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function hmri_log(varargin)
% FORMAT hmri_log(msg,flags)
% flags ComWin: messages logged to the Matlab Command Window;
% PopUp: messages appearing in a pop-up window, interrupting
% the processing until acknowledge by the user - useful
% for piloting data processing and checking every step;
% LogFile:
% Enabled: messages printed in a log file
% LogDir: directory where to save the log file
% (default: current directory (pwd))
% FileName: log file name (default: hMRI_LogFile.log)
% msg Message to be logged, typically created with sprintf for
% formatting. NOTE: the message must be interpreted already,
% i.e. must not include \n or \t, hence the recommendation to
% use sprintf for the input message!
% To be able to review and keep track of info, warnings and other messages
% coming up during processing of the data. The pop-up option is enabled by
% default and can be disabled via the Batch GUI. It is recommended to
% leave it enabled when piloting the data processing (single subject
% dataset) to read through and acknowledge every message and make sure
% everything is set up properly before running the processing on a whole
% group.
% Written by E. Balteau, 2018.
% Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liege, Belgium
msg = '';
flags = struct;
if nargin==0
error('Not enough input arguments');
if nargin>=1
msg = varargin{1};
if nargin==2
flags = varargin{2};
if ~isfield(flags,'ComWin')
flags.ComWin = true; % log into command window enabled by default
if ~isfield(flags,'PopUp')
flags.PopUp = false; % message displayed as pop-up window blocking code execution, not enabled by default
if ~isfield(flags,'LogFile')
flags.LogFile = struct('Enabled',true,'LogDir','','FileName',''); % log into file enabled by default
if ~isfield(flags.LogFile,'Enabled')
error('Flags not properly set to call hmri_log, check format');
% uninterpreted \t and \n must be converted before escaping the \ character
% msg = strrep(msg,'\t',sprintf('\t'));
% msg = strrep(msg,'\n',sprintf('\n'));
% NO: this might be problematic when printing a directory path with leading
% "t" and "n" in directory names :/... The interpretation must be done when
% calling hmri_log: always use "hmri_log(sprintf(...), flags)"...
% for fprintf, some special characters must be escaped:
fpfmsg = msg;
fpfmsg = strrep(fpfmsg,'\','\\');
fpfmsg = strrep(fpfmsg,'%','%%');
if flags.LogFile.Enabled
if ~isfield(flags.LogFile,'LogDir')
flags.LogFile.LogDir = '';
if ~isfield(flags.LogFile,'FileName')
flags.LogFile.FileName = '';
if isempty(flags.LogFile.LogDir)
flags.LogFile.LogDir = pwd;
if isempty(flags.LogFile.FileName)
flags.LogFile.FileName = 'hMRI_LogFile.log';
logfnam = fullfile(flags.LogFile.LogDir,flags.LogFile.FileName);
fid = fopen(logfnam,'a');
fprintf(fid,['\n' fpfmsg '\n' ]);
if flags.ComWin
fprintf(1,['\n' fpfmsg '\n' ]);
if flags.PopUp
% creade message window in modal mode (to restrict user interaction to
% that specific window):
h = msgbox(msg,'hMRI toolbox','modal');
ah = get( h, 'CurrentAxes' );
ch = get( ah, 'Children' );
% change font size and font name for readability
fs = 12;
fn = 'Courier';
set(ch, 'FontName', fn, 'FontSize', fs);
% readjust window size
textExtent = get(ch, 'Extent');
winPos = get(h,'Position');
textOffset = 7;
OKbuttonOffset = 20;
set(h, 'Position', [winPos(1) winPos(2) textExtent(3)+textOffset*2 textExtent(4)+textOffset*2+OKbuttonOffset]);
% use uiwait to block the code execution until msgbox acknowledged