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function [data, result]= readtext(text, delimiter, comment, quotes, options)
% Usage: [data, result]= readtext(source, delimiter, comment, quotes, options)
% Whatever text (file) you give it, readtext returns an array of the contents (or send me a
% bug report). Matlab can't read variable length lines or variable type values with the standard
% library. readtext can read any text file. Any string (or even regexp) can be delimiting,
% default is a comma. Everything after (and including) a comment character, until the line end,
% is ignored. Quote characters may also be given, everything between them is treated as one item.
% There are options to control what will be converted to numbers and how empty items are saved.
% If you find any errors, please let me know: peder at axensten dot se.
% source: the file to be read. May be a file path or just the file name.
% OR: The text itself, see 'textsource', below.
% delimiter: (default: ',') any non-empty string. May be a regexp, but this is slow on large files.
% comment: (default: '') zero or one character. Anything after (and including) this character,
% until the end of the line, will be ignored.
% quotes: (default: '') zero, one (opening quote equals closing), or two characters (opening
% and closing quote) to be treated as paired braces. Everything between the quotes will be
% treated as one item. The quotes will remain. Quotes may be nested.
% options: (default: '') may contain (concatenate combined options):
% - 'textsource': source contains the actual text to be processed, not the file name.
% - 'textual': no numeric conversion ('data' is a cell array of strings only),
% - 'numeric': everything is converted to a number or NaN ('data' is a numeric array, empty items
% are converted to NaNs unless 'empty2zero' is given),
% - 'empty2zero': an empty field is saved as zero, and
% - 'empty2NaN': an empty field is saved as NaN.
% - 'usewaitbar': call waitbar to report progress. If you find the wait bar annoying, get 'waitbar
% alternative' at
% data: A cell array containing the read text, divided into cells by delimiter and line
% endings. 'data' will be empty if the file is not found, could not be opened, or is empty.
% With the option 'numeric', 'data' will be a numeric array, with 'textual', 'data' will be a
% cell array of strings only, and otherwise it will be a mixed cell array. For Matlab < version 7,
% returned strings may contain leading white-space.
% result: a structure:
% .min: minimum number of columns found in a line.
% .max: number of columns in 'data', before removing empty columns.
% .rows: number of rows in 'data', before removing empty rows.
% .numberMask: true, if numeric conversion ('NaN' converted to NaN counts).
% .number: number of numeric conversions ('NaN' converted to NaN counts).
% .emptyMask: true, if empty item in file.
% .empty: number of empty items in file.
% .stringMask: true, if non-number and non-empty.
% .string: number of non-number, non-empty items.
% .quote: number of quotes.
% EXAMPLE 1: [a,b]= readtext('txtfile', '[,\t]', '#', '"', 'numeric-empty2zero')
% This will load the file 'txtfile' into variable a, treating any of tab or comma as
% delimiters. Everything from and including # to the next newline will be ignored.
% Everything between two double quotes will be treated as a string. Everything will
% be converted to numbers and a numeric array returned. Non-numeric items will become
% NaNs and empty items are converted to zero.
% EXAMPLE 2: a= readtext('The, actual, text, to, process', ',', '', '', 'textsource')
% This will process the actual text string, returning a cell string of the five words.
% COPYRIGHT (C) Peder Axensten (peder at axensten dot se), 2006-2007.
% INSPIRATION: loadcell.m (id 1965). The goal of readtext is to be at least as flexible (you be
% the judge) and quicker. On my test file (see below), readtext is about 3--4 times
% as quick, maybe even more on large files. In readtext you may use a regexp as
% delimiter and it can ignore comments in the text file.
% SPEED: Reading a 1MB file (150000 items!) with 'numeric' takes about 100 seconds on a
% fairly slow system. Time scales approximately linearly with input file size.
% - Conversion from string to numeric is slow (I can't do anything about this), but using the
% option 'textual' is a lot quicker (above case takes 12 seconds).
% - Using a regexp delimiter is slower (during initializing), it adds 250 seconds!
% Version 1.0, 2006-05-03.
% Version 1.1, 2006-05-07:
% - Made 'options' case independent.
% - Removed result.errmess -- now use error(errmess) instead.
% - Removed result.nan -- it was equivalent to result.string, so check this instead.
% - Added some rows', 'result' fields: 'numberMask', 'emptyMask', and 'stringMask'
% (see 'result:', above).
% - A few small bug fixes.
% Version 1.2, 2006-06-06:
% - Now works in Matlab 6.5.1 (R13SP1) (maybe 6.5 too), versions <6.5 will NOT work.
% Version 1.3, 2006-06-20:
% - Better error report when file open fails.
% - Somewhat quicker.
% - Recommends 'waitbar alternative'. Ok with Matlab orig. waitbar too, of course.
