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% logfile extraction script for FOR/FOK cases of I.S.T.
% - only for cases without the flip/logfile extraction issue
% - also saves .tsv file
% - split time bug fixed IE 08/2017
% adapted from A. Kuehnel
% M. Czisch 25.1.2018
function IST_logfile_flipped_bids(BIDS)
subject_path = BIDS.input.dir;
log = dir([subject_path,'/LOG/*IST_final*.log']);
%clearvars -except m root subs tracksep1 tracksep2
string_logfile = cellfun(@num2str, logfile(:,4), 'UniformOutput', 0);
ende = find(strcmp(string_logfile, 'startpause'));
%Check if logfile is complete
ende_ind = find(strcmp(string_logfile, 'last_frame'));
if isempty(ende_ind); error('Logfile incomplete!');end
f = cell2table(logfile(6:ende(end)+2,1:8));
Var_Names = strrep(logfile(4,1:8),' ','');
f.Properties.VariableNames = Var_Names;
f.Code = string(f.Code);
% reduce table to relevant columns and remove "pulse" code
t1 = f(:,{'Code','Time'});
t1.Time = t1.Time/10000;
% Start of first pulse is zerotime -> substracted from all further events
%tmp = t1{t1.Code == "miniblock",2}(1);
tmp1 = t1{t1.Code == "10",2};
tmp = tmp1(1);
t1{:,2} = t1{:,2} - tmp;
pulses = t1{t1.Code == "10",2}; % for major separator action
t1 = t1(f.Code ~= "10",:); % now remove 'pulse' codes
% extract onsets: onst1 = calculus; onst2 = motor; onst3 = fb_correct; onst4 =
% fb_false; onst5 = fb_timeout
t11 = t1(t1.Code ~= "1" & t1.Code ~= "2" & t1.Code ~= "3",:);
tmp1 = find(t11.Code == "startpause") -1;
tmp2 = find(t11.Code == "verbf_long") -1;
tmp3 = [tmp1;tmp2];
tmp3 = sort(tmp3);
tmp = t11.Code == "fb_correct";
tmp(tmp3) = 0;
onst11 = t11{tmp,2} + 6000 ;
tmp = t11.Code == "fb_false";
tmp(tmp3) = 0;
onst12 = t11{tmp,2} + 6000;
tmp = t11.Code == "fb_timeout";
tmp(tmp3) = 0;
onst13 = t11{tmp,2} + 6000;
tmp = t11.Code == "miniblock";
tmp = t11{tmp,2} + 1666;
onst1 = [onst11; onst12; onst13; tmp];
onst1 = sort(onst1);
nr_calc = repmat({'calc'},length(onst1),1);
% Calculate drt1
for i = 1:numel(onst1)
drt1(i) = min(t1.Time(t1.Time > onst1(i))) - onst1(i);
% motor onsets are a bit tricky: because multiple buttons and variable
% ammount of hits and sometimes motoractivity soutside of calculus answer
% subission
onst2 = zeros(size(t1.Code,1),1);
tmp = find(strncmp(t1.Code, "fb_", 3)) + 1;
onst2(tmp) = 1;
rm1 = strncmp(t1.Code, "antic_", 6);
rm2 = t1.Code == "startpause";
rm3 = strncmp(f.Code, "verbf", 5);
rm4 = find(t1.Code == "startpause") - 1;
onst2(rm1) = 0;
onst2(rm2) = 0;
onst2(rm3) = 0;
onst2(rm4) = 0;
onst2 = t1{onst2,2};
tmp = t1{strncmp(t1.Code, "antic_", 6),2};
for i = 1:numel(onst2)
drt2(i) = min(tmp(tmp > onst2(i))) - onst2(i);
nr_motor = repmat({'Motor'},length(onst2),1);
% % motor onsets are a bit tricky: because multiple buttons and variable
% % amount of hits and sometimes motor activity outside the calculus answer
% % submission
% tmp = find(tmp == 1)+1; % what ever follows calculus presentation is a first motor event
% tmp1 = find(strncmp(t1.Code, "antic", 5)); % unless no motor response was given, then it is a "antic_" event
% ind = tmp ~= tmp1; % determine which events following a calculus event are not antic events
% tmp = tmp(ind); % and exclude all others
% onst2 = t1{tmp,2};
% antic and feedback events will be concatinated and treated as one
