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import time
import Graph
import sys
# import find_bubbles
import functions
import pdb
Pseudo code
for node s in nodes:
push s in S
for direction in s:
while len(s) > 0:
pop arbitrary v from S
v.visited = True
if v has no children in direction:
for u in v's children in direction:
u_parents = parents from where v connects to u
if u == s:
u.seen = True
if all of u_parents are visited:
push u into S
if len(S) == 1 (contains t):
and no edge between t and s:
return t
def find_superbubbles_alg(graph, s, simple_bub=False):
for direction in [1, 0]:
seen = set()
nodes_inside = []
seen.add((, direction))
S = {(s, direction)}
# print("in drection {}".format(direction))
while len(S) > 0:
# print("##### beginning of while")
to_print = []
for i in S:
to_print.append((i[0].id, i[1]))
# print("S is now {}".format(to_print))
# print("Seen is now {}".format(seen))
v = S.pop()
v = (v[0], v[1])
# print("v is {}".format(v[0].id))
v[0].visited = True
# print("nodes to reset are")
# to_print = []
# for node in nodes_inside:
# to_print.append(
# print(to_print)
# print("seen nodes are")
seen.remove((v[0].id, v[1]))
except KeyError:
# path = functions.bfs(graph.nodes,, 100)
# print(path)
# functions.write_gfa(graph.nodes, k=61, list_of_nodes=path, output_file="error_region.gfa")
print("We entered from {} a key error happened, {}".format(, (v[0].id, v[1])))
if v[1] == 0:
children = v[0].start
children = v[0].end
# print("the children of v from {} are {}".format(v[1], children))
# we have a tip
if len(children) == 0:
# print("breaking because children are 0")
for u in children:
# u is a tuple of (id, direction) direction is where the parent is
# nodes_inside.append(u[0])
if u[1] == 0:
u_child_direction = 1
u_parents = [x[0] for x in graph.nodes[u[0]].start]
# print("u is {} and it's parents at start are {}".format(u[0], u_parents))
u_child_direction = 0
u_parents = [x[0] for x in graph.nodes[u[0]].end]
# print("u is {} and it's parents at end are {}".format(u[0], u_parents))
# we have a loop
# print("{} {}".format(u[0],
if u[0] ==
# print("started from {}, breaking because we reached {} and we have a cycle".format(, u[0]))
# resetting os I can exit the while loop
S = set()
# graph.nodes[u[0]].seen = True
if u[1] == 0:
seen.add((u[0], 1))
seen.add((u[0], 0))
# print("the seen nodes are {}".format(seen))
# if all parents are visited
if all(graph.nodes[i].visited is True for i in u_parents):
S.add((graph.nodes[u[0]], u_child_direction))
# print("{} is added to S".format(u[0]))
# if (len(S) == 1) and all(graph.nodes[i].seen == False for i in nodes_inside):
# pdb.set_trace()
if (len(S) == 1) and (len(seen) == 1):
# if we are here, then we found a superbubble
# check edge if exists or not
t = S.pop()
# skipping empty bubbles (if graph is compacted, this should not happen anyway
if len(nodes_inside) == 2:
# if simple_bub is False, so we don't want to find simple bubbles, if nodes_inside is 4
# it means we have a simple bubbles (source, sink, 2 branches)
if not simple_bub:
if len(nodes_inside) < 5:
for node in nodes_inside:
node.visited = False
t[0].visited = True
# Because the algorithm works on a directed graph and ours is bi-directed
# each superbubble will be found twice, this way I can avoid having it twice
# probably there are better ways to do it
# let's have the key as a sorted tuple of source and sink
key = [int(t[0].id), int(]
# if in [420873, 561675, 4319621, 17748142, 21990992, 30016936, 952312, 28810446,
# 1613350, 18374397, 404538, 24852377, 153123, 14626409, 5603293, 23778560,
# 4679492, 19467073, 6627782, 20000753, 6857139, 25741059, 17475025, 21106222,
# 2218074, 5551865, 3469392, 8448464]:
# pdb.set_trace()
key = (key[0], key[1])
if key not in graph.superbubbles:
superbubble = Graph.Superbubble(source=s, sink=t[0], inside=nodes_inside)
# if in [420873, 561675, 4319621, 17748142, 21990992, 30016936, 952312, 28810446,
# 1613350, 18374397, 404538, 24852377, 153123, 14626409, 5603293, 23778560,
# 4679492, 19467073, 6627782, 20000753, 6857139, 25741059, 17475025, 21106222,
# 2218074, 5551865, 3469392, 8448464]:
# pdb.set_trace()
superbubble.sb_membership(key, graph)
graph.superbubbles[key] = superbubble
# print(superbubble.list_superbubble())
# removing simple bubbles inside sbs (old stuff)
# print("Source and Sink were, {} , {}".format(str(, str(t[0].id)))
# simple_bubble_to_remove = []
# for n in superbubble.list_superbubble(no_ends=True):
# if graph.nodes[n].which_chain is not 0:
# if graph.nodes[n].which_chain not in simple_bubble_to_remove:
# simple_bubble_to_remove.append(graph.nodes[n].which_chain)
# for key_to_remove in simple_bubble_to_remove:
# # todo this was happening because of nested superbubbles,
# # I can keep the try except or work on removing nested superbubbles
# try:
# del graph.bubble_chains[key_to_remove]
# except KeyError:
# pdb.set_trace()
# This is done here in case it failed to find one so i need to reset the ones I visited
for node in nodes_inside:
node.visited = False
# print("failed")
def find_superbubbles(graph, simple_bub=False):
counter = 0
for n in graph.nodes.values():
# print("at node {}".format(
counter += 1
if (counter % 1000000) == 0:
print("{} nodes have been processed so far".format(counter))
if n.which_sb is 0:
if not n.visited:
find_superbubbles_alg(graph, n, simple_bub)
# The idea here is that a source can be a sink of another sb (and vise versa)
# So I set the inside of the sb as true so I don't visit there again, but I want to visit the ends again
for sb in graph.superbubbles.values():
sb.source.visited = False
sb.sink.visited = False
for n in sb.inside:
n.visited = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time.time()
new_graph = Graph.Graph()
new_graph.k = int(sys.argv[2])
for sb in new_graph.superbubbles.values():
print("source is {} and sink is {}".format(,
end = time.time()
print("It took {} to find Superbubbles in the graph".format(end - start))