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executable file 152 lines (115 sloc) 4.43 KB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $VERSION = '8.0';
sub USAGE {
print <<"eof";
usage: $0 [options]
--numberofwords -nw <n[-m]> : number of words, ranged from n to m
--maxlength -ml <n> : maximun length
--enumerate -en <n> : create a list of arguments
--namethischicken : tell the chickens name
--printchickenversion : print out "$VERSION"
--seed <n> : feed the random chicken
our %OPT;
my $opt_version = 0;
my $opt_numberOfWords = -1;
my $opt_numberOfWordsRange = '15-75';
my $opt_numberOfWordsRangeStart = 0;
my $opt_maxlength = 0;
my $numberOfWords = 0;
my $opt_namethischicken = 0;
my $opt_seed = 0;
my ( $f, $t ) = ( 0, 0 );
my $opt_enumerate = 0;
'numberofwords|nw=s' => \$opt_numberOfWordsRange,
'maxlength|ml=i' => \$opt_maxlength,
'enumerate|en=i' => \$opt_enumerate,
'namethischicken' => \$opt_namethischicken,
'printchickenversion' => \$opt_version,
'seed=i' => \$opt_seed,
) or USAGE;
if ($opt_version) {
print $VERSION. "\n";
srand( $opt_seed ? $opt_seed : time() );
my @WORDS = ( "puk", "pukaak", "cluck", "cluckity", "bwak", "waak", "bok", "bwok", "cluck-a-buh-gawk", "cock-a-doodle-doo", "bwwwaak", "gobble", "honk" );
my @PUNCTUATIONS = ( ".", "...", "!", "?" );
if ($opt_namethischicken) {
my %ChickenPopulation;
my @ChickenNames = grep { !/-/ } @WORDS;
for my $pn (@ChickenNames) {
for my $ln (@ChickenNames) {
$ChickenPopulation{ ucfirst($pn) . ' ' . ucfirst($ln) } = $pn eq $ln ? 1 : 2;
# "Waak Bok" could also be married to "Cluck" which would end up in "Waak Bok-Cluck"
for my $pn (@ChickenNames) {
for ( keys %ChickenPopulation ) {
push @_, ucfirst($pn) . ' ' . $_ unless $ChickenPopulation{$_} == 1;
for (@_) { s/( \w+) /$1-/; $ChickenPopulation{$_} = 3 }
my @CN = keys %ChickenPopulation;
my $chickensname = $CN[ rand( scalar @CN ) ];
print "$chickensname\n";
if ( $opt_numberOfWordsRange =~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
$opt_numberOfWords = $opt_numberOfWordsRange;
elsif ( $opt_numberOfWordsRange =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/ ) {
( $f, $t ) = split( /-/, $opt_numberOfWordsRange, 2 );
else {
print STDERR "wrong format for --numberofwords\n";
print STDERR "should be either 'n' or 'n-m'. ( '-nw 50' or '-nw 30-90''\n";
my $enumerate = ($opt_enumerate) ? $opt_enumerate : 1;
for ( my $e = 0; $e < $enumerate; $e++ ) {
if ( $opt_numberOfWords >= 0 ) {
$numberOfWords = $opt_numberOfWords;
else {
$numberOfWords = int( rand( abs( $f - $t ) + 1 ) + ( ( $f < $t ) ? $f : $t ) );
# generate paragraph, with random words, capitalization, and punctuation.
my $paragraph = "";
my $previousWordHadPunctuation = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $numberOfWords; $i++ ) {
# pick a random word
my $word = $WORDS[ int( rand( scalar @WORDS ) ) ];
# magic multiplier
$word = join( "-", ($word) x ( 4 - int( ( log( rand(7) + 1 ) / log(2) ) + 1 ) ) );
# even more magical multiplier
$word =~ s/([aou]){2,}?/$1 x (rand(7)+1)/ge;
# optionally add punctuation
# note: always add punctuation if it's the last word.
my $shouldAddPunctuation = $i == $numberOfWords - 1 || rand() > 0.9;
my $punctuation = $shouldAddPunctuation ? $PUNCTUATIONS[ int( rand( scalar @PUNCTUATIONS ) ) ] : "";
$word = $word . $punctuation;
# optionally capitalize the word
# note: always capitalize if it's the first words, or if preceded by punctuation
my $shouldCapitalize = $i == 0 || $previousWordHadPunctuation || rand() > 0.7;
$word = $shouldCapitalize ? uc( substr( $word, 0, 1 ) ) . substr( $word, 1 ) : $word;
# preserve info for next iteration
$previousWordHadPunctuation = $shouldAddPunctuation;
if ( $opt_maxlength == 0 or length($paragraph) + length($word) - 1 < $opt_maxlength ) {
# add word to paragraph
$paragraph = $paragraph . $word;
# if not last one, add a space
$paragraph = $i == $numberOfWords - 1 ? $paragraph : $paragraph . " ";
if ($opt_enumerate) {
printf "%d. ", $e + 1;
print $paragraph;
print "\n";