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function trialOsq = buildTrialOsq(trialNum,smell)
% trialOsq = buildTrialOsq(trialNum,smell)
% will construct an Osq (olfactometer sequence) file for the current
% trial using the information from the smell structure for the current
% trial. It returns the osq file for the current trial and saves it in
% the /osq folder in the olfStim directory.
% The .osq files are sequencer files in a language readable by the
% microprocessor used for actually switching valves (eg the LASOM
% olfactometer board). This function allows the flexible creation of the
% sequencer file for the current trial using instructions from the smell
% structure.
% This function is called from olfStimStartTrial.m
% TO DO:
% - Fix how the digital outputs are triggered on LASOM. For now I hacked
% the timestamp triggers into the osq files.
% - Support presenting mixtures.
% lorenzpammer 2011/12
%% Build the osq file for this trial
callingFunctionName = 'olfStimStartTrial.m'; % Define the name of the initalizing function
osqPath = which(callingFunctionName);
osqPath=[osqPath filesep 'olfactometerUtilities' filesep 'osq' filesep];
ioOsqPath=[osqPath filesep 'ioCodes' filesep];
clear callingFunctionName
[sequencerName timeFactor] = osqDefinitions; % information of specific sequencer used (eg LASOM or Arduino, etc.)
coreOsq = fileread([osqPath 'core.osq']); % read in the core osq file (a text file)
trialOsq = coreOsq; % Use trial Osq for creating the trial specific Osq
%% Create the osq file for the current trial:
% Check whether the odor presented in this trial is a pure odor or whether
% odors from different slaves have to be mixed:
if smell.trial(trialNum).mixture == 0
%% Define the parameters in the osq file
% 1. Add the current trial number to the osq file
% Rewrite the trialOsq with the correct value in the parameter
% definition for the current trial
replaceString = 'Param, trialNum, 1';
replacementString = [replaceString(1:end-1) num2str(trialNum)];
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString,replacementString);
% 2. change parameter from which vial the odor is drawn:
% As the sequencer defines the vial#1 as the dummy vial, and vial#2 as
% the first odor vial, we have to add 1 to the vial number.
if ~isempty(smell.trial(trialNum).vial)
% Rewrite the trialOsq with the correct value in the parameter
% definition for the current trial
replaceString = 'Param, odorValveIndex, 1';
replacementString = [replaceString(1:end-1) num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).vial + 1)];
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString,replacementString);
% if no odor gating valves have to be opened (air is presented)
elseif isempty(smell.trial(trialNum).vial)
replaceString = 'Param, odorValveIndex, 1';
replacementString = [replaceString(1:end-1) num2str(0)];
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString,replacementString);
% 3. change parameter in which slave the vial is located. The slave
% parameter only applies to odor gating valves, as all other valves
% (final, sniffing, etc.) are on slave 1
if ~isempty(smell.trial(trialNum).vial)
% Rewrite the trialOsq with the correct value in the parameter
% definition for the current trial
replaceString = 'Param, slaveIndex, 1';
replacementString = [replaceString(1:end-1) num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).slave)];
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString,replacementString);
%% Sort the actions according to their timing
% Define the actions and the sequence of actions of the
% olfactometer and create the sequencer code to carry them out
% 1. Get the actions saved in olfactometer instructions
% flow
% Find the mfcTotalFlow field. Make a logical indexing vector
% denoting the actions (fields), that have to be dealt with in the
% sequencer:
ai{1} = ~strcmp('mfcTotalFlow',{smell.trial(trialNum)});
ai{2} = ~strcmp('purge',{smell.trial(trialNum)});
olfactometerActionsIndex = logical(ai{1} .* ai{2});
clear ai;
% Timing of the different actions from olfactometer instructions:
timesOfAction = {smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions.value};
% 2. Deal with the I/O and trial flow information
timesOfAction = [timesOfAction {smell.trial(trialNum).io.time}];
% Create indices that allow to backinfer which action entries come from
% olfactometerSettings and which from io
olfactometerSettingsActions = 1:length(smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions);
ioActions = length(smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions)+1 : length(timesOfAction);
% Create an index that allows to backinfer which times of actions
% correspond to which type of action. Need to jump through some hoops
% here, in order to be able to deal with multiple opening/closing times
% of a single valve during one trial:
instructionIndexOfTimesOfAction = [];
for i = 1: length(timesOfAction)
instructionIndexOfTimesOfAction(length(instructionIndexOfTimesOfAction)+1:length(instructionIndexOfTimesOfAction)+1+length(timesOfAction{i})-1) = ...
