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204 lines (151 sloc) 7.28 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python
Scorebed: Scores a bedfile with signal from bigwig file(s)
@author: Mette Bentsen
@contact: mette.bentsen (at)
@license: MIT
#----------------------------------------- Import libraries ---------------------------------------------#
import os
import sys
import argparse
import pyBigWig
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import pybedtools as pb
#Utils from TOBIAS
from tobias.utils.regions import *
from tobias.utils.utilities import *
from tobias.utils.logger import *
#-------------------------------- Command line arguments -----------------------------------#
def add_scorebed_arguments(parser):
parser.formatter_class = lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=40, width=90)
description = "ScoreBed is a utility to score .bed-file regions with values from a .bigwig-file. The output is a .bed-file with the bigwig value(s) as extra column(s). Options --position and --math can be used to adjust scoring scheme."
parser.description = format_help_description("ScoreBed", description)
parser._action_groups.pop() #pop -h
#Required arguments
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
required.add_argument('--bed', metavar="", help="Sites to score (.bed file)")
required.add_argument('--bigwigs', metavar="", nargs="*", help="Scores to assign to regions in .bed (.bw file(s))")
#Optional arguments
optional = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')
optional.add_argument('--output', metavar="", help="Path to output .bed-file (default: scored sites are written to stdout)")
optional.add_argument('--subset', metavar="", help="Subset scoring to .bed regions and set all other sites to --null value (default: all sites in input file will be scored)")
optional.add_argument('--null', metavar="", help="If --subset is given, which score/label to add to non-scored regions (default: 0)", default="0", type=float)
optional.add_argument('--position', metavar="", help="Position in sites to score (start/mid/end/full) (default: full)", choices=["mid", "start", "end", "full"], default="full")
optional.add_argument('--math', metavar="", help="If position == full, choose math to perform on signal (min/max/mean/sum) (default: mean)", choices=["min", "max", "mean", "sum"], default="mean")
optional = add_logger_args(optional)
#optional.add_argument('--buffer', metavar="", help="Lines to buffer before writing (default: 10000)", type=int, default=10000)
def get_score_func(args):
if args.position == "start":
func = lambda signal: signal[0]
elif args.position == "mid":
func = lambda signal: signal[int(len(signal)/2.0)]
elif args.position == "end":
func = lambda signal: signal[-1]
elif args.position == "full":
if args.math == "min":
func = lambda signal: np.min(signal)
elif args.math == "max":
func = lambda signal: np.max(signal)
elif args.math == "mean":
func = lambda signal: np.mean(signal)
elif args.math == "sum":
func = lambda signal: np.sum(signal)
def run_scorebed(args):
#Verbosity is 0 if output is written to stdout
if args.output == None:
args.verbosity = 0
#Start logger
logger = TobiasLogger("ScoreBed", args.verbosity)
parser = add_scorebed_arguments(argparse.ArgumentParser())
logger.arguments_overview(parser, args)
#Check input
check_required(args, ["bed", "bigwigs"])
check_files([getattr(args, arg) for arg in ["bed", "bigwigs", "subset"]], "r")
check_files([getattr(args, "output")], "w")
#Setup output file/stdout
if args.output != None:
sys.stdout = open(args.output, 'w')
no_bigwigs = len(args.bigwigs)
#----------------------- Overlap bed if needed ------------------------#
if args.subset != None:"Overlapping {0} to regions in {1}".format(args.bed, args.subset))
#Make overlap
pb_bed = pb.BedTool(args.bed)
pb_region = pb.BedTool(args.subset)
overlap = pb_bed.intersect(pb_region, c=True)
args.bed = overlap.fn
# Setup score function
score_func = get_score_func(args)
#---------------------- Open bw and run scoring -----------------------#
pybw = {bigwig_f: for bigwig_f in args.bigwigs} #open filehandles for all bigwigs
#Get chrom/start/stop from pybw objects
pybw_headers = {bigwig_f: pybw[bigwig_f].chroms() for bigwig_f in pybw}
logger.debug(pybw_headers)"Starting scoring...")
#buff = [""]*args.buffer
#buff_idx = 0
count = 0
with open(args.bed) as f:
for line in f:
columns = line.strip().split("\t")
outline = "\t".join(columns) if args.subset == None else "\t".join(columns[:-1]) #don't save overlap count
chrom, start, end = columns[0], int(columns[1]), int(columns[2])
#Decide whether to get signal or not
overlap = 1 if args.subset == None else int(columns[-1])
if overlap != 0:
for bigwig_f in args.bigwigs: #preserves order of bigwigs
if chrom in pybw_headers[bigwig_f]: #only get score if chromosome is in bigwig; to prevent error from pybigwig.values
signal = pybw[bigwig_f].values(chrom, start, end, numpy=True)
logger.error("Error reading signal for site: {0}".format(line))
if len(signal) > 0:
signal = np.nan_to_num(signal)
score = round(score_func(signal), 5)
score = args.null
score = args.null
#Format line with score
outline += "\t" + "{0:.5f}".format(score)
outline += "\t" + "\t".join([args.null]*no_bigwigs)
#outline += "\n"
#buff[buff_idx] = outline
#buff_idx += 1
#if buff_idx == args.buffer: #eg. if idx is 100 (already 0-99 lines in buffer) and args.buffer is 100, this will be out of bounds for next line > write out
# fout.write("\n".join(buff) + "\n")
# #Init
# buff = [""]*args.buffer
# buff_idx = 0
for bigwig_f in pybw:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser = add_scorebed_arguments(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: