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import argparse
import os # for file walks
import sys # for error handling
import subprocess # to call grep utility
import functools # to bind an argument to function (neccessarry for collect_callback to get a valid filename)
import hashlib # to compute the md5sum for the given ID
import magic # to determine files type not be extension but by their content. mimetype won't work, cannot recognize DICOM files
import pydicom # to process dicom images
from pathlib import Path
# global variables
PNs_occured = {} # see print_report for format
G_occured = {}
F_occured = {}
def md5sum_id():
return str(hashlib.md5('utf-8')).hexdigest())
def add_entry( category, value, filename, report ):
if category in report:
if value in report[category]:
report[category][value].add( filename )
report[category][value] = set([filename])
report[category] = { value : set([filename]) }
if args.verbose:
print(f'{filename}-{category}: {value}')
def collect_callback(fname, dataset, data_element):
if data_element.VR:
if data_element.VR == "PN" and data_element.value: # DICOM specifies all ValueRepresentations with a code, and all with code PN are carrying PersonalNames
SENSITIVE_DATA |= set([str(data_element.value)])
add_entry(str(data_element.description()), str(data_element.value), fname, PNs_occured )
for pattern in args.grep_patterns:
if pattern.lower() in str(data_element.value).lower():
add_entry(str(data_element.description()), str(data_element.value), fname, PNs_occured )
def remove_person_names_callback(dataset, data_element):
'''cycles through all data elements within a DICOM file and in case of a PN (PersonalName), it may
* stores the value of that certain PN into PNs_occured, along with the filename
* modifys the value of a non empty PN according to the given watermark
if data_element.VR == "PN" and data_element.value: # DICOM specifies all ValueRepresentations with a code, and all with code PN are carrying PersonalNames
data_element.value = md5sum_id()
# TODO check also if sensitive data needs to be replaced, e.g. data in SENSITIVE_DATA
def print_report( report, dir ):
Prints a report of found PNs with their actual occured values and list of files where found.
:param dict report: dictionary of occured PNs and their values with file lists, in the following format:: text
PNs_occured = {
'Operators Name' : { 'Foo Bar' : [file_a, file_b, ...],
'Bar Foo' : [file_c, file_d],
'Pyhsicians Name' : { ... },
:param path dir: current directory used to strip this path from filepaths, so all file names are relative to that directory
for dicom_tag,values in report.items():
if len(values) == 1 and not next(iter(values)): # skip those PNs only containing '' values
for person,fileset in values.items():
if person:
if args.verbose:
prefix = repr(person)
MAX_LEN = 50
v = (str(person)[:MAX_LEN] + '..' ) if len(str(person)) > MAX_LEN else str(person)
prefix = repr(v)
prefix += ' => ['
if args.verbose:
print('\t' + prefix + (',\n\t' + (' ' * len(prefix))).join([os.path.relpath(f, dir) for f in fileset]) + ']')
print('\t' + prefix + f'{os.path.relpath(next(iter(fileset)), dir)}, ...] #{len(fileset)}')
def for_each_file( dir, apply ):
'''travers all files within a directory including subdirectories
:param path dir: Directory to start from
:param func apply: function to apply a certain action, requires path and filetype
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir):
for f in files:
apply( os.path.join(root,f), magic.from_file(os.path.join(root,f)) ) # ATTENTION DICOMDIR and DICOM images are both recognized as DICOM files
def remove_sensitive_from_dicom( fname, ftype ):
if "DICOM medical imaging data" in ftype and 'DICOMDIR' not in fname:
dataset = pydicom.dcmread(fname)
def collect_sensitive_from_dicom(fname, ftype):
if "DICOM medical imaging data" in ftype and 'DICOMDIR' not in fname:
dataset = pydicom.dcmread(fname)
# When there is no dataset attached to the dicom file, dataset.filename might not exits,
# hence we bind the filename as a first parameter to collect_callback
dataset.walk(functools.partial(collect_callback, dataset.filename))
