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function create_mpm = tbx_scfg_hmri_create
% Configuration file for the "histological MRI" (hMRI) toolbox
% Previously named "Voxel-Based Quantification" (VBQ)
% -> Dealing with the creation of the maps
% Copyright (C) 2014 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
% Christophe Phillips
% To enable/disable pop-up messages for all warnings - recommended when
% piloting the data processing.
popup = cfg_menu;
popup.tag = 'popup'; = 'Pop-up warnings'; = {['The user can review and keep track of all the information ' ...
'collected, including warnings and other messages coming up during ' ...
'the creation of the maps. By default, the information is logged in ' ...
'the Matlab Command Window, in a log file saved in the "Results/Supplementary" ' ...
'directory, and when more critical, displayed as a pop-up message.'], ...
['The latter must be disabled for processing series of datasets (since it ' ...
'blocks the execution of the code) but it is strongly recommended to ' ...
'leave it enabled when piloting the data processing (single subject) ' ...
'to read through and acknowledge every message and make sure ' ...
'everything is set up properly before running the processing on a ' ...
'whole group.'], ...
['More information about the various messages and action to be taken ' ...
'(or not) accordingly can be found on the hMRI-Toolbox WIKI ( ' ...
'In particular, see the "Debug tips & tricks" section.']};
popup.labels = {'Disable' 'Enable'};
popup.values = {false true};
popup.val = {true};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input FLASH images - T1-weighted
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
raws3 = cfg_files;
raws3.tag = 'T1'; = 'T1 images'; = {'Input T1-weighted images.'};
raws3.filter = 'image';
raws3.ufilter = '.*';
raws3.num = [0 Inf];
raws3.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input FLASH images - PD-weighted
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
raws2 = cfg_files;
raws2.tag = 'PD'; = 'PD images'; = {'Input PD-weighted images.'};
raws2.filter = 'image';
raws2.ufilter = '.*';
raws2.num = [0 Inf];
raws2.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input FLASH images - MT-weighted
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
raws1 = cfg_files;
raws1.tag = 'MT'; = 'MT images'; = {'Input MT-weighted images.'};
raws1.filter = 'image';
raws1.ufilter = '.*';
raws1.num = [0 Inf];
raws1.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% All multiparameter input images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
raws = cfg_branch;
raws.tag = 'raw_mpm'; = 'Multiparameter input images'; = {'Input all the MT/PD/T1-weighted images.'};
raws.val = {raws1 raws2 raws3};
% B1 acq/proc defaults file
b1defaults = cfg_files;
b1defaults.tag = 'b1defaults'; = 'Customised B1 defaults file'; = {['Select the [hmri_b1_local_defaults_*.m] file containing ' ...
'the parameters to process the B1 map data. By default, parameters will be ' ...
'collected from metadata when available. Defaults parameters are provided as ' ...
'fallback solution when metadata are not available and/or uncomplete.'], ...
['Please make sure that the parameters defined in the defaults file ' ...
'are correct for your data. To create your own customised defaults file, ' ...
'edit the distributed version and save it with a meaningful name such as ' ...
b1defaults.filter = 'm';
b1defaults.dir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'config','local');
b1defaults.ufilter = '^hmri_.*\.m$';
b1defaults.num = [1 1];
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Use metadata or standard defaults (no customization)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1metadata = cfg_entry;
b1metadata.tag = 'b1metadata'; = 'Use metadata or standard defaults'; = {''};
b1metadata.strtype = 's';
b1metadata.num = [1 Inf];
b1metadata.val = {'yes'};
% B1 processing parameters
b1parameters = cfg_choice;
b1parameters.tag = 'b1parameters'; = 'Processing parameters'; = {['You can either stick with metadata and standard ' ...
'defaults parameters (recommended) or select your own customised defaults file ' ...
'(fallback for situations where no metadata are available).']};
b1parameters.values = {b1metadata b1defaults};
b1parameters.val = {b1metadata};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% B1 input images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1raw = cfg_files;
b1raw.tag = 'b1input'; = 'B1 input'; = {'Select B1 input images according to the type of B1 bias correction.'};
b1raw.filter = 'image';
b1raw.ufilter = '.*';
b1raw.num = [2 30];
% b1raw.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% B0 input images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b0raw = cfg_files;
b0raw.tag = 'b0input'; = 'B0 input'; = {'Select B0 field map input images.' ...
