, tree_hash,
		registry = registry_repo,
		registry_deps = [RegistryTools.DEFAULT_REGISTRY_URL],
		push = true

registry_repo = ""

  • Now visit the website of the repo of your registry to create and merge a PR.

  • Afterwards git-tag the new version with and clean up:

git tag -a $v -m \"$v\"
git push origin $v

rm -rf registries/
  • Go to repo on github and pubish a release clicking on the 3 dots to the right in the tags listing

Create a Registry

First create an empty repo at or an (on prem) alternative, e.g.username/MyRegistry.git. In the following "" has to be adjusted appropriately. Then start julia:

using RegistryTools, Pkg, UUIDs

registry_name = "MyRegistry"
registry_repo = ""

path = "."
uuid = string(UUIDs.uuid4())

rd = RegistryTools.RegistryData(registry_name, uuid, repo = registry_repo)
RegistryTools.write_registry(joinpath(path, "Registry.toml"), rd)

Now git init, add, commit and push the Registry.toml to the repo from your shell (adjusting the remote):

git init
git add Registry.toml
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

The local git repo and Registry.toml can be trashed. The Registry is still empty - to be useful you have to make the package manger aware of it and register packages in it.

Add a registry to the package manager

To make the package manager aware of your new (private) Registry add it:

pkg> registry add

If the repo is public one might also use:

pkg> registry add