% Version 1.4, 2006-07-14:
% - Close waitbar instead of deleting it, and some other minor waitbar compatibility fixes.
% Version 1.5, 2006-08-13:
% - No more (La)TeX formatting of file names.
% - Prefixed waitbar messages with '(readtext)'.
% Version 1.6, 2006-10-02:
% - Better removal of comments. Could leave an empty first row before.
% - Added a 'usewaitbar' option.
% - Now removes empty last columns and rows.
% Version 1.7, 2006-01-04:
% - Quicker in 'mixed' and 'numeric' modes. It's still the numeric conversion that's slow.
% - Made newline handling more robust.
% - Made numeric conversion more robust (now ignores leading space chars).
% - Now emits an error if delimiter is empty.
% - Added some stuff to the help text.
% - Simplified code somewhat.
% Version 1.8, 2007-03-08:
% - Fixed a problem when the comment character was a regexp character, such as '*'.
% - Fixed a problem when reading files with no data.
% Version 1.9, 2007-03-26:
% - Can now handle a string directly, not just files. See 'textsource', in help readtext.
% - Improved compatibility with Matlab 6.x regarding waitbar calls.
% - Fixed a bug where readtext failed to recognize a quote if there was only one in the text.
% - Fixed a bug when processing source of delimiters only.
% - Help text: added an example, edited some in general.
% TO DO:
% - Add result.quoteMask.
% - Add 'removeemptycolumns' and 'removeemptyrows' options.
% - Use optional id/value pairs for options:
% * 'Delimiter', <string> (default is ',')
% * 'RegExpDelimiter', <regexp> (default is '')
% * 'CommentChar', <string> (default is '')
% * 'Quote', ''/<one char>/<two chars> (default is '')
% * 'Output', 'Mixed'/'Textual'/'Numeric' (default is 'Mixed')
% * 'EmptyNum', NaN/Inf/-Inf/<number> (default is NaN for 'mixed' and '' for 'textual')
% * 'WaitBar', 'off'/'on' (default is 'off')
% 'Delimiter' and 'RegExpDelimiter' are exclusive.
% KEYWORDS: import, read, load, text, delimited, cell, numeric, array, flexible
% REQUIREMENTS: Matlab 7.0.1 (R14SP1).
% Read (or set to default) the input arguments.
if((nargin < 1) || ~ischar(text)) % Is there a file name?
error('First argument must be the source!');
opts.delimiter= ','; % Default delimiter value.
opts.comment= ''; % Default comment value.
opts.quotes= ''; % Default quotes value.
opts.file= true; % Default is file name in source.
opts.format= 'mixed'; % Default format value.
opts.op_empty= []; % Ignore empties.
opts.fname= 'text';
if(nargin >= 2), opts.delimiter= delimiter; end
if(nargin >= 3), opts.comment= comment; end
if(nargin >= 4), opts.quotes= quotes; end
if(nargin >= 5), options= options;
else options= '';
if (~ischar(opts.delimiter) || isempty(opts.delimiter))
error('Argument ''delimiter'' must be a non-empty string.');
elseif(~ischar(opts.comment) || (length(opts.comment) > 1))
error('Argument ''comment'' must be a string of maximum one character.');
elseif(~ischar(opts.quotes) || (length(opts.quotes) > 2))
error('Argument ''quotes'' must be a string of maximum two characters.');
elseif(~ischar(options) )
error('Argument ''options'' must be a string.');
mywaitbar= @emptywaitbar; % Default is using no waitbar ...
th= []; % ... so empty waitbar handle.
options= lower(options);
if(~isempty(strfind(options, 'textsource'))), opts.file= false; end
if(~isempty(strfind(options, 'numeric'))), opts.format= 'numeric'; end
if(~isempty(strfind(options, 'textual'))), opts.format= 'textual'; end
if(~isempty(strfind(options, 'empty2zero'))), opts.op_empty= 0; % Replace by zero
elseif(strcmp(opts.format, 'numeric') || ~isempty(strfind(options, 'empty2nan')))
opts.op_empty= NaN; % Replace by NaN.
if(strcmp(opts.format, 'textual')), opts.op_empty= num2str(opts.op_empty); end % Textual 'empty'.
% Set the default return values.
result.min= Inf;
result.max= 0;
result.quote= 0;
% Read the file.
opts.fname= text;
[fid, errmess]= fopen(text, 'r'); % Open the file.
if(fid < 0), error(['Trying to open ''' opts.fname ''': ' errmess]); end
text= transpose(fread(fid, 'uchar=>char')); % Read the file.
fclose(fid); % Close the file.
if(~isempty(strfind(options, 'usewaitbar')))
mywaitbar= @waitbar;
th= mywaitbar(0, '(readtext) Initialising...');% Show waitbar.
set(findall(th, '-property', 'Interpreter'), 'Interpreter', 'none');% No (La)TeX formatting.
