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function [data, metadata, originalMetadata] = imageIORead( file, varargin )
%IMAGEIOREAD Main function for reading image data using imageIO library
% imageIORead provides a single interface for reading image data using
% any of the classes specified in the +imageIO package. The easiest way
% to use the function is to pass a filename as argument: the function
% will return the whole content of the image. Several arguments can be
% passed to restrict the amount of data returned by the function or, in
% case the user passed a folder as input, to specify the file pattern of
% the images to be read in the folder. When the user specifies a second
% output argument the function returns also the image reader object,
% which can be used later to read other data without requiring to parse
% again the file to extract all the metadata information
% file: [mandatory] the input image to be read or a folder containing a collection of
% tiff images. The file can also be passed with wildcards (currently
% only * and ?). In case of multiple matches, a warning will be issued,
% and only the first match will be considered.
% filePattern: used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Specifies the pattern used to number the images. It uses the same
% formatting rules used by Matlab and C 'sprintf' function. For example,
% if the folder contains files like 'img_001.tif', 'img_002.tif' and so on,
% the file pattern will be 'img_%03d.tif'. A more complicated
% pattern could be 'img_UII%02dX%02d_%02d_xyz-Table_%04d.ome.tif',
% where there are four number representing the X/Y tile position,
% the channel and the Z value. If no pattern is specified, it is
% assumed that the images represent a Z stack whose order is
% determined by alphabetical sorting of the filenames
% dimOrder: used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Represents the order of the dimensions presented in the file
% pattern. Each dimension is represented by a single character, uppercase.
% Valid values could be 'Z', 'XYCZ', 'T'. If not specified,
% the value depends on the number of format tags in the file
% pattern: if 0 or 1 format tags specified, it will be 'Z', if 2
% format tags specified, it will be 'XY', if 3 tags specified, it
% will be 'XYC', if four tags specified, it will be 'XYCZ'. With
% five tags, it will be 'XYCZT'
% overlap: used only when 'file' is a directory.
% Expected overlap (in percentage) between the tiles. If 'file' is not
% a directory, the value is inferred by the metadata contained in the
% file and, in that case, any user provided value would be overridden.
% If not specified, assumes 0
% tileSeparate: Used only for LSM or CZI files.
% boolean, option valid only for multitile datasets. If
% set to true, the function will not merge all the tiles in a single
% plane together, but rather will leave them separate. That means that
% one or 2 more dimensions are added to the data, containing the indices
% of the tile rows and columns. Default is false
% closeFile: Specify if the file should be closed after reading the data.
% The default is true, should be set to false if the user wants to
% perform multiple reads on the same imageIOPtr.
% verbose: If set to true, add some logging information. Default is false
% The following name value parameters are used to extract only part of
% the data. The user can specify subset
% of the images by specifying the dimension and the interval of interest
% as a Name-Value pair. If no arguments are given, all the data is
% extracted. For the Cols and Rows argument, the interval is intented
% per-tile. For example, if the user wants to keep only the top left tile,
% he won't specify any subset for 'Rows' and 'Cols' (that is, take them all),
% but will specify the subset 'TileRow' = 1 and 'TileCol' = 1. On the other
% hand, if the user wants to extract from a 800*600 image a version which
% is subsampled by a factor 2 he will specify Rows = 1:2:600
% and Cols = 1:2:800, and no subset for the tiles (i.e. use
% all tiles).
% 'Cols': Specify which columns to extract
% 'Rows': Specify which rows to extract
% 'Channels': Specify which channels to extract
% 'Planes': Specify which planes to extract
% 'Time': Specify which timeseries to extract
% 'Series': Specify which series to extract (for example, in LSM and CZI files
% 'TileRows': Specify which row tiles to read.
% 'TileCols': Specify which col tiles to read.
% data: image data, up to 5 dimension (in this order: XYCZT). If only one
% channel is extracted (or the input is single channel), the singleton
% dimension relative to channel is squeezed.
