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import sys
import os
import editdistance
# TODO 1- Separate the nested classes, no need for them, which means I need to edit find_bubbles and probably many other
# parts of the code
def reverse_complement(dna):
complement = {'A': 'T', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'T': 'A'}
return ''.join([complement[base] for base in dna[::-1]])
class Node:
def __init__(self, identifier): = identifier # size is between 28 and 32 bytes
self.seq = ""
self.seq_len = 0 # mostly 28 bytes
self.start = [] # 96 bytes for 4 neighbors
self.end = [] # 96 bytes
self.visited = False # 28 bytes (used for bubble and superbubble detection)
self.which_chain = 0
self.which_sb = 0
self.which_b = 0
self.which_allele = -1 # only for branches in a bubble (0 or 1)
# Function to calculate the size of node recursively
# using sys.getsizeof() function doesn't calculate object's size recursively
def __sizeof__(self):
size = + self.seq_len.__sizeof__() + self.visited.__sizeof__()
if len(self.start) == 0:
size += self.start.__sizeof__()
for i in range(len(self.start)):
size += sys.getsizeof(self.start[i])
if len(self.end) == 0:
size += self.end.__sizeof__()
for i in range(len(self.end)):
size += sys.getsizeof(self.end[i])
return size
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = {}
self.bubble_chains = {}
self.superbubbles = {}
self.k = 0
def __len__(self):
return len(self.nodes)
def __str__(self):
return "The graph has %d Nodes and %d " \
"Bubble Chains and %d Superbubbles" % (len(self.nodes), len(self.bubble_chains), len(self.superbubbles))
def __repr__(self):
return "The graph has %d Nodes and %d " \
"Bubble Chains and %d Superbubbles" % (len(self.nodes), len(self.bubble_chains), len(self.superbubbles))
# Find longest chain (bubbles-wise)
def max_chain(self):
maximum = (0, 0)
# for idx, chain in enumerate(self.bubble_chains):
for key, chain in self.bubble_chains.items():
if chain.__len__() > maximum[1]:
maximum = (key, chain.__len__())
return maximum
# Find the longest chain (sequence wise)
def longest_chain(self, k):
maximum = (0, 0)
for key, chain in self.bubble_chains.items():
if chain.chain_length(k) > maximum[1]:
maximum = (key, chain.chain_length(k))
return maximum
# Returns how many nodes the bubble chains has
def nodes_in_chains(self):
total = 0
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
total += len(chain.list_chain())
return total
# Returns the total number of bubbles
def all_bubbles(self):
total = 0
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
total += chain.__len__()
return total
# Returns how much sequence the chains covered
def chains_coverage(self, k):
total = 0
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
total += chain.chain_length(k)
return total
# resets visited status back to False
def nodes_reset(self):
for n in self.nodes.values():
n.visited = False
# Plots the distribution of bubbles in chains
def plots(self, k, output_dir=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = "."
elif not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
bubble_dist = []
seqlen_dist = []
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
contigs_dist = []
for node in self.nodes.values():
total_number_of_bubbules = 0
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
total_number_of_bubbules += chain.__len__()
edit_dist = []
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
for bubble in chain.bubbles:
x = bubble.edit_distance()
if x is not None:
hamming_bubbles = []
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
for bubble in chain.bubbles:
x = bubble.hamming_dist()
if x is not None:
bubble_types = []
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
for bubble in chain.bubbles:
print("The total number of bubbles is {}".format(total_number_of_bubbules))
print("\n The number of bubbles that have the same branches length are {}".format(len(hamming_bubbles)))
plt.hist(edit_dist, bins=len(set(edit_dist))*2)
plt.title("Edit Distance Bubble Distribution", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Edit Distance", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of bubbles", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "edit_dist_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
plt.hist(hamming_bubbles, bins=len(set(hamming_bubbles))*2)
plt.title("Hamming Distance Bubble Distribution", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Hamming Distance", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of bubbles", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "hamming_dist_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
plt.title("Contigs Distribution", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Contig Length", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of Contig", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "contigs_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
plt.hist(bubble_dist, bins=max(bubble_dist))
plt.title("Histogram of chain lengths (bubble-wise)", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Number of bubbles", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of chains", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "bubble_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
plt.hist(bubble_types, bins=max(bubble_types))
plt.title("Histogram of bubble types", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Number of bubble type", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of bubble type", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "bubble_type_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
plt.title("Histogram of chain lengths (sequence-wise)", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Chain sequence length", fontsize=9)
plt.ylabel("Frequency of chains", fontsize=9)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "sequence_distribution.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=200)
zipped = list(zip(seqlen_dist, bubble_dist))
seqlen_dist = [x[0] for x in zipped]
bubble_dist = [x[1] for x in zipped]
plt.title("Chains sequence lengths", fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Chains bubble lengths", fontsize=12)
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "bubbles_and_seq.png")
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=250)
# reading the GFA file
def read_gfa(self, gfa_file_path):
:param gfa_file_path: gfa graph file.