% Clean up the text.
eol= char(10); % Using unix-style eol.
text= strrep(text, [char(13) char(10)], eol); % Replace Windows-style eol.
text= strrep(text, char(13), eol); % Replace MacClassic-style eol.
if(~isempty(opts.comment)) % Remove comments.
text= regexprep(text, ['^\' opts.comment '[^' eol ']*' eol], ''); % Remove entire commented lines.
text= regexprep(text, [ '\' opts.comment '[^' eol ']*'], ''); % Remove commented line endings.
if(isempty(text) || text(end) ~= eol), text= [text eol]; end % End string with eol, if none.
% Find column and row dividers.
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, '\t', char( 9)); % Convert to one char, quicker?
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, '\n', char(10));
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, '\r', char(13));
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, '\f', char(12));
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, [char(13) char(10)], eol);% Replace Windows-style eol.
opts.delimiter= strrep(opts.delimiter, char(13), eol); % Replace MacClassic-style eol.
if(1 == length(opts.delimiter)) % Find column dividers quickly.
delimS= find((text == opts.delimiter) | (text == eol));
delimE= delimS;
elseif(isempty(regexp(opts.delimiter, '[\+\*\?\|\[\^\$<>\.\\]', 'once'))) % Find them rather quickly.
delimS= strfind(text, opts.delimiter);
eols= find(text == eol);
delimE= union(eols, delimS + length(opts.delimiter) - 1);
delimS= union(eols, delimS);
else % Find them with regexp.
[delimS, delimE]= regexp(text, [opts.delimiter '|' eol]);
divRow= [0, find(text == eol)]; % Find row dividers+last.
% Keep quoted text together.
if(~isempty(opts.quotes)) % Should we look for quotes?
if((length(opts.quotes) == 1) || (opts.quotes(1) == opts.quotes(2))) % Opening char == ending.
exclE= find(text == opts.quotes(1));
exclS= exclE(1:2:end);
exclE= exclE(2:2:end);
else % Opening char ~= closing.
exclS= find(text == opts.quotes(1));
exclE= find(text == opts.quotes(2));
if((length(exclS) ~= length(exclE)) || any(exclS > exclE))
close(th); % Close waitbar or it'll linger.
error('Opening and closing quotes don''t match in %s.', opts.fname);
elseif(~isempty(exclS)) % We do have quoted text.
mywaitbar(0, th, '(readtext) Doing quotes...'); % Inform user.
r= 1;
rEnd= length(exclS);
n= 1;
nEnd= length(delimS);
result.quote= rEnd;
exclS(end+1)= 0; % This and next lines are needed in cases with only one quote in text.
exclE(end+1)= 0;
while((n <= nEnd) && (r <= rEnd)) % "Remove" delimiters and newlines within quotes.
while((r <= rEnd) && (delimS(n) > exclE(r))), r= r+1; end % Next end-quote after newline.
while((n <= nEnd) && (delimS(n) < exclS(r))), n= n+1; end % Next newline after strart-quote.
while((n <= nEnd) && (delimS(n) >= exclS(r)) && (delimS(n) <= exclE(r)))
delimS(n)= 0; % Newlines inside quote.
n= n+1;
mywaitbar(n/nEnd); % Update waitbar.
delimE= delimE(delimS > 0);
delimS= delimS(delimS > 0);
delimS= delimS-1; % Last char before delimiter.
delimE= [1 delimE(1:end-1)+1]; % First char after delimiter.
% Do the stuff: convert text to cell (and maybe numeric) array.
mywaitbar(0, th, sprintf('(readtext) Processing ''%s''...', opts.fname));
r= 1;
c= 1; % Presize data to optimise speed.
data= cell(length(divRow), ceil(length(delimS)/(length(divRow)-1)));
nums= zeros(size(data)); % Presize nums to optimise speed.
nEnd= length(delimS); % Prepare for a waitbar.
istextual= strcmp(opts.format, 'textual');
for n=1:nEnd
temp= strtrim(text(delimE(n):delimS(n))); % Textual item.
data{r, c}= temp; % Textual item.
lenT= length(temp);
if(lenT > 0)
% Try to get 123, 123i, 123i + 45, or 123i - 45
[a, count, errmsg, nextindex]= sscanf(temp, '%f %1[ij] %1[+-] %f', 4);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenT))
if (count == 1), nums(r, c)= a;
elseif(count == 2), nums(r, c)= a(1)*i;
elseif(count == 4), nums(r, c)= a(1)*i + (44 - a(3))*a(4);
else nums(r, c)= NaN;
elseif(regexpi(temp, '[^0-9eij \.\+\-]', 'once')) % Remove non-numbers.
nums(r, c)= NaN;
nums(r, c)= s2n(temp, lenT); % Some other kind of complex number.
else nums(r, c)= NaN;
if(text(delimS(n)+1) == eol) % Next row.
