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Instalation of TOBIAS Cloud Service

goymann edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 10 revisions

To create the TOBIAS-Cloud-Service two deployments are required one containing an nginx fileserver the other one a nextflow TOBIAS deployment that runs and controlee the plotting jobs. The file will create these two deployments, an ingress and a service for the nginx, several pvcs and a service account with Rolle binding rights.

NGINX Deployment

The setup scripts creates an nginx deployment, which gets a global IP over an Ingress and a Service. In the Ingress the annotation must be set to '': '100000m' to allow uploads over 1MB with the Ingress-Controller (more infromation). The Deployments get a PVC for the uploaded files and for the files for download.

Nextflow TOBIAS Deployment

The Nextflow TOBIAS Deployment needs a ServiceAccount with Rollebindings. The Service Account is needed to allow the deployment to upscale the plotting Jobs in own Pods on the Cluster. To create a Service Account with these rights you must need owner rights on the cluster.