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84 lines (78 sloc) 2.19 KB
# The action section
# clean - whether or not to skip the prinseq cleaning step (see below).
# snv - whether or not to perform SNV analysis.
# cnv - whether or not to perform CNV analysis.
# container - whether or not to create a RDS container.
clean: True
snv: True
cnv: True
container: True
# The samplesheet section
# file - The path to the SampleSheet text file. Set to None if no samplesheet is available
# index - The name of the Column that should be used as index
# case - The name of the Column containing the case identifier to which the index belongs to
file: 'SampleSheet.txt'
index: 'Sample'
case: 'Case'
# The data section
# Contains named dictionaries with input sequencing files:
# r1 - The fastq file containing R1.
# r2 - The fastq file containing R2.
r1: ''
r2: ''
# The reference section
# URL - The URL from where the reference genome can be downloaded. Wildcards are allowed in curly brackets
# organism - Wildcard for the reference organism
# release - Wildcard for the reference release
# file - Wildcard(s) for the reference files that should be merged into the final reference transcriptome
# target - The path to a bed file with coordinates of the target regions
annotation_URL: '{organism}/release_{release}/gencode.v{release}.{file}.fa.gz'
genome_URL: '{organism}/release_{release}/{assembly}.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz'
organism: 'mouse'
release: 'M17'
assembly: 'GRCm38'
- basic_annotation
target: 'path/to/target_regions.bed'
# The directory section
# ref - directory name for reference files
# fastq - directory name for fastq files
# bam - directory name for STAR alignments
# cnv - directory name for Copy Number Variation analysis
# snv - directory name for Sequence Nucleotide Variation analysis
# tables - directory name for aggregated tables
# log - directory name for program logs
# R - directory name for Rdata objects
ref: 'ref'
fastq: 'fastq'
bam: 'bam'
cnv: 'cnv'
snv: 'snv'
tables: 'tables'
log: 'log'
R: 'rds'
# The debug section
debug: False