'Only required for distortion correction of EPI-based B1 maps.' ...
'Select both magnitude images and the presubtracted phase image, in that order.'};
b0raw.filter = 'image';
b0raw.ufilter = '.*';
b0raw.num = [3 3];
% b0raw.num = [0 3];
% b0raw.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% UNICORT B1 bias correction
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_UNICORT = cfg_branch;
b1_input_UNICORT.tag = 'UNICORT'; = 'UNICORT'; = {'UNICORT will be applied for B1 bias correction.'
'No B1 input data required.'
['Customized processing parameters may be introduced by loading ' ...
'customized defaults from a selected [hmri_b1_local_defaults_*.m] file.']};
b1_input_UNICORT.val = {b1parameters};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% No B1 bias correction
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_noB1 = cfg_entry;
b1_input_noB1.tag = 'no_B1_correction'; = 'no B1 correction'; = {'No B1 bias correction will be applied.'
['NOTE: when no B1 map is available, UNICORT might be a better ' ...
'solution than no B1 bias correction at all.']};
b1_input_noB1.strtype = 's';
b1_input_noB1.num = [1 Inf];
b1_input_noB1.val = {'noB1'};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% pre-calculated B1 map - including potential rescaling factor
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
scafac = cfg_entry;
scafac.tag = 'scafac'; = 'Scaling factor'; = {'The values in the input B1 map will be multiplied by the provided factor.', ...
['If the input B1 map is already in percent units (p.u.) of the nominal flip angle ' ...
'no need to apply any extra scaling factor (ScaFac = 1). If the input B1 map is a multiplication factor ' ...
'of the nominal flip angle (i.e. value of 1 corresponds to the nominal flip angle), a ' ...
'scaling factor ScaFac = 100 is required to produce a B1 map in p.u. of the ' ...
'nominal flip angle.']};
scafac.strtype = 'r';
scafac.num = [1 1];
scafac.val = {1};
b1_input_preproc = cfg_branch;
b1_input_preproc.tag = 'pre_processed_B1'; = 'pre-processed B1'; = {'Input pre-calculated B1 bias map.'
['Please select one unprocessed magnitude image ' ...
'from the B1map data set (for coregistration with the multiparameter maps) ' ...
'and the preprocessed B1map, in that order.']
['The B1 map is expected to be in ' ...
'percent units (p.u.) of the nominal flip angle. If this is not the case, ' ...
'a scaling factor can be introduced (see Scaling factor description for more details).']};
b1_input_preproc.val = {b1raw scafac};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% RF_MAP B1 protocol
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_rfmap = cfg_branch;
b1_input_rfmap.tag = 'rf_map'; = 'rf_map'; = {'Input B1 images for rf_map B1 map protocol.' ...
'As B1 input, please select the pair of anatomical and precalculated B1 map, in that order.'};
b1_input_rfmap.val = {b1raw};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% TFL_B1_MAP B1 protocol
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_tfl = cfg_branch;
b1_input_tfl.tag = 'tfl_b1_map'; = 'tfl_b1_map'; = {'Input B1 images for TFL B1 map protocol.' ...
'As B1 input, please select the pair of anatomical and precalculated B1 map, in that order.'};
b1_input_tfl.val = {b1raw};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% i3D_AFI B1 protocol
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_3DAFI = cfg_branch;
b1_input_3DAFI.tag = 'i3D_AFI'; = '3D AFI'; = {'3D Actual Flip Angle Imaging (AFI) protocol.', ...
'As B1 input, please select a TR2/TR1 pair of magnitude images.', ...
['Regarding processing parameters, you can either stick with metadata and standard ' ...
'defaults parameters (recommended) or select your own [hmri_b1_local_defaults_*.m] customised defaults file ' ...
'(fallback for situations where no metadata are available).']};
b1_input_3DAFI.val = {b1raw b1parameters};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% i3D_EPI B1 protocol
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_input_3DEPI = cfg_branch;
b1_input_3DEPI.tag = 'i3D_EPI'; = '3D EPI'; = {'Input B0/B1 data for 3D EPI protocol'
'As B1 input, please select all pairs of SE/STE 3D EPI images.'
