#!/usr/bin/env beesh

# BEE_VERSION gstreamer-1.16.1-1




# build_in_sourcedir

# sourcesubdir_append src

#mee_extract() {
#    bee_extract "${@}"

#mee_patch() {
#    bee_patch "${@}"

mee_patch_post() {
    # install would try
    # setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin+ep /usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-ptp-helper
    sed -i 's/HAVE_PTP=yes/HAVE_PTP=no/' configure

mee_configure() {
    CFLAGS=-Wno-deprecated-declarations \
    bee_configure \
    --prefix=${PREFIX} \
    --with-package-name="GStreamer ${PKGVERSION} BLFS" \

#mee_build() {
#    bee_build

#mee_install() {
#    bee_install
## by default this may be 'make install DESTDIR="${D}"'

## Additional hints:
## The name of this bee-file should follow the following naming convention:
##     pkgname-pkgversion-pkgrevision.bee
## You may remove all comments as long as SRCURL[0]="" is set.
## Everything in this file will be executed in a bash environment.
## Build the package by executing
##     './pkg-version-N.bee' or
##     'beesh ./pkg-version-N.bee'
## see http://beezinga.org/