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MACSEK Debug mode

goymann edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 1 revision

To setup MACSEK in debug mode add the flag '--debug' to the setup script then the deployment will be created without starting the serves itself.

$ python --namespace <your namespace> --debug

After that you can accesses the Deployment with kubectl and start the service by hand.

$ kubectl get pods -n <your namespace>
macsek-4a9b0dd821554893afe060b4ad76a155-7d6f68bdb5-5m6tj         1/1     Running   0          13m
macsek-nginx-4a9b0dd821554893afe060b4ad76a155-86849dc9b8-rfj2h   1/1     Running   0          13m
$ kubectl -n <your namespace>  exec -it macsek-4a9b0dd821554893afe060b4ad76a155-7d6f68bdb5-5m6tj -- bash
bash-4.4# python --namespace <your namespace>

This will be helpful for debugging especially if you add new pipelines. Also you can have look at the log-files of a running processes you find them under '../logfile/'.