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"""Contains code for the annotation process"""
import pysam
from functools import reduce
import re
import numpy as np
import logging
import datetime
def get_frozenset(adict):
return frozenset((key, set_from_dict(val) if isinstance(val, dict) else val) for key, val in adict.items())
def create_anno_dict(peak, hit):
""" Returns a dictionary containing information on the hit from gtf """
#Add peak information
anno_dict = {}
anno_dict.update(peak) #fills out peak chr/start/end/id/score/strand
anno_dict["peak_center"] = int((anno_dict["peak_end"] + anno_dict["peak_start"])/2.0)
anno_dict["peak_length"] = anno_dict["peak_end"] - anno_dict["peak_start"]
#Parse info from gtf string
pairs = re.split(";\s*", hit.attributes) #regex remove 0 to n spaces
pairs = [pair.replace("\"", "") for pair in pairs]
attribute_dict = {pair.split()[0]:pair.split()[1] for pair in pairs if pair != ""} # parse " of attribute values
print("Error reading attributes: {0}".format(hit.attributes))
attribute_dict = {}
# Fill in with feature info
anno_dict["feature"] = hit.feature
anno_dict["feat_strand"] = hit.strand
anno_dict["feat_start"] = int(hit.start)
anno_dict["feat_end"] = int(hit.end)
anno_dict["feat_center"] = int((anno_dict["feat_end"] + anno_dict["feat_start"])/2.0)
anno_dict["feat_length"] = int(anno_dict["feat_end"] - anno_dict["feat_start"])
anno_dict["feat_attributes"] = attribute_dict
#Look-up keys for annotation
anno_dict["anchor_pos"] = {"start": anno_dict["feat_start"] if anno_dict["feat_strand"] != "-" else anno_dict["feat_end"],
"center": anno_dict["feat_center"],
"end": anno_dict["feat_end"] if anno_dict["feat_strand"] != "-" else anno_dict["feat_start"]}
#Change with each query
anno_dict["query"] = 0 #query for which the hit was valid
anno_dict["best_hit"] = 0
def distance_to_peak_center(anno_dict, query_anchor):
""" Assigns the distance of peak center to best query anchor """
anchor_list = list(query_anchor)
#Set default if anchor list is empty
if len(query_anchor) == 0:
anchor_list = ["start", "center", "end"]
#Calculate distances to each possible anchor
raw_distances = [anno_dict["peak_center"] - anno_dict["anchor_pos"][anchor] for anchor in anchor_list]
abs_distances = [abs(dist) for dist in raw_distances]
min_dist_i = abs_distances.index(min(abs_distances))
#Set minimum distance as best anchor
anno_dict["raw_distance"] = raw_distances[min_dist_i]
anno_dict["distance"] = int(abs(raw_distances[min_dist_i]))
anno_dict["feat_anchor"] = anchor_list[min_dist_i]
# import "division" allows decimals
def calculate_overlap(anno_dict):
""" Calculates percentage of length covered by the peak/feature """
#beds exclude first position, therefore +1 for starts. Range excludes last position in range - therefore +1 for end
ovl_range = range(max(anno_dict["peak_start"]+1, anno_dict["feat_start"]+1), min(anno_dict["peak_end"], anno_dict["feat_end"])+1)
ovl_bp = len(ovl_range)
#peak_range = list(range(anno_dict["peak_start"], anno_dict["peak_end"]))
#feature_range = list(range(anno_dict["feat_start"], anno_dict["feat_end"]))
#ovl_range = set(peak_range).intersection(feature_range)
ovl_pk = round(ovl_bp / float(anno_dict["peak_length"]), 3)
ovl_feat = round(ovl_bp / float(anno_dict["feat_length"]), 3)
anno_dict["feat_ovl_peak"] = ovl_feat
anno_dict["peak_ovl_feat"] = ovl_pk
def get_relative_location(anno_dict):
""" Sets the relative location of peak to feature """
location = "NA"
if anno_dict["feat_ovl_peak"] == 1:
location = "FeatureInsidePeak"
elif anno_dict["peak_ovl_feat"] == 1:
location = "PeakInsideFeature"
elif anno_dict["feat_ovl_peak"] == 0: #no overlap
if anno_dict["feat_anchor"] == "start":
if anno_dict["feat_strand"] == "+":
location = "Upstream"
location = "Downstream"
elif anno_dict["feat_anchor"] == "end":
if anno_dict["feat_strand"] == "+":
location = "Downstream"
location = "Upstream"
else: #some overlap, but not completely internal
#Figure out if it is overlapstart or overlap end
if anno_dict["anchor_pos"]["start"] in range(anno_dict["peak_start"]+1, anno_dict["peak_end"]+1):
location = "OverlapStart"
elif anno_dict["anchor_pos"]["end"] in range(anno_dict["peak_start"]+1, anno_dict["peak_end"]+1):
location = "OverlapEnd"
anno_dict["relative_location"] = location
def annotate_peaks(peaks, gtf_gz, gtf_index, cfg_dict, logger=None):
""" Peaks is a list of tuple-elements (chrom, start, end, name, ...)