['For this EPI protocol, it is recommended to acquire B0 field map data ' ...
'for distortion correction. If no B0 map available, the script will proceed ' ...
'with distorted images.']
['Please enter the two magnitude images and the presubtracted phase image ' ...
'from the B0 mapping acquisition, in that order.']
['Regarding processing parameters, you can either stick with metadata and standard ' ...
'defaults parameters (recommended) or select your own [hmri_b1_local_defaults_*.m] customised defaults file ' ...
'(fallback for situations where no metadata are available).']};
b1_input_3DEPI.val = {b1raw b0raw b1parameters};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% menu type_b1
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
b1_type = cfg_choice;
b1_type.tag = 'b1_type'; = 'B1 bias correction'; = {'Choose the methods for B1 bias correction.'
['Various types of B1 mapping protocols can be handled by the hMRI ' ...
'toolbox when creating the multiparameter maps. See list below for a ' ...
'brief description of each type. Note that all types may not be ' ...
'available at your site.']
[' - 3D EPI: B1map obtained from spin echo (SE) and stimulated echo ' ...
'(STE) images recorded with a 3D EPI scheme [Lutti A et al., ' ...
'PLoS One 2012;7(3):e32379].']
[' - 3D AFI: 3D actual flip angle imaging (AFI) method based on [Yarnykh VL, ' ...
'Magn Reson Med 2007;57:192-200].']
[' - tfl_b1_map: Siemens product sequence for B1 mapping based on turbo FLASH.']
[' - rf_map: Siemens product sequence for B1 mapping based on SE/STE.']
[' - no B1 correction: if selected no B1 bias correction will be applied.']
[' - pre-processed B1: B1 map pre-calculated outside the hMRI toolbox, must ' ...
'be expressed in percent units of the nominal flip angle value (percent bias).']
[' - UNICORT: Use this option when B1 maps not available. ' ...
'Bias field estimation and correction will be performed ' ...
'using the approach described in [Weiskopf et al., NeuroImage 2011; 54:2116-2124]. ' ...
'WARNING: the correction only applies to R1 maps.']
}; %#ok<*NBRAK>
b1_type.values = {b1_input_3DEPI b1_input_3DAFI b1_input_tfl b1_input_rfmap b1_input_preproc b1_input_UNICORT b1_input_noB1};
b1_type.val = {b1_input_3DEPI};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input images for RF sensitivity - RF sensitivity maps for MTw images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sraws3MT = cfg_files;
sraws3MT.tag = 'raw_sens_MT'; = 'RF sensitivity maps for MTw images'; = {'Select low resolution RF sensitivity maps acquired with the head and body coils respectively, in that order.'};
sraws3MT.filter = 'image';
sraws3MT.ufilter = '.*';
% sraws3MT.num = [2 2];
sraws3MT.num = [0 2];
sraws3MT.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input images for RF sensitivity - RF sensitivity maps for PDw images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sraws3PD = cfg_files;
sraws3PD.tag = 'raw_sens_PD'; = 'RF sensitivity maps for PDw images'; = {'Select low resolution RF sensitivity maps acquired with the head and body coils respectively, in that order.'};
sraws3PD.filter = 'image';
sraws3PD.ufilter = '.*';
% sraws3PD.num = [2 2];
sraws3PD.num = [0 2];
sraws3PD.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input images for RF sensitivity - RF sensitivity maps for T1w images
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sraws3T1 = cfg_files;
sraws3T1.tag = 'raw_sens_T1'; = 'RF sensitivity maps for T1w images'; = {'Select low resolution RF sensitivity maps acquired with the head and body coils respectively, in that order.'};
sraws3T1.filter = 'image';
sraws3T1.ufilter = '.*';
% sraws3T1.num = [2 2];
sraws3T1.num = [0 2];
sraws3T1.val = {''};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% xNULL No RF sensitivity bias correction applied at all
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
xNULL = cfg_entry;
xNULL.tag = 'RF_none'; = 'None'; = {'No RF sensitivity bias correction will be applied.'};
xNULL.strtype = 's';
xNULL.num = [1 Inf];
xNULL.val = {'-'};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% x0 No RF sensitivity
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
x0 = cfg_entry;
x0.tag = 'RF_us'; = 'Unified Segmentation'; = {['RF sensitivity bias correction based on the Unified Segmentation ' ...