def grep_file(pattern, file):
return not['grep', '-i', pattern, file], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def read_sensitive():
sensitive = set()
filename = Path.home() / ('.dp.' + )
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
sensitive |= set(
except IOError:
print(f'Error open file: {args.read_sensitive}', file=sys.stderr)
return sensitive
def handle_other( fname, ftype ):
if 'DICOMDIR' in fname or \
'DICOM medical imaging data' in ftype:
elif 'compressed data' in ftype or 'archive data' in ftype:
print(f"Warning: skipping archive or compressed file: {fname}", file=sys.stderr)
for sdata in SENSITIVE_DATA:
if grep_file( sdata, fname):
add_entry('Grep-Results', sdata, fname, G_occured )
def wipe_sdata( fname, sdata ):
for token in sdata:
fname = fname.replace(token, '0' * len(token))
return fname
def handle_fnames(dir):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, topdown=False):
# Attention: Files first, because they reside in directories which might be renamed
for fname in files:
if any(token in fname for token in SENSITIVE_DATA):
if args.clean:
os.rename(os.path.join(root, fname),
os.path.join(root, wipe_sdata(fname, SENSITIVE_DATA)))
sdata = [token for token in fname for token in SENSITIVE_DATA][0]
add_entry('Filenames', sdata, os.path.join(root, fname), F_occured)
for subdir in dirs:
if any(token in subdir for token in SENSITIVE_DATA):
if args.clean:
os.rename(os.path.join(root, subdir),
os.path.join(root, wipe_sdata(subdir, SENSITIVE_DATA)))
sdata = [token for token in subdir for token in SENSITIVE_DATA][0]
add_entry('Filenames', sdata, os.path.join(root, subdir), F_occured)
def process_dir( dir ):
1. if there are archives, or compressed data files, extract them, and store them for recompression afterwards
ATTENTION: handle compression bombs, nested compression
2. cycle through dir (no compression should occur):
2.1 handle all DICOM files
2.2 handle all other files, by looking for DICOM colleced PNs
2.3 search sensitive data inside of filenames too
print('process: ' + os.path.abspath(dir))
if args.grep_patterns:
SENSITIVE_DATA |= set(args.grep_patterns)
if args.read_sensitive:
SENSITIVE_DATA |= read_sensitive()
if not args.read_sensitive or args.grep_patterns:
for_each_file( os.path.abspath(dir), collect_sensitive_from_dicom )
if not args.clean:
print_report( PNs_occured, dir )
if args.clean:
for_each_file( os.path.abspath(dir), remove_sensitive_from_dicom )
# 2.2 reprocess all non DICOM images, archives and compressed files are irgnored and warned
for_each_file( os.path.abspath(dir), handle_other )
# NOTE: here removal is non trivial, this needs to be done manually, depending on the filetype
print_report( G_occured, dir )
# 2.3 search for sensitive data in subdirectory names and filenames
print_report( F_occured, dir )
# if args.save_sensitive:
filename = Path.home() / ('.dp.' +
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
except IOError:
print(f'Error saving file: {args.save_sensitive}', file=sys.stderr)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('dir', help="directory or filename to process")
parser.add_argument('id', help="ID String which identifies a subject")
parser.add_argument('grep_patterns', nargs='*')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--clean', help="clean out all sensitive data (given or collected)", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Display full information: all matching files", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--read-sensitive', help="read sensitve data from the given path. Each line for a given entity.", action="store_true")
#parser.add_argument('-s', '--save-sensitive', help="save collected sensitive data to the given path", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
process_dir( args.dir )
