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%% This is template is based on 'Thesis.cls' by Steve Gunn and Sunil Patel
%% Adpated by Alex Schlosser
[2017/02/27 v1.0
LaTeX document class]
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Master's Program in Bioinformatics\\
{\Large \textbf{\thesisname} \\}
{\LARGE \bf \TITLE \par}
Submitted by \\
{\large \textbf{\authornames}\\}
on {\large \@date \\[0.8cm]}
% {\large \facname \par}
{\large Supervisor \\ \textbf{\supname} \\[0.6cm]}
%{\large Advisor \\ \textbf{\advname} \\[1.1cm]}
{\large Reviewers \\ \textbf{\examname} \\ \textbf{\secondexamname} \\[0.75cm] }
% {\large \@date \\[0.8cm]}
{\includegraphics[height=2cm]{UniLogo.pdf} \par}
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\addtotoc{Declaration of Authorship}
%\begin{center}{\huge\bf Declaration of Authorship\par}\end{center}
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{\normalsize Submitted by \authornames \par}
{\scriptsize{Keywords: \keywordnames} \par}
\lhead{\emph{Contents}} % Set the left side page header to "Contents"
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%% End of file `Thesis.cls'.