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The CounQER system provides a pipeline for identifying set predicates in a KB. We use linguistic and co-occurrence alignment metrics to analse the relationship between the predicates. The results of these alignments can be explored in the project demo page at The project uses pgadmin to access its backend PostgreSQL database.


The project runs in a Python3 virtual environment. requirements.txt provides the list of the necessary packages.

   python3 -m venv \path\to\myenv
   activate \path\to\myenv\bin\activate

Once inside the environment change to counqer/ and install the required packages. pip install -r requirements.txt

Data setup

Location: ./datasetup Create a local n-tuple DB from RDF dumps of KBs.

  1. create*<KB-name>*

    a. This file calls createDB if the table is to be hosted in a posstgres server

    b. createcsv is called to create a csv file which can be imported to any database management system (like Postgresql, Hive) as a table.

  2. query the SPO tables for a list of distinct predicates and their frequencies. Save results as csv (predfreq_p_all.csv) corresponding DB subfolder.

  3. Uses the property_details_from_postgres to create a table and a csv files with the table values. These values can then be copied to the table using psql commands.

    psql -h -d <database_name> -U <username>
    <database_nmae>=> \copy fb_pred_property FROM '<KB-name>_pred_property.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;
    <database_nmae>=> \q

Crowd task for type identification

Location: ./classifier_crowd_annotations Sample predicates from candidate KBs to present to the crowd annotators

  1. sql_query_for_set_predicates has the sql query used to sample data items for counting predicates in the first query

    a. We filter out less (<50) frequent, non-integer (<5% integer values and >5% float values) predicates

    b. The samples are saved in ./counting folder as csv files under the names of the corresponding KBs.

    c. Create a entity lookup list for freebase using sql_fb_entity_label.

    d. reads all sampled predicates from ./counting and creates a data file with labelled triples ./counting/counting_labelled_triples.csv.

    e. clean_labelled_triples.R unifies triples from multiple sources to create a csv file ready for upload to the crowd-sourcing platform.

    NOTE: Since Freebase returns empty subject labels we create a larger sample size (of 200 predicates) and select 100 samples with 5 complete example triples.

  2. sql_query_for_set_predicates has the sql query used to sample data items for enumerating predicates in the second query.

    a. Sampled data from each KB is saved in ./enumerating folder.

Note We create a test set containing honey-pot questions for figure-eight task (in ./test folder). First we run the on the selected test predicates and then manually edit the test_rows_figure_eight.csv file to add the annotations columns (_golden, *<question>*_gold, *<question>*_gold_reason).

Predicate usage feature collection

Location: ./predicate_usage_features

  1. Download the POS tagger data for nltk.
$ python
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize('This is a sentence'))
  1. Run to get the predicate usage features from the Bing API for all frequent (>= 50) predicates. Data stored in

  2. Run

Classifier dataset creation

./pred_property_p_50 has the predicate property files of all KBs with predicate frequency >= 50. Next, we collect data from different sources to create a unified feature file of all predicates (predicates_p_50.csv) and the labelled predicates (labelled_data_counting.csv, labelled_data_enumerating.csv) in the folder ./feature_file using the script ./create_feature_file.R.

KB All Frequent
DBP-raw 59,149 13,394
inv 14,085 3,241
DBP-map 1,355 1,127
inv 653 543
WD-truthy 5,032 3,346
inv 1,079 721
Freebase 784,936 8,289
inv 14,871 5,583
YAGO (79) (79)

Classifier training

Location: ./classifier

We have two classifiers - one for counting and one for enumerating in .../*<type>*/*<type>*_classifier.R. Classifier models used -

  1. Logistic regression
  2. Bayesian glm
  3. Lasso regression
  4. Neural network with single hidden layer

The predictions are saved in .../*<type>*/predictions.csv.

