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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Dec 7 17:11:57 2017
@author: mints
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d
from sage_selection import binary_split_nd as bnd
from sage_selection import tools
from sage_selection import constants as c
fun_selection = tools.selection2d_flat
def wilson(fg, bg, z=1):
p_hat = fg / bg
est = (p_hat + z * z * 0.5 / bg) / (1 + z * z / bg)
est[est > 1] = 1.
uncert = z * np.sqrt((p_hat * (1 - p_hat) / bg) +
(z / (2 * bg)) ** 2) / (1 + z * z / bg)
return est, uncert
def agresti(fg, bg, z=1):
n = bg + z**2
p = (fg + 0.5*z**2) / n
if np.any(p >= 1):
u = np.empty_like(p)
u = z * np.sqrt(fg) / n
u[p < 1] = z * np.sqrt(p[p < 1] * (1 - p[p < 1]) / n[p < 1])
u = z * np.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n)
return p, u
def get_estimate_and_error(fg, bg):
return agresti(fg, bg)
def get_direct_2d(hbg, r_fg):
hfg = binned_statistic_2d(r_fg[0], r_fg[1], values=None,
bins=tools.bins, statistic='count',
fg_values = np.zeros_like(r_fg[0])
bg_values = np.zeros_like(r_fg[0])
for ipoint, icoord in enumerate(zip(*hfg.binnumber)):
ix, iy = icoord
bg_values[ipoint] = hbg[ix - 1, iy - 1]
fg_values[ipoint] = hfg.statistic[ix - 1, iy - 1]
estimate, error_estimate = get_estimate_and_error(fg_values, bg_values)
error_estimate[np.isnan(error_estimate)] = 1.
return estimate, error_estimate
def get_smooth_2d(hbg, r_fg):
hfg = np.histogram2d(r_fg[0], r_fg[1], bins=tools.bins)[0].T.flatten()
pos = np.meshgrid(c.JMAG_GRID, c.JK_GRID)
pos = np.array([pos[0].flatten(), pos[1].flatten()]).T
mask = (hfg > 0).flatten()
r_fg_points = np.array(r_fg).T
est, error_est = get_estimate_and_error(hfg, hbg.T.flatten())
estimate = tools.interp_log_2d(pos[mask], est[mask], r_fg_points,
bbox=[tools.bins[0][0], tools.bins[0][-1],
tools.bins[1][0], tools.bins[1][-1]],
kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
error_estimate = tools.interp_log_2d(
pos[mask], error_est[mask],
bbox=[tools.bins[0][0], tools.bins[0][-1],
tools.bins[1][0], tools.bins[1][-1]],
kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
return estimate, error_estimate
def get_median_2d(hbg, r_fg, occupation=25, shrink=False,
add_bg_variance=False, interpolation='post',
r_fg = np.array(r_fg).T
indices = np.arange(len(r_fg))
r_fg = np.hstack((r_fg, indices[:, np.newaxis]))
bin_indices = np.empty_like(indices, dtype=int)
pos = []
fg_value = []
bg_value = []
fg_variance = []
bg_variance = []
es_variance = []
bbox = bnd.get_bounding_box_grid(r_fg, *tools.bins)
hfg = np.histogram2d(r_fg[:, 0], r_fg[:, 1],
bins=(tools.bins[0]-1e-5, tools.bins[1] - 1e-5))[0]
full_mask = np.zeros_like(hbg, dtype=bool)
for p in bnd.binary_split_2d_grid(r_fg, *tools.bins,
if np.any(p[0] == bbox) and shrink:
if p[0][0] == bbox[0]:
p[0][0] = np.searchsorted(tools.bins[0], p[1][:, 0].min()) - 1
if p[0][1] == bbox[1]:
p[0][1] = np.searchsorted(tools.bins[1], p[1][:, 1].min()) - 1
if p[0][2] == bbox[2]:
p[0][2] = np.searchsorted(tools.bins[0], p[1][:, 0].max())
if p[0][3] == bbox[3]:
p[0][3] = np.searchsorted(tools.bins[1], p[1][:, 1].max())
bg_bins = hbg[p[0][0]:p[0][2], p[0][1]:p[0][3]]
fg_bins = hfg[p[0][0]:p[0][2], p[0][1]:p[0][3]]
full_mask[p[0][0]:p[0][2], p[0][1]:p[0][3]] = True
count_bg = np.sum(bg_bins)
mask_fg = np.logical_and(
np.logical_and(r_fg[:, 0] >= tools.bins[0][p[0][0]],
r_fg[:, 0] < tools.bins[0][p[0][2]]),
np.logical_and(r_fg[:, 1] >= tools.bins[1][p[0][1]],
r_fg[:, 1] < tools.bins[1][p[0][3]]))
count_fg = np.sum(fg_bins) #np.sum(mask_fg)
bin_indices[np.asarray(p[1][:, 2], dtype=int)] = len(fg_value)
pos.append(np.mean(r_fg[mask_fg][:, :2], axis=0))
bg_variance.append(np.var(bg_bins) / np.sum(bg_bins) ** 2)
fg_variance.append(np.var(fg_bins) / np.sum(fg_bins) ** 2)
if np.any(np.isnan(fg_variance)):
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
with tools.SuppressRuntime(all='ignore'):
es_variance.append(np.nanvar(fg_bins / bg_bins))
fg_value = np.array(fg_value)
bg_value = np.array(bg_value)
bg_variance = np.array(bg_variance)
fg_variance = np.array(fg_variance)
es_variance = np.array(es_variance)
pos = np.array(pos)
arg = np.argsort(pos[:, 0])
fg_value = fg_value[arg]
bg_value = bg_value[arg]
fg_variance = fg_variance[arg]
bg_variance = bg_variance[arg]
pos = pos[arg]
bbox = [tools.bins[0][0], tools.bins[0][-1],
tools.bins[1][0], tools.bins[1][-1]]
if interpolation == 'post':
est, error_est = get_estimate_and_error(fg_value, bg_value)
#print(pos, est, error_est, fg_value, bg_value)
#if np.any(est > 1):
# print(pos[est > 1], fg_value[est > 1], bg_value[est > 1])
if add_bg_variance:
error_est += est * np.sqrt((bg_variance + fg_variance))
estimate = tools.interp_log_2d(pos, est, r_fg[:, :2],
bbox=bbox, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
error_estimate = tools.interp_log_2d(
pos, error_est, r_fg[:, :2],
bbox=bbox, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
elif interpolation == 'pre':
bg_value = tools.interp_log_2d(pos, bg_value, r_fg[:, :2],
bbox=bbox, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
fg_value = tools.interp_log_2d(pos, fg_value, r_fg[:, :2],
bbox=bbox, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
estimate, error_estimate = get_estimate_and_error(fg_value, bg_value)
if add_bg_variance:
error_estimate += estimate * np.sqrt(
bg_variance[bin_indices] / bg_value**2 +
fg_variance[bin_indices] / fg_value**2)
elif interpolation == 'none':
fg_value = fg_value[bin_indices]
bg_value = bg_value[bin_indices]
estimate, error_estimate = get_estimate_and_error(fg_value, bg_value)
if add_bg_variance:
error_estimate += estimate * np.sqrt(
bg_variance[bin_indices] / bg_value**2 +
fg_variance[bin_indices] / fg_value**2)
raise ValueError('interpolation=%s is not implemented' % interpolation)
if return_mask:
return estimate, error_estimate, full_mask
return estimate, error_estimate