% Sort the actions in the sequence in which they will be triggered
% during the trial:
% Overwrite sequenceIndexOfActions with the indices for the actions:
sequenceIndexOfActions = instructionIndexOfTimesOfAction(sequenceIndexOfActions);
% If an olfactometerSettings action and a I/O action are supposed to
% occur at the same time, we will first execute the I/O action. Sort
% the actions according to this principle:
for i = 1 : length(m)
if i == 1
sameValues = 1:m(i);
tempIoActions = ismember(sequenceIndexOfActions(sameValues),ioActions);
reorderedValues = sameValues(c);
sequenceIndexOfActions(sameValues) = sequenceIndexOfActions(reorderedValues);
sameValues = m(i-1):m(i);
tempIoActions = ismember(sequenceIndexOfActions(sameValues),ioActions);
reorderedValues = sameValues(c);
sequenceIndexOfActions(sameValues) = sequenceIndexOfActions(reorderedValues);
% Write an index of which actions are used
usedActions = [[smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(:).used] logical([smell.trial(trialNum).io.used])];
%% Build sequence of actions in the right order from osq building blocks
% Go through a sorted loop, and add the sequencer commands for the
% each action to the end of the osq file. The order of the
% resulting sequence of actions corresponds to the defined timing
% of the actions.
actionOsq = [];
for i = sequenceIndexOfActions
loopIteration = loopIteration+1;
% if the current action is not handled by the sequencer skip it
% (some fields in the olfactometerSettings structure are not
% handled by the sequencer, eg MFC flow rates. io actions are all
% handled by the sequencer).
if ~ismember(i,find(olfactometerActionsIndex)) && i <= max(olfactometerSettingsActions)
continue % to next iteration of for loop
% If the action is used:
if usedActions(i)
% Add 1 to the action counter.
actionNumber = actionNumber+1;
if actionNumber==1
% read the osq file that includes the command for the current
% action in the1 loop iteration
if ismember(i,olfactometerSettingsActions)
currentActionOsq = fileread([osqPath smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).name '.osq']);
elseif ismember(i,ioActions)
index = i - max(olfactometerSettingsActions);
currentActionOsq = fileread([ioOsqPath smell.trial(trialNum).io(index).label '.osq']);
% If the first action type is called multiple times within
% a trial, the first action of the trial will also be the
% first of the multiple calls of the same action. Therefore
% take the first value from the instructions:
currentActionValueIndex = 1;
% In the first action of a trial the wait time is the
% time at which the first action should be triggered:
if ismember(i,olfactometerSettingsActions)
waitTime = smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).value(currentActionValueIndex)*timeFactor;% * values in smell are in s (eg LASOM expects ms)
currentActionOsq = sprintf([';\nwait, %d \n' currentActionOsq], waitTime);
elseif ismember(i,ioActions)
index = i - max(olfactometerSettingsActions);
waitTime = smell.trial(trialNum).io(index).time(currentActionValueIndex)*timeFactor;% values in smell are in s (eg LASOM expects ms)
currentActionOsq = sprintf([';\nwait, %d \n' currentActionOsq], waitTime);
% % Add the command to send a timestamp:
% sendTimestampOsq = fileread([osqPath 'sendTimestamp.osq']);
% replacementString = num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).timeStampID);
% sendTimestampOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(sendTimestampOsq,'MYTIMESTAMP',replacementString);
% % Add the command to send a timestamp to the
% % currentActionOsq:
% currentActionOsq = [currentActionOsq sendTimestampOsq];
actionOsq = currentActionOsq;
clear waitTime currentActionOsq
clear currentActionOsq
% Read the osq file that includes the command for the current
% action in the loop iteration
if ismember(i,olfactometerSettingsActions)
currentActionOsq = fileread([osqPath smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).name '.osq']);
elseif ismember(i,ioActions)
index = i - max(olfactometerSettingsActions);
currentActionOsq = fileread([ioOsqPath smell.trial(trialNum).io(index).label '.osq']);
if isempty(currentActionOsq)
errormsg=sprintf('No osq template for the current action found.\nCurrent action: %s',smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).name)
% Read in the sequencer code, which allows to check
% whether the next action should be triggered or
% whether it should wait.