:return: Dictionary of node ids and Node objects.
if not os.path.exists(gfa_file_path):
print("the gfa file path you gave does not exists, please try again!")
edges = []
with open(gfa_file_path, "r") as lines:
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("S"):
line = line.split()
n_id = line[1]
n_len = len(line[2])
self.nodes[int(n_id)] = Node(int(n_id))
self.nodes[int(n_id)].seq = str(line[2])
self.nodes[int(n_id)].seq_len = n_len
elif line.startswith("L"):
for e in edges:
line = e.split()
k = int(line[1])
neighbor = int(line[3])
if line[2] == "-":
from_start = True
from_start = False
if line[4] == "-":
to_end = True
to_end = False
if (k not in self.nodes) or (neighbor not in self.nodes):
if from_start is True and to_end is True: # from start to end L x - y -
if (neighbor, 1) not in self.nodes[k].start:
self.nodes[k].start.append((neighbor, 1))
if (k, 0) not in self.nodes[neighbor].end:
self.nodes[neighbor].end.append((k, 0))
elif from_start is True and to_end is False: # from start to start L x - y +
if (neighbor, 0) not in self.nodes[k].start:
self.nodes[k].start.append((neighbor, 0))
if (k, 0) not in self.nodes[neighbor].start:
self.nodes[neighbor].start.append((k, 0))
elif from_start is False and to_end is False: # from end to start L x + y +
if (neighbor, 0) not in self.nodes[k].end:
self.nodes[k].end.append((neighbor, 0))
if (k, 1) not in self.nodes[neighbor].start:
self.nodes[neighbor].start.append((k, 1))
elif from_start is False and to_end is True: # from end to end L x + y -
if (neighbor, 1) not in self.nodes[k].end:
self.nodes[k].end.append((neighbor, 1))
if (k, 1) not in self.nodes[neighbor].end:
self.nodes[neighbor].end.append((k, 1))
# returns the number os singular bubbles
def num_single_bubbles(self):
counter = 0
for chain in self.bubble_chains.values():
if (len(chain.bubbles["bubbles"]) + len(chain.bubbles["superbubbles"])) < 2:
counter += 1
return counter
class Superbubble:
# stores the source, sink and the nodes in between
def __init__(self, source, sink, inside):
self.source = source
self.sink = sink
self.inside = inside
def length(self, k):
length = 0
length += self.source.seq_len + self.sink.seq_len - 2*(k - 2)
for node in self.inside:
length += node.seq_len - k - 1
return length
def list_superbubble(self, no_ends=False):
if not no_ends:
list_of_nodes = [,]
for node in self.inside:
list_of_nodes = []
for node in self.inside:
return list_of_nodes
def sb_membership(self, key, graph):
sb_to_remove = set()
for n in self.list_superbubble(no_ends=True):
if graph.nodes[n].which_sb != 0:
graph.nodes[n].which_sb = key
# todo can't figure out why this is happening
# when I separated the problementic regions and ran the algorithm on them it worked fine
# but when I run it on the whole graph it breaks
for sb in list(sb_to_remove):
del graph.superbubbles[sb]
except KeyError:
# import functions
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
self.source.which_sb = key
self.sink.which_sb = key
# I need to add similar functions here to the ones of a normal bubble for now
# because a chain can have normal bubbles and and superbubbles now
def equal_branches():
return False
def hamming_dist():
return None
def edit_distance():
return None
class BubbleChain:
# stores a list of bubbles
def __init__(self):
# list of bubble objects
self.bubbles = {"bubbles": [], "superbubbles": []}
self.sorted = []
# the end nodes of the chains, two ends
self.ends = []
# how many bubbles in the chain
def __len__(self):
return len(self.bubbles["bubbles"]) + len(self.bubbles["superbubbles"])
def length(self):
return len(self.bubbles["bubbles"]) + len(self.bubbles["superbubbles"])
class Bubble:
# stores bubbles as two tuples, one for the two branches and one for the two ends
# easier for later statistics
def __init__(self, branches, ends, bubble_type):
self.branches = branches
self.ends = ends
self.bubble_type = bubble_type
# check if the length of the branches are equal
def equal_branches(self):