gtf_gz and gtf_index relate to the tabix gtf file
cfg-dict is the loaded config containing queries
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger('') #local logger leading to nowhere
#Open tabix file
tabix_obj = pysam.TabixFile(gtf_gz, index=gtf_index)
#Information on queries
queries = cfg_dict["queries"]
n_queries = len(queries)
distances = sum([query["distance"] for query in queries], [])
max_distance = int(max(distances))
#For each peak in input peaks, collect all_valid_annotations
all_valid_annotations = []
for peak in peaks:
logger.debug("Annotating peak: {0}".format(peak))
valid_annotations = [] #for this peak
stop_searching = False
query_i = -1
while query_i+1 < n_queries and stop_searching == False:
query_i += 1 #First query is 0
query = queries[query_i] #current query to check
logger.debug("Finding hits for query: {0}".format(query))
#Extend and fetch possible hits from tabix
max_distance = max(query["distance"])
extend_start = int(max(1, peak["peak_start"] - max_distance))
extend_end = peak["peak_end"] + max_distance
tabix_query = "{0}:{1}-{2}".format(peak["gtf_chr"], extend_start, extend_end)
logger.debug("Tabix query for query {0} ({1}): {2}".format(query_i, query["name"], tabix_query))
begin =
hits = list(tabix_obj.fetch(tabix_query, parser=pysam.asGTF())) #hits for this query
end =
logger.debug("Fetched {0} hits in {1}".format(len(hits), end - begin))
#exception if no hits could be fetched from tabix, for example if the contig does not exist in the gtf index.
#print("ERROR: Could not create iterator for peak: {0} \n with tabix query {1}".format(peak, tabix_query))
stop_searching = True
hits = []
begin =
for hit in hits:
#If feature is not the right one, we do not have to go further - saves computation of distances
if "feature" in query:
if hit.feature not in query["feature"]:
#logger.debug("{0} not in {1} - continuing to next hit".format(hit.feature, query["feature"]))
anno_dict = create_anno_dict(peak, hit)
anno_dict["query"] = query_i
anno_dict["query_name"] = query["name"]
#Calculate distances/relative location
anno_dict = distance_to_peak_center(anno_dict, query.get("feature_anchor", []))
anno_dict = calculate_overlap(anno_dict)
anno_dict = get_relative_location(anno_dict)
##### Test validity of the hit to query_i ####
checks = {}
#if "feature" in query:
# checks["feature"] = anno_dict["feature"] in query["feature"] #feature
#Check feature anchor
if "feature_anchor" in query:
checks["feature_anchor"] = anno_dict["feat_anchor"] in query["feature_anchor"]
#Peak strand relative to feature strand
if "strand" in query:
if query["strand"] != "ignore" and anno_dict["peak_strand"] != ".":
checks["strand"] = ((anno_dict["peak_strand"] == anno_dict["feat_strand"] and query["strand"] == "same") or
(anno_dict["peak_strand"] != anno_dict["feat_strand"] and query["strand"] == "opposite"))
#Check whether distance was valid
if anno_dict["feat_strand"] == "+":
checks["distance"] = anno_dict["raw_distance"] > -query["distance"][0] and anno_dict["raw_distance"] < query["distance"][1]
checks["distance"] = anno_dict["raw_distance"] > -query["distance"][1] and anno_dict["raw_distance"] < query["distance"][0]
#Check distance (Distance can still be valid if PeakInsideFeature/FeatureInsidePeak and internals flag is set)
if "internals" in query:
max_overlap = max(anno_dict["feat_ovl_peak"], anno_dict["peak_ovl_feat"])
checks["distance"] = checks["distance"] or (query["internals"]*1.0 > 0 and max_overlap >= query["internals"]*1.0) #if internals is set to more than 0 overlap
#Filter on relative location
if "relative_location" in query:
checks["relative_location"] = anno_dict["relative_location"] in query["relative_location"]
#Filter on attribute if any was set
if "filter_attribute" in query and "attribute_values" in query: #query["filter_attribute"] != None:
checks["attribute"] = anno_dict["feat_attributes"].get(query["filter_attribute"], None) in query["attribute_values"]
##### All checks are done -> establish if hit is a valid annotation #####
valid = sum(checks.values()) == len(checks.values()) #all checks must be valid
if valid:
logger.debug("Validity: {0} | Checks: {1} | Annotation dict: {2}".format(valid, checks, {key:anno_dict[key] for key in anno_dict}))
end =
logger.debug("Validated hits in {0}".format(end-begin))
#All tabix hits for this query were checked - if priority, stop searching if any valid hit was found -> else, check next query
stop_searching = (len(valid_annotations) > 0 and cfg_dict["priority"]) or stop_searching #or if stop_searching was already set previously
if stop_searching == True:
logger.debug("{0} valid hit(s) were found for query_i = {1} and priority is true - stopping search.".format(len(valid_annotations), query_i))
logger.debug("A total of {0} valid hits were found. Incrementing query_i.".format(len(valid_annotations), query_i))
logger.debug("") #create empty line in debugger output for easy overview
#After all hits have been checked for peak; make final checks and set best flag
if len(valid_annotations) > 0:
#Sort valid annotations
valid_annotations = sorted(valid_annotations, key= lambda anno_dict: (anno_dict["feat_start"], anno_dict["feat_end"], anno_dict["feature"]))
#If priority == True, find the highest ranked annotations for this peak
#if cfg_dict["priority"] == True:
# highest_priority_query = min([anno_dict["query"] for anno_dict in valid_annotations])
# #logger.debug("Highest priority hit for {0} was {1}".format(peak, highest_priority_query))
# valid_annotations = [anno_dict for anno_dict in valid_annotations if anno_dict["query"] == highest_priority_query]
distances = [anno_dict["distance"] for anno_dict in valid_annotations]
valid_annotations[distances.index(min(distances))]["best_hit"] = 1
valid_annotations = [peak]
valid_annotations[0]["best_hit"] = 1 #the empty hit for the peak is the best hit
#Add result to all the valid annotations