% metadata: structure containing all the metadata extracted from the file
% originalMetadata: When available, an object containing all the
% metadata extracted from the file
% Reading all the content from single files:
% tiffData = imageIORead('myTiff.tif');
% cziData = imageIORead('aCZIFile.czi');
% Reading a Z stack from a folder
% tiffStack = imageIORead('folderWithImages'); % no need to specify pattern
% tiffStack = imageIORead('folderWithImages', 'Planes', 100:150); % subset
% Reading complex datasets from a folder
% multiChTiffStack = imageIORead('folder', 'filePattern', 'filePattern_Ch_%d_Z_%04d.tif', ...
% 'dimOrder', 'CZ');
% Reading a subset from complex datasets from a folder
% multiChTiffStack = imageIORead('folder', 'filePattern', 'filePattern_Pos_%02dx%02d_Ch_%d_Z_%04d.tif', ...
% 'dimOrder', 'YXCZ', 'Channels', 2, 'TileRows', 1:2, 'TileCols', 1:3);
% Read from file of size 4000x3000, subset of a factor 4, only first and third channel
% bioReaderData = imageIORead('sample.lsm', 'Channels', [1 3], 'Cols', ...
% 1:4:4000, 'Rows', 1:4:3000);
% DATE: 02.12.2016
% imageIO, imageIO.imageIO, imageIO.TiffReader, imageIO.BioReader,
% imageIO.CZIReader, imageIO.TiffDirReader, imageIO.LSMReader,
% imageIO.ND2Reader, imageIOPtr, imageIO.ExrReader, imageIO.SifReader
% check for wildcards in the image
if any(file == '*') || any(file == '?')
[inputDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(file);
listFiles = dir(file);
switch length(listFiles)
case 0
error('imageIORead: No files found matching the specified pattern')
case 1
% Do nothing
warning('imageIORead: Multiple files found matching the specified pattern, picking:')
if isempty(inputDir)
file = listFiles(1).name;
file = [inputDir filesep() listFiles(1).name];
% parse the input parameters using imageIOPtr
imgPtr = imageIOPtr(file, varargin{:});
% now complete the parse of the input. Throw an error if the users tries to
% extract data which is outside the range specified by the img dimensions
p = inputParser();
p.KeepUnmatched = true;
p.addParameter('closeFile', true, @(x) isscalar(x) && islogical(x));
p.addParameter('Cols', 1:imgPtr.pixPerTileCol, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.pixPerTileCol);
p.addParameter('Rows', 1:imgPtr.pixPerTileRow, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.pixPerTileRow);
p.addParameter('Channels', 1:imgPtr.channels, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.channels);
p.addParameter('Planes', 1:imgPtr.stacks, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.stacks);
p.addParameter('Time', 1:imgPtr.time, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.time);
p.addParameter('Series', 1:imgPtr.series, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.series);
p.addParameter('TileCols', 1:imgPtr.numTilesCol, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.numTilesCol);
p.addParameter('TileRows', 1:imgPtr.numTilesRow, @(x) isvector(x) && all(x > 0) && max(x) <= imgPtr.numTilesRow);
p.addParameter('tileSeparate', false, @(x) isscalar(x) && islogical(x));
p.addParameter('verbose', false, @(x) isscalar(x) && islogical(x));
closeFile = p.Results.closeFile;
rows = p.Results.Rows;
cols = p.Results.Cols;
channels = p.Results.Channels;
planes = p.Results.Planes;
timeseries = p.Results.Time;
tileCols = p.Results.TileCols;
tileRows = p.Results.TileRows;
tileSeparate = p.Results.tileSeparate;
verbose = p.Results.verbose;
% finally, read the required data
data ='X', cols, 'Y', rows, 'C', channels, 'Z', planes, ...
'T', timeseries, 'TileCols', tileCols, 'TileRows', tileRows, 'tileSeparate', tileSeparate);
% return also the metadata, is requested
if nargout > 1
warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject');
metadata = imgPtr.packMetadata();
if nargout > 2
originalMetadata = imgPtr.originalMetadata;
if closeFile
if verbose
disp('imageIORead: You are closing the image reader. If you intend to perform multiple read operations')
disp('please re-run imageIORead and set the parameter ''closeFile'' to false')