#!/usr/bin/env beesh # BEE_VERSION xfce4-session-4.18.4-0 #SRCURL[0]="https://archive.xfce.org/src/xfce/xfce4-session/${PKGVERSION[2]}/xfce4-session-${PKGVERSION}.tar.bz2" SRCURL[0]="https://beehive.molgen.mpg.de/620c369a44c6b866c80d31e4685d6bef/xfce4-session-4.18.4.tar.bz2" # EXCLUDE+=() # build_in_sourcedir #mee_extract() { # bee_extract "${@}" #} #mee_patch() { # bee_patch "${@}" #} mee_configure() { bee_configure } #mee_build() { # bee_build #} #mee_install() { # bee_install #} ## by default this may be 'make install DESTDIR="${D}"' mee_install_post() { start_cmd mv ${D}${DATADIR}/xsessions{,.available} } ############################################################################### ## ## Additional hints: ## ## The name of this bee-file should follow the following naming convention: ## pkgname-pkgversion-pkgrevision.bee ## ## You may remove all comments as long as SRCURL[0]="" is set. ## ## Everything in this file will be executed in a bash environment. ## ## Build the package by executing ## './pkg-version-N.bee' or ## 'beesh ./pkg-version-N.bee' ## ## see http://beezinga.org/ ##