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executable file 74 lines (61 sloc) 2.54 KB
#!/usr/bin/env beesh
# BEE_VERSION openssl1-1.1.1za-0
# The patches and the message below are from Slackware
# Patches themselves are under the Apache License v2.0. After patching the package
# identifies itself as version 'za'
# Apply patches to fix CVEs that were fixed by the 1.1.1{x,y,za} releases that
# were only available to subscribers to OpenSSL's premium extended support.
# These patches were prepared by backporting commits from the OpenSSL-3.0 repo.
# Thanks to Ken Zalewski!
# build_in_sourcedir
# sourcesubdir_append src
#mee_extract() {
# bee_extract "${@}"
mee_patch() {
bee_patch "${@}"
# no html
sed -e '/^install_docs:/ s/install_html_docs//' -i Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
# no func() docs
sed -e 's/podpath=man1:man3:man5:man7/podpath=man1:man5:man7/;s/\[ 1, 3, 5, 7 \]/[ 1, 5, 7 ]/;' -i util/
mee_configure() {
start_cmd ${S}/config \
--prefix=${PREFIX} \
--openssldir=${SYSCONFDIR}/ssl \
--libdir=lib/openssl-1.1 \
shared \
mee_build() {
start_cmd make depend
start_cmd make ${BEE_MAKEFLAGS}
start_cmd make -j1 test
mee_install() {
start_cmd make DESTDIR=${D} MANDIR=${MANDIR} MANSUFFIX=ssl install
mee_install_post() {
rm -f ${D}/usr/lib/openssl-1.1/*.a # hmmm, see 'shared' above ...
# now provide the libraries as 'compat-package', and rearrange
# everything in a way, that
# PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/openssl-1.1/pkgconfig
# allows to build 'legacy' packages.
( cd ${D}/usr/lib/openssl-1.1
for file in lib*.so.?.* ; do
mv $file ../../lib
ln -sf ../../lib/$file .
mkdir -p ${D}/usr/include/openssl-1.1
mv ${D}/usr/include/openssl ${D}/usr/include/openssl-1.1/openssl
sed -e "s|/include$|/include/openssl-1.1|" -i ${D}/usr/lib/openssl-1.1/pkgconfig/*.pc
mv ${D}/usr/bin/openssl ${D}/usr/bin/openssl-1.1
rm -rf ${D}/etc ${D}/usr/bin/c_rehash ${D}/usr/share