Random Classifier performance:

  1. Counting: 345 data points, 39 positive, 306 negative
Actual 0 1
0 272 34 306
1 34 5 39
306 39 345
 Precision = Recall = F1 = 12.8%	
  1. Enumerating: 328 data points, 133 positive, 195 negative
Actual 0 1
0 116 79 195
1 79 54 133
195 133 328
 Precision = Recall = F1 = 40.6%

Precision Recall scores of all models a. Counting

Model Recall Precision F1
Random 12.8 12.8 12.8
Logistic 51.2 19.0 27.7
Bayesian 48.7 20.2 28.5
Lasso 71.7 23.3 35.1
Neural 35.8 20.8 26.3

b. Enumerating

Model Recall Precision F1
Random 40.6 40.6 40.6
Logistic 55.6 51.7 53.5
Bayesian 55.6 51.0 53.5
Lasso 51.1 59.6 55.0
Neural 53.0 49.6 51.2

Predicted counting predicates

KB Input Output Filtered
DBP-raw 13,394 5,853 5853
DBP-map 1,127 898 898
WD-truthy 3,346 1,922 1,067
Freebase 8,289 1,723 1,687

Predicted enumerating predicates

KB Input Output Filtered
DBP-raw 16,635 2,894+1196 = 4090 2894+1196 = 4090
DBP-map 1,670 173+135 = 308 173+135 = 308
WD-truthy 4,067 99+117 = 216 86+ 117 = 203
Freebase 13,872 6311+1441 = 7752 6177+1437 = 7614

Alignment metrics computation

Location: ./alignment

  1. Create a csv file with entity names across different platforms.

    a. DBpedia entity: b. Wikidata entity: - remove url prefic which identifies the KB. - for all unique entities collected from KB and shortened, get the corresponting entity identities in other KBs (namely, Wikidata and Freebase).

  2. Get the number of entities per subject per predicate information from KB query using psql.

    a. Enumerating

    \copy (Select sub, pred, count(*) from *<kb-name>* where obj_type='named_entity' group by pred, sub order by pred) to 'filepath/named_entities_per_pred_per_sub_*<kb>*.csv' with CSV;

    Since Freebase has 700k predicates, modify above query by filtering only top frequently occurring predicates.

    \copy (Select sub, pred, count(*) from freebase_spot where pred in (*<list from file fb_pred_names_p_50>*) obj_type='named_entity' group by pred, sub order by pred) to 'filepath/named_entities_per_pred_per_sub_*<kb>*.csv' with CSV;

    Stored in DB server as a table with name *<kb-name>*_sub_pred_necount.

    b. Counting

    \copy (Select sub, pred, obj from freebase_spot where pred in (*<list from file fb_pred_names_p_50>*) and obj_type='int' order by pred, sub) to '/GW/D5data-11/existential-extraction/count_information/integer_per_pred_per_sub_fb.csv' with CSV;

    Stored in DB server as a table with name *<kb-name>*_sub_pred_intval.

    Note Create indexes on the predicate column.

  3. Create a view of triples in each kb having p_50 predicates. create view *<kb_name>*_p_50 as select * from *<kb-name>*_spot where pred in (*<list from file kb_pred_names_p_50>*)

  4. Get co-occurrence statistics on the generated view. Store co-occuring pairs (predE, predC, #co-occurring subjects) in ./cooccurrence/*<kb-name>*_predicate_pairs.csv. ~~``` psql select t1.pred as predE, t2.pred as predC, count(distinct sub) from (select * from <kb_name>_p_50 where obj_type='named_entity') as t1 inner join (select * from <kb_name>_p_50 where obj_type='int') as t2 on t1.sub = t2.sub group by t1.pred, t2.pred

    *Note* This is not time-efficient. Use instead
    ```select t1.pred as predE, t2.pred as predC, count(*) from *<kb-name>*_sub_pred_necount as t1 inner join *<kb-name>*_sub_pred_intval as t2 on t1.sub = t2.sub group by t1.pred, t2.pred
  5. Get predicate marginals (#subjects per predicate) in files labelled ./marginals/*<kb-name>*_int.csv for counting predicate marginals and ./marginals/*<kb-name>*_ne.csv for enumerating predicate marginals. select pred, count(*) from *<tablename>* group by pred where *<tablename>* in *kb-name*_sub_pred_intval, *kb-name*_sub_pred_neocunt, *kb-name*_obj_pred_necount

  6. Run to get the alignment metrics.

  7. Run to generate linguistic alignment. Note: Get linguistic similarity scores online since reading existing files is time consuming.