if self.branches[0].seq_len == self.branches[1].seq_len:
return True
return False
# calculate the hamming distance between two equal branches
def hamming_dist(self):
if len(self.branches) != 2:
return None
if not self.equal_branches():
return None
distance = 0
# todo I need to change comparing first 10 letters to compare the actual k-1 to make sure it's correct
# checking if they are in the same direction or I need to take the reverse complement of one
if self.branches[0].seq[0:10] == self.branches[1].seq[0:10]:
for i in range(self.branches[0].seq_len):
if self.branches[0].seq[i] != self.branches[1].seq[i]:
distance += 1
return distance
elif self.branches[0].seq[0:10] == reverse_complement(self.branches[1].seq)[0:10]:
reverse_c = reverse_complement(self.branches[1].seq)
for i in range(self.branches[0].seq_len):
if self.branches[0].seq[i] != reverse_c[i]:
distance += 1
return distance
return None
# I'll use the editdistance library, much faster
def edit_distance(self):
if len(self.branches) != 2:
return None
# checking if they are in the same direction or I need to take the reverse complement of one
if self.branches[0].seq[0:10] == self.branches[1].seq[0:10]:
dist = editdistance.eval(self.branches[0].seq, self.branches[1].seq)
return dist
elif self.branches[0].seq[0:10] == reverse_complement(self.branches[1].seq)[0:10]:
dist = editdistance.eval(self.branches[0].seq, reverse_complement(self.branches[1].seq))
return dist
# length difference between both branches
def branches_dif(self):
return abs(self.branches[0].seq_len - self.branches[1].seq_len)
def list_bubble(self):
return [self.branches + self.ends]
# adds a bubble object to the chain
def add_bubble(self, branches, ends, bubble_type):
# print("Adding a bubble")
self.bubbles["bubbles"].append(self.Bubble(branches, ends, bubble_type))
# returns a list of all the nodes in the bubble chain
def list_chain(self, keep_chain_ends=True):
list_of_nodes = []
for bubble in self.bubbles["bubbles"]:
for n in bubble.branches:
if not in list_of_nodes:
for n in bubble.ends:
if not in list_of_nodes:
for sb in self.bubbles["superbubbles"]:
for n in sb.inside:
if not in list_of_nodes:
if not in list_of_nodes:
if not in list_of_nodes:
if not keep_chain_ends:
for n in self.ends:
# try:
# list_of_nodes.remove(n)
# except ValueError:
# print(list_of_nodes)
# print(n)
# print(self.bubbles)
# print(self.ends)
# sys.exit()
return list_of_nodes
# sequence length of the bubble chain
def chain_length(self, k):
checked = []
total_length = 0
for bubble in self.bubbles["bubbles"]:
total_length += (bubble.branches[0].seq_len + bubble.branches[1].seq_len) - 2*(k-1)
for n in bubble.ends:
# doing this because bubbles can share ends, so I don't count them twice
if not in checked:
total_length += n.seq_len - k - 1
for sb in self.bubbles["superbubbles"]:
if not in checked:
total_length += sb.source.seq_len - k-1
if not in checked:
total_length += sb.sink.seq_len - k-1
for n in sb.inside:
total_length += n.seq_len - k-1
# for superbubble in self.bubbles["superbubbles"]:
# for n in superbubble.inside:
# # I need to find a way to check if there are simple bubbles inside the superbubble and remove them
# pass
return total_length
# returns the ends of a bubble in case they were not set before
def find_ends(self):
ends = []
all_ends = []
for bubble in self.bubbles["bubbles"]:
all_ends += bubble.ends
for sb in self.bubbles["superbubbles"]:
for n in all_ends:
if all_ends.count(n) == 1:
return ends
def sort(self):
# this function should sort the list of bubbles
# for now I need to fill sorted with this
start = self.ends[0]
while len(self.sorted) < self.__len__():
for b in self.bubbles["bubbles"]:
b_ends = [ for x in b.ends]
if b in self.sorted:
if start in b_ends:
if b_ends.index(start) == 0:
start = b_ends[1]
start = b_ends[0]
for sb in self.bubbles["superbubbles"]:
sb_ends = [,]
if sb in self.sorted:
if start in sb_ends:
if sb_ends.index(start) is 0:
start = sb_ends[1]
start = sb_ends[0]