% This is for the sequencer to know whether the time for
% triggering the action has come.
timeLapseOsq = fileread([osqPath 'timeLapse.osq']);
% In cases where one action (eg opening a valve) is called
% multiple times within a trial, we have to know which
% of the several times of action calling we're in now:
currentActionCallsInTrial = find(sequenceIndexOfActions==i);
if length(currentActionCallsInTrial)>1
currentActionValueIndex = find(currentActionCallsInTrial == loopIteration);
currentActionValueIndex = 1;
% First change the timing of the when it lapses:
if ismember(i,olfactometerSettingsActions)
replaceString = 'MYVAL';
waitTime = num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).value(currentActionValueIndex)*timeFactor); % values in smell are in s (eg LASOM expects ms)
timeLapseOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(timeLapseOsq,replaceString, waitTime);
clear waitTime
elseif ismember(i,ioActions)
index = i - max(olfactometerSettingsActions);
replaceString = 'MYVAL';
waitTime = num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).io(index).time(currentActionValueIndex)*timeFactor); % values in smell are in s (eg LASOM expects ms)
timeLapseOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(timeLapseOsq,replaceString, waitTime);
clear waitTime
% Now change the label to jump to, when it lapses out:
replaceString = '@lapsedOut';
replacementString = [replaceString num2str(actionNumber)];
timeLapseOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(timeLapseOsq,replaceString,replacementString);
% Add the label marking where to continue, once the
% timer lapses out:
label = ['label, ' replacementString];
currentActionOsq = sprintf([timeLapseOsq '\n' label '\n' currentActionOsq]);
clear replaceString replacementString timeLapseOsq
% % Add the command to send a timestamp:
% sendTimestampOsq = fileread([osqPath 'sendTimestamp.osq']);
% replacementString = num2str(smell.trial(trialNum).olfactometerInstructions(i).timeStampID);
% sendTimestampOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(sendTimestampOsq,'MYTIMESTAMP',replacementString);
% % Add the command to send a timestamp to the
% % currentActionOsq:
% currentActionOsq = [currentActionOsq sendTimestampOsq];
% Append currentActionOsq to actionOsq
actionOsq = [actionOsq currentActionOsq];
clear loopIteration currentActionOsq actionNumber ...
timeLapseOsq sendTimestampOsq sortedTimesOfAction sequenceIndexOfActions
% Add the sequence of actions (actionOsq) for the current trial into
% the osq file for the current trial (trialOsq):
replaceString = 'eof';
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString, actionOsq);
%% Place some necessary actions at the beginning of the file.
currentActionOsq = fileread([osqPath 'initiation.osq']);
replaceString = 'bof';
trialOsq = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(trialOsq,replaceString, currentActionOsq,'last');
elseif smell.trial(trialNum).mixture == 1
error(': Creating Osq files for mixtures is not yet programmed.')
error('No information whether the odor is drawn from multiple vials or of one vial.')
%% Save trialOsq file:
fid = fopen([osqPath 'trial.osq'],'w');
clear fid;
%% Utility functions
function updatedOsqFile = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(osqFile,replaceString,replacementString,instruction)
% updatedOsqFile = replacePlaceHolderInOsq(osqFile, replaceString, replacementString,instruction)
% This function replaces the string defined by replaceString with the
% string defined in replacementString in the osq file and oututs the
% updated osq file. The firest 3 arguments are necessary.
% The last argument instruction can be one of the following:
% - 'one' : THis is the default if nothing is specified. This means there
% should not be more than one instance of the replaceString found
% in the osqFile. If there are more than one an error will be
% thrown.
% - 'last' : If there is more than one instance of the replaceString in the
% osq file, this argument will result in replacing the last of
% the replaceString instances to be replaced by replacementString.
if nargin < 3
error('Not enough input arguments. Type >> help replacePlaceHolderInOsq to get information. ')
if nargin < 4
instruction = 'one';
%% Fint the replaceString in osqFile and replace it
% Find all instances of replaceString in osqFile:
replaceLocation = strfind(osqFile,replaceString);
% If no instance of replaceString can be found throw an error:
if isempty(replaceLocation)
error([replaceString ' not found in osq file. No updating possible.'])
% Only one instance should be found:
if strmatch(instruction,'one')
if length(replaceLocation) > 1
error('Too many instances of a string to replace.')
updatedOsqFile = sprintf([osqFile(1:replaceLocation-1) '%s' osqFile(replaceLocation+length(replaceString):end)], replacementString);
% This will only replace the last instance of replaceString in osqFile:
elseif strmatch(instruction,'last')
updatedOsqFile = sprintf([osqFile(1:replaceLocation(end)-1) '%s' osqFile(replaceLocation(end)+length(replaceString):end)], replacementString);
% If all instances of replaceString in osqFile should be replaced:
elseif strmatch(instruction,'all')
numberOfLoops = length(replaceLocation);
for i = 1 : numberOfLoops
replaceLocation = strfind(osqFile,replaceString);
osqFile = sprintf([osqFile(1:replaceLocation(1)-1) '%s' osqFile(replaceLocation(1)+length(replaceString):end)], replacementString);
updatedOsqFile = osqFile;