Inverse Predicates

  1. Get inverse predicates from postgres server select pred_inv from *<kb-name>*_inv_pred_property where frequency >= 50 into a list in p_50_prednames/

  2. Get the number of entities per subject per inverse predicate information from KB query using psql.

    \copy (Select obj, pred, count(*) from *<kb-name>*_spot where pred in (*<list from file kb-name_pred_names_p_50>*) and obj_type='named_entity' group by pred, obj order by pred) to 'filepath/named_entities_per_pred_per_sub_*<kb>*.csv' with CSV;
  3. Get co-occurrence stats for inv predicates

  4. Label inverse predicates as enumerating using the enumerating classifier.


Location: ./alignment

1. Predicate Filtering - to remove codes and id's from predicted predicates. The number of predicates (id and code names) filtered before and after classification -

Type Pre-class Post-class # removed by classifier
Enumerating 2158 (26156) 147 (9477) 2011 (93.1%)
Enum_inv 9 (10091) 4 (2890) 5 (55.5%)
Counting 2158 (26156) 881 (10396) 1277 (59.1%)

Note: number in bracket denotes the predicates input to the filter.

2. Metrics aggregation

  1. Get the (filtered) predicate lists from get_predicate_list.R.

  2. Keep only required metrics (predicate pairs which are in the predicted lists) in ./metrics_req folder by running metrics_assembly.R.

Number of aligments obtained = 4265

KB name Direct Inverse
DBP map 138 126
DBP_raw 1947 1756
WD 22 2
FB 120 154
Total 2227 2038

Crowd Evaluation of Alignment

Location: ./alignment_crowd_annotations

  1. clean_fig8_test_ques.R - to re-use figure8 evaluation questions.

  2. test_questions/ - create test csv for mturk

  3. clean_mturk_resp.R - check responses of test questions.

  4. select_random_prop_for_eval.R - create a list of 300 counting and 300 enumerating (ratio of inverse vs. direct) predicates for crowd evaluation.

  5. eval_questions/ - to get list of top predicates from different metrics. #datapoints for enumerating = 460 #datapoints for counting = 371

  6. eval_questions/ - create csv with labelled triples for mturk. #datapoints for enumerating = 169 which implies that 291 pairs do not cooccur. #datapoints for counting = 72 which implies that 299 pairs do not cooccur.

  7. Launch Mturk task with the csv files in eval_questions/data/ and run eval_questions/ to notify selected workers to take the task.

  8. Download MTurk results to eval_annotations/ and run eval_annotations/clean_mturk_repsonse.R to get absolute scores for all pairs

    0.5*(1/3)*(#complete*1 + #incomplete*0.5 + #unrelated*0)

    Note: 0.5 * (1/j) = is weight for topicality and enumeration scores times the number of judges (m); #x * w = number of votes x received from 3 judges times the weight of x.


Location: ./evaluation

  1. - To generate dcg scores for all metrics.
  2. aggregated_ndcg.R - To get mean ndcg of all metrics.


The demo is developed in Python using Flask webframework and run on an Apache webserver. The site is under contruction and may not exhibit full functionalites of the system.

Flask Application

Location: ./flask_app

Predicate List

Location: ./predicate_list

Scipts for create json files of KB set predicates to be displayed in the demo.

############### Notes

counting <- read.csv('alignment/counting_filtered.csv')
wd_labels <- read.csv('datasetup/WD/wd_property_label.csv')
wd_labels$id <- substr(as.character(wd_labels$Property), 32, nchar(as.character(wd_labels$Property)))
counting$id <- sapply(counting$pred, function(x) substr(x, start=tail(gregexpr('/', x)[[1]], 1)+1, stop=nchar(as.character(x))))
counting <- inner_join(counting, wd_labels, by='id')