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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
#include "couple_cells_simulation_infinite_intrinsic_changes.h"
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159265
int test(){
int lol = 0;
return lol;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
int first_cell;
int second_cell;
float g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2;
float g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1;
float V_syn_reverse_cell_1 = -78;
float V_syn_reverse_cell_2 = -78;
float synapse_V_half = 45;
float synapse_V_slope = -2;
float synapse_tau = 100;
int change_max_cond_of_cell_0[1];
int change_max_cond_of_cell_1[1];
char Filename_V [999];
float change_max_cond_to_0[1];
float change_max_cond_to_1[1];
float g_value_range[2];
int short_simulation_time = 505000; // in ms
double g_vec[8][2001];
char stim_file [999];
FILE *stimfile;
sprintf (stim_file, "conductances_new_set_2000.dat");
stimfile = fopen(stim_file,"r");
float min_period_threshold = 100;
float max_period_threshold = 800;
float min_phase_difference_threshold = 0.47;
float max_phase_difference_threshold = 0.53;
float min_burst_exclusion_threshold = 0.95;
/* parameters that are relevant for running this script multiple times */
// The process number we give this specific script
int process_number = atoi(argv[1]);
// The number of pairs the script should scan through
const int number_of_pairs = 200; // 500;
// The pair from the working file this script should start with
unsigned int start_with_pair_number = process_number * number_of_pairs;
// The name of the file we load the shuffled pairs from
string load_file = "./real_chosen_sub_10.dat";
int cell_vec[2][2000];
float g_value_vec[2][2000];
// First we randomly pick two cells from our 2000 cells (unique combination)
// Here instead of regenerating the random pairs for each run, we now pick
// from a file with pre-generated combinations
ifstream input_file(load_file);
if (input_file){
string line;
string temp;
int counter;
for (int i = 0; getline(input_file, line); ++i){
stringstream os;
os << line;
counter = 0;
while (getline(os, temp,' ')){
if (counter == 0){
cell_vec[0][i] = stoi(temp);
// cout << " " << first_cell_arr[counter_for_extracted_pairs] << endl;
if (counter == 1){
cell_vec[1][i] = stoi(temp);
if (counter == 2){
g_value_vec[0][i] = stof(temp);
if (counter == 3){
g_value_vec[1][i] = stof(temp);
counter ++;
cout << "could not find file " << endl;
float V_start_1 = -38;
float V_start_2 = -42;
int number_of_Threads = 31;
char Filename_sp [number_of_Threads][999];
float ranges[7][2] = {{800,1200},{0,6},{0,12},{20,130},{20,140},{90,120},{0.0,2}}; // defines the ranges in which we originally set the conductances
int runnning_processes = 0;
thread Threads[number_of_Threads];
std::packaged_task<int()> The_Tasks[number_of_Threads];
std::future<int> outputs[number_of_Threads];
float change_it_to_1;
float change_it_to_2;
int first_cell_arr[number_of_Threads];
int second_cell_arr[number_of_Threads];
float change_it_to_arr[number_of_Threads][2];
int what_to_change_arr[number_of_Threads][2];
float g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1_arr[number_of_Threads];
float g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2_arr[number_of_Threads];
int got_output;
int changing_parameter_maximum = 31;
int angular_maximum = 15;
float calculated_changing_paramter;
int what_to_change_1 = atoi(argv[2]);
int what_to_change_2 = atoi(argv[4]);
// First loop - all circuits that are investigated
for (int cell_pair = process_number * number_of_pairs; cell_pair < process_number * number_of_pairs + number_of_pairs; ++cell_pair)
first_cell = cell_vec[0][cell_pair];
second_cell = cell_vec[1][cell_pair];
cout << " " << first_cell << " " << second_cell << " " << endl;
g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2 = g_value_vec[0][cell_pair];
g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1 = g_value_vec[1][cell_pair];
// second loop - degrees from 0 to 180
for (int angular_parameter = 0; angular_parameter < angular_maximum ; ++angular_parameter)
if ( what_to_change_1 < what_to_change_2 && (angular_parameter == 0 || angular_parameter == 14) )
if (!(angular_parameter == 0 || angular_parameter == 7 || angular_parameter == 14))
cout << cell_pair << ": " << first_cell << " " << second_cell << " " << angular_parameter << endl;
// third loop - the change in the parameter
for (int changing_parameter = 0; changing_parameter < changing_parameter_maximum ; ++changing_parameter)
change_it_to_1 = ceil(changing_parameter * 1000 * 2 * g_vec[1+what_to_change_1][first_cell] /float(changing_parameter_maximum-1))/1000.;
calculated_changing_paramter = (changing_parameter- (changing_parameter_maximum-1)/2 )/float((changing_parameter_maximum-1)/2) * sin(-PI/2. + PI * angular_parameter/float(angular_maximum-1));
change_it_to_2 = ceil(calculated_changing_paramter * 1000 * g_vec[1+what_to_change_2][first_cell] + 1000*g_vec[1+what_to_change_2][first_cell])/1000.;
int dummy_process_number = cell_pair/25;
sprintf (Filename_sp[runnning_processes], "./%s_%s/set_%d/%d_%d_sp_%s_%g_%s_%g_g10_%g_g01_%g.dat",argv[3],argv[5],dummy_process_number,first_cell,second_cell,argv[3],change_it_to_1,argv[5],change_it_to_2,g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1,g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2);
// cout << Filename_sp[runnning_processes];
first_cell_arr[runnning_processes] = first_cell ;
second_cell_arr[runnning_processes] = second_cell;
change_it_to_arr[runnning_processes][0] = change_it_to_1;
change_it_to_arr[runnning_processes][1] = change_it_to_2 ;
what_to_change_arr[runnning_processes][0] = what_to_change_1;
what_to_change_arr[runnning_processes][1] = what_to_change_2;
g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1_arr[runnning_processes] = g_from_cell_2_to_cell_1;
g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2_arr[runnning_processes] = g_from_cell_1_to_cell_2;
// New way to try
The_Tasks[runnning_processes] = packaged_task<int()> (bind(simulation,
first_cell_arr[runnning_processes] , second_cell_arr[runnning_processes], V_start_1, V_start_2,
V_syn_reverse_cell_1, V_syn_reverse_cell_2,
synapse_V_half, synapse_V_slope, synapse_tau,
synapse_V_half, synapse_V_slope, synapse_tau,
Filename_V, Filename_sp[runnning_processes], true, true, false, false,
// change_max_cond_of_cell_0, change_max_cond_to,
what_to_change_arr[runnning_processes], change_it_to_arr[runnning_processes], 2,
change_max_cond_of_cell_1, change_max_cond_to_1, 0 ,
min_period_threshold, max_period_threshold,
min_phase_difference_threshold, max_phase_difference_threshold,
outputs[runnning_processes] = The_Tasks[runnning_processes].get_future();
Threads[runnning_processes] = thread(move(The_Tasks[runnning_processes]));
runnning_processes ++;
if (runnning_processes >= number_of_Threads){
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_Threads; ++i)
got_output = outputs[i].get();
runnning_processes = 0;
// dritter Loop über die unterschiedlichen Parameter die geändert werden können
// Zweiter Loop über alle g_werte die verändert werden können [V_half, tau_syn, g_A, g_H, g_CaS, g_CaT]
// Erster Loop über alle Zellen die untersucht werden sollen
return 0;