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function setUpMainGui(position)
% setUpMainGui(position) creates the main figure for the GUI using the
% optional argument position. If no position argument is given, a default
% of [360,500,800,360] is assumed.
% The handle structure h is set up and written as appdata 'h' to the figure.
% lorenzpammer 2012/08
if nargin < 1
position = [360,500,800,360];
%% Set up gui
% Give the gui the tag olfStimGui, which can be used in other functions to
% search for the handle of this figure:
h.guiHandle = figure('Visible','on','Position',position,'NumberTitle','off','MenuBar','none',...
'Name','OlfStim', 'Tag', 'olfStimGui','CloseRequestFcn',@myCloseFcn);
% Save the handle for the gui as application data in the gui. In order to
% be able to access the latest handles in subfunctions etc.
setappdata(h.guiHandle, 'h', h);
function myCloseFcn(~,~)
% User-defined close request function to display a question dialog box
selection = questdlg('Are you sure you want to terminate olfStim without saving?',...
'Close Request Function',...
switch selection,
case 'Yes',
case 'No'