result.min= min(result.min, c); % Find shortest row.
result.max= max(result.max, c); % Find longest row.
r= r+1;
c= 0;
if(bitand(r, 15) == 0), mywaitbar(n/nEnd); end % Update waitbar.
c= c+1;
% Clean up the conversion and do the result statistics.
mywaitbar(0, th, '(readtext) Cleaning up...'); % Inform user.
data= data(1:(r-1), 1:result.max); % In case we started off to big.
if(~strcmp(opts.format, 'textual')), nums= nums(1:(r-1), 1:result.max); end % In case we started off to big.
if(all(cellfun('isempty', data)))
data= {};
r= 1;
result.min= 0;
result.max= 0;
while((size(data, 2) > 1) && all(cellfun('isempty', data(end, :)))) % Remove empty last lines.
data= data(1:end-1, :);
nums= nums(1:end-1, :);
r= r-1;
while((size(data, 1) > 1) && all(cellfun('isempty', data(:, end)))) % Remove empty last columns.
data= data(:, 1:end-1);
nums= nums(:, 1:end-1);
c= c-1;
result.rows= r-1;
empties= cellfun('isempty', data); % Find empty items.
result.emptyMask= empties;
if(strcmp(opts.format, 'textual'))
result.numberMask= repmat(false, size(data)); % No numbers, all strings.
result.stringMask= ~empties; % No numbers, all strings.
data(empties)= {opts.op_empty}; % Set correct empty value.
if(isempty(data)), result.numberMask= [];
else result.numberMask= ~(isnan(nums) & ~strcmp(data, 'NaN')); % What converted well.
if(strcmp(opts.format, 'numeric'))
nums(empties)= opts.op_empty; % Set correct empty value.
data= nums; % Return the numeric array.
result.stringMask= ~(empties | result.numberMask); % Didn't convert well: so strs.
data(result.numberMask)= num2cell(nums(result.numberMask)); % Copy back numerics.
data(empties)= {opts.op_empty}; % Set correct empty value.
result.stringMask= cellfun('isclass', data, 'char'); % Well, the strings.
result.empty= sum(result.emptyMask(:)); % Count empties.
result.numberMask= result.numberMask & ~result.emptyMask; % Empties don't count.
result.number= sum(result.numberMask(:)); % Count numbers.
result.stringMask= result.stringMask & ~result.emptyMask; % Empties don't count.
result.string= sum(result.stringMask(:)); % Count strings.
close(th); % Removing the waitbar.
function x= s2n(s, lenS)
x= NaN;
% Try to get 123 + 23i or 123 - 23i
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%f %1[+-] %f %1[ij]',4);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 4), x= a(1) + (44 - a(2))*a(3)*i;
% Try to get i, i + 45, or i - 45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%1[ij] %1[+-] %f',3);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 1), x= i;
elseif(count == 3), x= i + (44 - a(2))*a(3);
% Try to get 123 + i or 123 - i
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%f %1[+-] %1[ij]',3);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 1), x= a(1);
elseif(count == 3), x= a(1) + (44 - a(2))*i;
% Try to get -i, -i + 45, or -i - 45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%1[+-] %1[ij] %1[+-] %f',4);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 2), x= (44 - a(1))*i;
elseif(count == 4), x= (44 - a(1))*i + (44 - a(3))*a(4);
% Try to get 123 + 23*i or 123 - 23*i
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%f %1[+-] %f %1[*] %1[ij]',5);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 5), x= a(1) + (44 - a(2))*a(3)*i;
% Try to get 123*i, 123*i + 45, or 123*i - 45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%f %1[*] %1[ij] %1[+-] %f',5);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 1), x= a;
elseif(count == 3), x= a(1)*i;
elseif(count == 5), x= a(1)*i + (44 - a(4))*a(5);
% Try to get i*123 + 45 or i*123 - 45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%1[ij] %1[*] %f %1[+-] %f',5);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 1), x= i;
elseif(count == 3), x= i*a(3);
elseif(count == 5), x= i*a(3) + (44 - a(4))*a(5);
% Try to get -i*123 + 45 or -i*123 - 45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%1[+-] %1[ij] %1[*] %f %1[+-] %f',6);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 2), x= (44 - a(1))*i;
elseif(count == 4), x= (44 - a(1))*i*a(4);
elseif(count == 6), x= (44 - a(1))*i*a(4) + (44 - a(5))*a(6);
% Try to get 123 + i*45 or 123 - i*45
[a,count,errmsg,nextindex] = sscanf(s,'%f %1[+-] %1[ij] %1[*] %f',5);
if(isempty(errmsg) && (nextindex > lenS))
if(count == 5), x= a(1) + (44 - a(2))*i*a(5);
% None of the above cases.
x= NaN;
function emptywaitbar(varargin)