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function [imgPtr] = imageIOPtr( file, varargin )
%IMAGEIOPTR Function for setting up an image reader object using imageIO
% library based on the file extension. All formats supported by imageIO
% should be included. The image reader object, can be used later to read
% other data without requiring to parse again the file to extract all
% the metadata information.
% file: [mandatory] the input image to be read or a folder containing a collection of
% tiff images
% filePattern: used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Specifies the pattern used to number the images. It uses the same
% formatting rules used by Matlab and C 'sprintf' function. For example,
% if the folder contains files like 'img_001.tif', 'img_002.tif' and so on,
% the file pattern will be 'img_%03d.tif'. A more complicated
% pattern could be 'img_UII%02dX%02d_%02d_xyz-Table_%04d.ome.tif',
% where there are four number representing the X/Y tile position,
% the channel and the Z value. If no pattern is specified, it is
% assumed that the images represent a Z stack whose order is
% determined by alphabetical sorting of the filenames
% dimOrder: [optional] used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Represents the order of the dimensions presented in the file
% pattern. Each dimension is represented by a single character, uppercase.
% Valid values could be 'Z', 'XYCZ', 'T'. If not specified,
% the value depends on the number of format tags in the file
% pattern: if 0 or 1 format tags specified, it will be 'Z', if 2
% format tags specified, it will be 'XY', if 3 tags specified, it
% will be 'XYC', if four tags specified, it will be 'XYCZ'. With
% five tags, it will be 'XYCZT'
% overlap: [optional] used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Expected overlap (in percentage) between the tiles. If 'file' is not
% a directory, the value is inferred by the metadata contained in the
% file and, in that case, any user provided value would be overridden.
% If not specified, assumes 0
% imgPtr: imageIO instance (actually instance of a subclass of imageIO)
% that can be used to extract other data or access the image properties
% and metadata
% imageIORead, imageIO, imageIO.imageIO, imageIO.TiffReader, imageIO.BioReader,
% imageIO.CZIReader, imageIO.TiffDirReader
%check input
p = inputParser();
p.KeepUnmatched = true;
p.addRequired('file', @(x) ischar(x) && exist(x, 'file'));
p.addParameter('filePattern', '', @ischar);
p.addParameter('dimOrder', 'Z', @(x) ischar(x) && length(x) <= 6);
p.addParameter('overlap', 0, @(x) isscalar(x) && isnumeric(x) && x>= 0 && x < 100);
p.addParameter('force', false, @(x) isscalar(x) && islogical(x));
p.parse(file, varargin{:})
filePattern = p.Results.filePattern;
forceBioReader = p.Results.force;
dimensionOrder = p.Results.dimOrder;
overlap = p.Results.overlap;
% check if is directory or file, and in case the file extension
disp('imageIOPtr: Forcing reading using BioReader');
imgPtr = imageIO.BioReader(file);
if isdir(file)
imgPtr = imageIO.TiffDirReader(file, filePattern, dimensionOrder, overlap);
else %ok, which type of file?
[~, ~, ext] = fileparts(file);
switch ext
case '.czi'
imgPtr = imageIO.CZIReader(file);
case {'.tif', '.tiff'}
imgPtr = imageIO.TiffReader(file);
case '.exr'
error('imageIOPtr: Reading of exr files currently not supported')
case '.nd2'
imgPtr = imageIO.ND2Reader(file);
case '.sif'
if strcmpi(computer(), 'MACI')
error('imageIOPtr: Reading of sif files currently supported only on windows')
imgPtr = imageIO.SifReader(file);
case '.lsm'
imgPtr = imageIO.LSMReader(file);
otherwise %assume it could be opened using the BioFormatReader
imgPtr = imageIO.BioReader(file);