% for designfiles
onst3 = t1{t1.Code == 'antic_correct', 2};
onst4 = t1{t1.Code == 'antic_false', 2};
onst5 = t1{t1.Code == 'antic_timeout', 2};
a_correct = ones(length(onst3),1);
nr_antic_corr = repmat({'antic_correct'},length(onst3),1);
a_false = repmat(2,length(onst4),1);
nr_antic_false = repmat({'antic_false'},length(onst4),1);
a_timeout = repmat(3,length(onst5),1);
nr_antic_timeout = repmat({'antic_timeout'},length(onst5),1);
tmp = find(strncmp(t1.Code, "verbf", 5));
onst9 = t1.Time(tmp);
nr_vfb = repmat({'vb_feedback'},3,1);
%separate feedback events for .tsv
onst6 = t1{t1.Code == 'fb_correct', 2};
onst7 = t1{t1.Code == 'fb_false', 2};
onst8 = t1{t1.Code == 'fb_timeout', 2};
nr_fb_corr = repmat({'fb_correct'},length(onst6),1);
nr_fb_false = repmat({'fb_false'},length(onst7),1);
nr_fb_timeout = repmat({'fb_timeout'},length(onst8),1);
% extract durations
% calculus durations are defined as begin calculus until first motor response
tmp = strncmp(t1.Code, "calculus", 8);
drt1 = t1{find(tmp==1) +1,2} - t1{find(tmp==1),2};
% define drt2 as any 'antic_*' event - whatever followed the preceding calculus event
tmp1 = strncmp(t1.Code, "antic", 5);
drt2 = t1{find(tmp1==1),2} - t1{find(tmp==1) +1,2};
drt2 = drt2(ind); % use indicator of missing motorevents to remove 0 durations
% define drt3/4/5 as respective 'fb' event - preceeding 'antic' event
tmp2 = t1.Code == "antic_correct";
tmp3 = t1.Code == "fb_correct";
drt3 = t1{find(tmp3==1),2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2};
drt6 = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp3==1),2};
drt3_des = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2}; %concetaned antic+feedback for design
% drt3tst = t1{find(tmp3==1) +1,2} - t1{find(tmp3==1),2};
tmp2 = t1.Code == "antic_false";
tmp3 = t1.Code == "fb_false";
drt4 = t1{find(tmp3==1),2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2};
drt7 = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp3==1),2};
drt4_des = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2};
% drt4tst = t1{find(tmp3==1) +1,2} - t1{find(tmp3==1),2};
tmp2 = t1.Code == "antic_timeout";
tmp3 = t1.Code == "fb_timeout";
drt5 = t1{find(tmp3==1),2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2};
drt8 = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp3==1),2};
drt5_des = t1{find(tmp3==1)+1,2} - t1{find(tmp2==1),2};
% duration of verbal feedback is 10 or 15 seconds
tmp4 = strncmp(t1.Code, "verbf", 5);
drt9(1) = 100000; drt9(2) = 150000; drt9(3) = 150000;
% build tsv file inclusive feedback vector (1=correct 2=false 3=timeout)
[event_onsets,idx] = sort([onst1;onst2;onst3;onst4;onst5;onst6;onst7;onst8;onst9]);
event_durations = [drt1;drt2;drt3;drt4;drt5;drt6;drt7;drt8;drt9'];
events = [nr_calc;nr_motor;nr_antic_corr;nr_antic_false;nr_antic_timeout;nr_fb_corr;nr_fb_false;nr_fb_timeout;nr_vfb];
event_durations = event_durations(idx);
events = events(idx);
fb = [a_correct;a_false;a_timeout];
fb = fb(idx1);
feedback = nan(size(log_table,1),1);
RT = nan(size(log_table,1),1);
log_table = [log_table,table(RT,feedback)];
fid = fopen([subject_path,'/func/sub-',subject_path(end-6:end),'_task-ist_events.tsv'],'wt');
if fid>0
fprintf(fid, '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n',log_cell{1,:});
for k=2:size(log_cell,1)