'(US) approach. The resulting Bias Field estimate is used to correct for ' ...
'RF sensitivity bias (applies to the PD map calculation only). ' ...
'No RF sensitivity map is required.']};
x0.strtype = 's';
x0.num = [1 Inf];
x0.val = {'-'};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% x1 Single RF sensitivity maps acquired for all contrasts
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
x1 = cfg_files;
x1.tag = 'RF_once'; = 'Single'; = {'Single set of RF sensitivity maps acquired for all contrasts.', ...
'Select low resolution RF sensitivity maps acquired with the head and body coils respectively, in that order.'};
x1.filter = 'image';
x1.ufilter = '.*';
x1.num = [2 2];
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% x3 RF sensitivity acquired for each modality
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
x3 = cfg_branch;
x3.tag = 'RF_per_contrast'; = 'Per contrast'; = {['One set of RF sensitivity maps is acquired for each contrast ' ...
'i.e. for each of the PD-, T1- and MT-weighted multi-echo FLASH acquisitions.']};
x3.val = {sraws3MT sraws3PD sraws3T1};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% sensitivity Sensitivity choice
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sensitivity = cfg_choice;
sensitivity.tag = 'sensitivity'; = 'RF sensitivity bias correction'; = {'Specify the type of RF sensitivity bias correction to be applied. '
'You can select either:'
'- None: no correction will be applied,'
'- Unified Segmentation: based on US, no RF sensitivity map required,'
'- Single: based on a single set of RF sensitivity maps for all contrasts,'
'- Per contrast: based on one set of RF sensitivity maps acquired for each contrast.'};
sensitivity.values = {xNULL x0 x1 x3};
sensitivity.val = {x0};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% indir Input directory as output directory
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
indir = cfg_entry;
indir.tag = 'indir'; = 'Input directory'; = {['Output files will be written to the same folder ' ...
'as each corresponding input file.']};
indir.strtype = 's';
indir.num = [1 Inf];
indir.val = {'yes'};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% outdir Output directory
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
outdir = cfg_files;
outdir.tag = 'outdir'; = 'Output directory'; = {'Select a directory where output files will be written to.'};
outdir.filter = 'dir';
outdir.ufilter = '.*';
outdir.num = [1 1];
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% output Output choice
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
output = cfg_choice;
output.tag = 'output'; = 'Output choice'; = {['Output directory can be the same as the input ' ...
'directory for each input file or user selected']};
output.values = {indir outdir };
output.val = {indir};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% subj Subject
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
subj = cfg_branch;
subj.tag = 'subj'; = 'Subject'; = {'Specify a subject for maps calculation.'};
subj.val = {output sensitivity b1_type raws popup};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% data Data
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sdata = cfg_repeat;
sdata.tag = 'data'; = 'Few Subjects'; = {'Specify the number of subjects.'};
sdata.num = [1 Inf];
sdata.val = {subj };
sdata.values = {subj };
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% create_mpr Create MPR maps (whether B0/B1 maps are available or not)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
create_mpm = cfg_exbranch;
create_mpm.tag = 'create_mpm'; = 'Create hMRI maps';
create_mpm.val = { sdata }; = {'hMRI map creation based on multi-echo FLASH sequences including optional receive/transmit bias correction.'};
create_mpm.prog = @hmri_run_create;
create_mpm.vout = @vout_create;
% ========================================================================
% ========================================================================
% The RUN function:
% - out = hmri_run_create(job)
% is defined separately.
function dep = vout_create(job)
% This depends on job contents, which may not be present when virtual
% outputs are calculated.
cdep(1,5*numel(job.subj)) = cfg_dep;
for i=1:numel(job.subj)
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('R1_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','R1','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('R2s_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','R2s','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('MT_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','MT','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('A_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','A','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('T1w_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','T1w','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('MTw_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','MTw','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
cdep(k) = cfg_dep;
cdep(k).sname = sprintf('PDw_subj%d',i);
cdep(k).src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.','PDw','()',{':'});
cdep(k).tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
dep = cdep;