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# Package management with <code>renv</code>
### Jonas Hagenberg
### 17.11.2021
# What is package management?
- control the versions of the packages you use
- make your analysis reproducible
- from `R`: `packrat`, from `python`: `venv`, `conda`
- for every project/analysis, you can use a different set of packages/versions
# Why `renv`?
- newest tool that is under active development by `rstudio`
- lightweight and easy to get started
- can be used to support more complicated use cases, e.g. combine containers
with a custom library on the cluster
# How to use it
1. install it:
2. create a new RStudio project
3. initialise `renv`:
4. work normally on your project, install packages (or update them)
5. when you want to save the new status of your packages, use
do a live presentation here: start a new project, initialise R, install a
package, use it in a script, snapshot, look at lockfile
# How does it work?
- `renv` uses a private package library specific for each project
- the packages are copied from a central `renv` package cache on your computer,
so that they don't need to be installed from CRAN every time
- the package versions are stored in `renv.lock` in a json format. This can be
added to version control and others can use the lockfile
- `renv` automatically discovers which packages are used in your projects
(by inspecting `library` calls and `library::function` syntax)
this means that it can also be introduced into an already existing project
# Caveats
- only the package &amp; `R` versions are recorded, nothing else (e.g. no system
- if you want absolute control, use container
- recorded package versions could not be available at a later point of time
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