# DICOM Fields representing a person names, according to DICOM Nema Standard: DICOM PS3.1 2018e
# (filter Dicom tags on their Value Representation)
# (0008,0090) PN Referring Physician's Name
# (0008,009C) PN Consulting Physician's Name
# (0008,1050) PN Performing Physician's Name
# (0008,1060) PN Name of Physician(s) Reading Study
# (0008,1070) PN Operators' Name
# (0010,0010) PN Patient's Name
# (0010,1001) PN Other Patient Names
# (0010,1005) PN Patient's Birth Name
# (0010,1060) PN Patient's Mother's Birth Name
# (0014,0104) PN Secondary Reviewer Name
# (0014,2006) PN Evaluator Name
# (0040,0006) PN Scheduled Performing Physician's Name
# (0040,1010) PN Names of Intended Recipients of Results
# (0040,4037) PN Human Performer's Name
# (0040,A075) PN Verifying Observer Name
# (0040,A123) PN Person Name
# (0070,0084) PN Content Creator's Name
# (300E,0008) PN Reviewer Name
# DICOM Library anonymize these DICOM Tags:
# General:
# TAG Name Value
# 0002, 0012 Implementation Class UID modified
# 0002, 0013 Implementation Class UID "DICOMLIBRARY-100"
# 0002, 0016 Source Application Entity Title "DICOMLIBRARY"
# 0002, 0100 Private Information Creator UID empty
# 0002, 0102 Private Information empty
# UID Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 0002, 0003 Media Storage SOP Instance UID unique
# 0008, 0018 SOP Instance UID unique
# 0020, 000D Study Instance UID unique
# 0020, 000E Series Instance UID unique
# Patient Anonymization:
# TAG Name Value
# 0010, 0010 Patient's Name "Anonymized^^"
# 0010, 0020 Patient ID "0"
# 0010, 0021 Issuer of Patient ID empty
# 0010, 0022 Type of Patient ID empty
# 0010, 0030 Patient's Birth Date empty
# 0010, 0032 Patient's Birth Time empty
# 0010, 0050 Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence removed
# 0010, 0101 Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence removed
# 0010, 0102 Patient's Primary Language Code Modifier Sequence removed
# 0010, 1000 Other Patient IDs empty
# 0010, 1001 Other Patient Names empty
# 0010, 1002 Other Patient IDs Sequence removed
# 0010, 1005 Patient's Birth Name empty
# 0010, 1040 Patient's Address empty
# 0010, 1050 Insurance Plan Identification (RET) empty
# 0010, 1060 Patient's Mother's Birth Name empty
# 0010, 1080 Military Rank empty
# 0010, 1081 Branch of Service empty
# 0010, 1090 Medical Record Locator empty
# 0010, 2150 Country of Residence empty
# 0010, 2152 Region of Residence empty
# 0010, 2154 Patient's Telephone Numbers empty
# 0010, 2160 Ethnic Group empty
# 0010, 2180 Occupation empty
# 0010, 21b0 Additional Patient History empty
# 0010, 21c0 Pregnancy Status empty
# 0010, 21d0 Last Menstrual Date empty
# 0010, 21f0 Patient's Religious Preference removed
# 0010, 2202 Patient Species Code Sequence removed
# 0010, 2203 Patient's Sex Neutered empty
# 0010, 2293 Patient Breed Code Sequence removed
# 0010, 2294 Breed Registration Sequence removed
# 0010, 2295 Breed Registration Number empty
# 0010, 2296 Breed Registry Code Sequence removed
# 0010, 2297 Responsible Person empty
# 0010, 2298 Responsible Person Role empty
# 0010, 2299 Responsible Organization empty
# Visit Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 0008, 0080 Institution Name empty
# 0008, 0081 Institution Address empty
# 0008, 0082 Institution Code Sequence removed
# 0008, 0090 Referring Physician's Name empty
# 0008, 0092 Referring Physician's Address empty
# 0008, 0094 Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers empty
# 0008, 0096 Referring Physician Identification Sequence removed
# 0008, 0116 Responsible Organization empty
# 0008, 1048 Physician(s) of Record empty
# 0008, 1049 Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence removed
# 0008, 1050 Performing Physician's Name empty
# 0008, 1052 Performing Physician Identification Sequence removed
# 0008, 1060 Name of Physician(s) Reading Study empty
# 0008, 1062 Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence removed
# 0008, 1070 Operators' Name empty
# 0008, 1072 Operator Identification Sequence removed
# 0038, 0010 Admission ID empty
# 0038, 0011 Issuer of Admission ID empty
# 0038, 0016 Route of Admissions empty
# 0038, 001a Scheduled Admission Date (RET) empty
# 0038, 001b Scheduled Admission Time (RET) empty
# 0038, 001c Scheduled Discharge Date (RET) empty
# 0038, 001d Scheduled Discharge Time (RET) empty
# 0038, 001e Scheduled Patient Institution Residence (RET) empty
# 0038, 0020 Admitting Date empty
# 0038, 0021 Admitting Time empty
# 0038, 0030 Discharge Date (RET) empty
# 0038, 0032 Discharge Time (RET) empty
# 0038, 0040 Discharge Diagnosis Description (RET) empty
# 0038, 0044 Discharge Diagnosis Code Sequence (RET) removed
# 0038, 0300 Current Patient Location empty
# 0038, 0400 Patient's Institution Residence empty
# 0038, 0500 Patient State empty
# Study Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 0020, 0010 Study ID "1"
# 0008, 0050 Accession Number empty
# 0032, 000a Study Status ID (RET) empty
# 0032, 000c Study Priority ID (RET) empty
# 0032, 0012 Study ID Issuer (RET) empty
# 0032, 0032 Study Verified Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 0033 Study Verified Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 0034 Study Read Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 0035 Study Read Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 1000 Scheduled Study Start Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 1001 Scheduled Study Start Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 1010 Scheduled Study Stop Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 1011 Scheduled Study Stop Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 1020 Scheduled Study Location (RET) empty
# 0032, 1021 Scheduled Study Location AE Title (RET) empty
# 0032, 1030 Reason for Study (RET) empty
# 0032, 1031 Requesting Physician Identification Sequence removed
# 0032, 1032 Requesting Physician empty
# 0032, 1033 Requesting Service empty
# 0032, 1040 Study Arrival Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 1041 Study Arrival Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 1050 Study Completion Date (RET) empty
# 0032, 1051 Study Completion Time (RET) empty
# 0032, 1055 Study Component Status ID (RET) empty
# 0032, 1060 Requested Procedure Description empty
# 0032, 1064 Requested Procedure Code Sequence removed
# 0032, 1070 Requested Contrast Agent empty
# 0032, 4000 Study Comments empty
# 0040, 2008 Order Entered By empty
# 0040, 2009 Order Enterer's Location empty
# 0040, 2010 Order Callback Phone Number empty
# Procedure Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 0040, 0001 Scheduled Station AE Title empty
# 0040, 0006 Scheduled Performing Physician's Name empty
# 0040, 000b Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence removed
# 0040, 0010 Scheduled Station Name empty
# 0040, 0011 Scheduled Procedure Step Location empty
# 0040, 0012 Pre-Medication empty
# 0040, 0241 Performed Station AE Title empty
# 0040, 0242 Performed Station Name empty
# 0040, 0243 Performed Location empty
# 0040, 0296 Billing Item Sequence removed
# Results Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 4008, 0042 Results ID Issuer (RET) empty
# Interpretation Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 4008, 010c Interpretation Author (RET) empty
# 4008, 0114 Physician Approving Interpretation (RET) empty
# 4008, 0119 Distribution Name (RET) empty
# 4008, 011a Distribution Address (RET) empty
# 4008, 0202 Interpretation ID Issuer (RET) empty
# Equipment Anonymity:
# TAG Name Value
# 0008, 0070 Manufacturer empty
# 0008, 1010 Station Name empty
# 0008, 1040 Institutional Department Name empty
# 0008, 1090 Manufacturer's Model Name empty
# 0018, 1000 Device Serial Number empty
# 0018, 1016 Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer empty
# 0018, 1017 Hardcopy Device Manufacturer empty
# 0018, 1018 Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name empty
# 0018, 1019 Secondary Capture Device Software Version(s) empty
# 0018, 101a Hardcopy Device Software Version empty
# 0018, 101b Hardcopy Device Manufacturer's Model Name empty
# 0018, 1020 Software Version(s) empty
# 0018, 1200 Date of Last Calibration empty
# 0018, 1201 Time of Last Calibration empty
# 0018, 700c Date of Last Detector Calibration empty
# 0018, 700e Time of Last Detector Calibration empty
# 0018, 7010 Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration empty
# 0018, 7011 Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured empty