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142 lines (112 sloc) 6.23 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python
TOBIAS top-level parser
@author: Mette Bentsen
@contact: mette.bentsen (at)
@license: MIT
import sys
#Import extra dependencies
import MOODS
sys.exit("ERROR: Package MOODS is not installed and is needed by TOBIAS. You can install it using:\n" +
"$ wget\n" +
"$ tar xzvf MOODS-python-1.9.3.tar.gz\n" +
"$ cd MOODS-python-1.9.3\n"
"$ python install")
#Import general
import argparse
from argparse import SUPPRESS
import textwrap
from tobias.footprinting.ATACorrect import *
from tobias.footprinting.footprint_scores import *
from tobias.footprinting.BINDetect import *
from tobias.plotting.plot_aggregate import *
from tobias.plotting.plot_heatmap import *
from tobias.plotting.plot_changes import *
from tobias.motifs.tfbscan import *
from tobias.motifs.format_motifs import *
#from tobias.motifs.cluster_tfbs import *
from tobias.motifs.score_bed import *
from tobias.misc.subsample_bam import *
from tobias.misc.merge_pdfs import *
from tobias.misc.maxpos import *
#from tobias.misc.create_network import *
from tobias.misc.log2table import *
from tobias import __version__ as TOBIAS_VERSION
def main():
all_parser_info = {"Tools for footprinting analysis":
"ATACorrect":{"help":"Correct reads with regards to Tn5 sequence bias", "add_arguments": add_atacorrect_arguments, "function":run_atacorrect},
"FootprintScores":{"help":"Calculate footprint scores from cutsites", "add_arguments": add_footprint_arguments, "function":run_footprinting, "space":"\t"},
"BINDetect":{"help":"Detect TF binding from footprints and motifs", "add_arguments": add_bindetect_arguments, "function":run_bindetect},
"Tools for working with motifs/TFBS":
"TFBScan": {"help":"Identify positions of TFBS given sequence and motifs", "add_arguments": add_tfbscan_arguments, "function": run_tfbscan},
"FormatMotifs": {"help": "Utility to deal with motif files", "add_arguments": add_formatmotifs_arguments, "function": run_formatmotifs},
#"ClusterTFBS": {"help": "Cluster TFs based on overlap of sites", "add_arguments": add_clustering_arguments, "function": run_clustering},
"ScoreBed": {"help":"Score .bed-file with signal from .bigwig-file(s)", "add_arguments": add_scorebed_arguments, "function": run_scorebed},
"Visualization tools":
"PlotAggregate": {"help": "Aggregate of .bigwig-signal across TF binding sites", "add_arguments": add_aggregate_arguments, "function": run_aggregate, "space":"\t"},
"PlotHeatmap": {"help": "Heatmap of .bigwig-signal across TF binding sites", "add_arguments": add_heatmap_arguments, "function": run_heatmap},
"PlotChanges": {"help": "Plot changes in TF binding across multiple conditions (from BINDetect output)", "add_arguments": add_plotchanges_arguments, "function": run_plotchanges}
"Miscellaneous tools":
"MergePDF": {"help": "Merge pdf files to one", "add_arguments":add_mergepdf_arguments, "function":run_mergepdf},
"MaxPos": {"help": "Get .bed-positions of highest bigwig signal within .bed-regions", "add_arguments": add_maxpos_arguments, "function": run_maxpos},
"SubsampleBam": {"help": "Subsample a .bam-file using samtools", "add_arguments": add_subsample_arguments, "function": run_subsampling},
#"CreateNetwork": {"help": "Create TF-gene network from annotated TFBS", "add_arguments": add_network_arguments, "function": run_network, "space":"\t"}
"Log2Table": {"help": "Convert logs from PlotAggregate to tab-delimitered tables of footprint stats", "add_arguments": add_log2table_arguments, "function": run_log2table}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("TOBIAS", usage=SUPPRESS)
parser.formatter_class = lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=25, width=90)
parser.description = textwrap.dedent('''
| |
| ~ T O B I A S ~ |
| Transcription factor Occupancy prediction |
| By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal |
Usage: TOBIAS <TOOLNAME> [arguments]
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title=None, metavar="")
#Add all tools to parser
all_tool_parsers = {}
for group in all_parser_info:
parser.description += group + ":\n"
info = all_parser_info[group]
for tool in info:
parser.description += " {0}{1}{2}\n".format(tool, info[tool].get("space", "\t\t"), info[tool]["help"])
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(tool, usage=SUPPRESS)
subparser = info[tool]["add_arguments"](subparser)
all_tool_parsers[tool.lower()] = subparser
parser.description += "\n"
parser.description += "For help on each tool, please run: TOBIAS <TOOLNAME> --help\n"
#Add version number to upper TOBIAS parser and all subparsers
parser.description += "For version number: TOBIAS --version"
parser.add_argument("--version", action='version', version=TOBIAS_VERSION)
for name in all_tool_parsers:
all_tool_parsers[name].add_argument("--version", action='version', version=TOBIAS_VERSION)
#If no args, print help for top-level TOBIAS
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
#if args are pointing to specific tool, and no other arguments are given, print help for this
if sys.argv[1].lower() in all_tool_parsers and len(sys.argv) == 2:
chosen_tool = sys.argv[1]
args = parser.parse_args()
args.func(args) #run specified function with arguments
if __name__ == "__main__":