#!/usr/bin/env beesh

# Note: the version is only found in the script we are about to install.
# BEE_VERSION pyp-2.12-0

## The source URL(s) array

## Add URLs/pathes to patch files

## files that should not be added from the image directory.

## uncomment to change default
# build_in_sourcedir

## specify different source directory
# sourcesubdir_append src

# mee_extract() {
#     bee_extract "${@}"
# }

#mee_patch() {
#    bee_patch "${@}"

#mee_configure() {
#    bee_configure

#mee_build() {
#    bee_build

## mee_install() should install into "${D}"
## default: 'make install DESTDIR="${D}"'

mee_install() {
    start_cmd mkdir -p -v ${D}${BINDIR}
    start_cmd install -v -m 755 ${S}/trunk/pyp ${D}${BINDIR}