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3 contributors

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@mariux @wwwutz @donald
executable file 277 lines (197 sloc) 5.71 KB
use Sys::Hostname;
use Data::Dumper;
use Socket;
my $configfile = "/etc/mxstartups";
my $rundir = "/run/mariux";
my $fullhostname = hostname;
my ($hostname) = $fullhostname =~ /^(.*?)\./;
my $packed_ip;
# wait till hostname is resolvable..
while(!($packed_ip=gethostbyname($fullhostname))) {
sleep 1;
my $hostip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
if(defined $ARGV[0]) {
$rundir = $ARGV[0];
unless(-d $rundir and -w $rundir) {
print STDERR "can't write to directory $rundir\n";
exit 1;
@lines = read_file($configfile);
my ($host, $user, $script, $ip);
LINE: foreach(@lines) {
unless(($name, $host, $user, $script, $ip) = /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)\s*(.*?)$/) {
print "format error: '$_'\n";
my @hosts = split /[;,]/,$host;
@hosts = expand_hosts(@hosts);
my $match=undef;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
if($host eq $hostname or $host eq $fullhostname or $hostname =~ /^$host$/ or $fullhostname =~ /^$host$/) {
next LINE unless(defined $match);
save_config_mxservice($name, $user, $script);
my @ips = split /\s*[,; ]\s*/,$ip;
my $pip = parse_ips(@ips);
sub read_file {
my $file = shift;
open F, "$file" or die "can't open $file: $!\n";
my @lines=();
my $line="";
my $cont=0;
while(<F>) {
next if(/^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/);
s/#.*$//; # remove comments..
$_ = $line . $_;
if(s/\\\s*$//) {
# line continous in next line..
$line = $_;
unless($cont) {
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
push @lines, $line;
return @lines;
sub eth_to_net_if_not_exists {
my $dev = shift;
my $net;
my $num;
$dev !~ /^eth/ and return $dev;
-d "/sys/class/net/${dev}" and return $dev;
($num) = $dev =~ /^eth(\d+)$/;
$net = sprintf "net%02d", $num;
-d "/sys/class/net/${net}" and return $net;
return $dev;
sub parse_ips {
local $_;
my $H = {};
my $default_device = 'eth0';
foreach(@_) {
my $device = $default_device;
my %ports = ();
my $ip = "-";
my $_todest = undef;
my $addressprefix;
if(/\{(\S+)\}(\S+)/) { # extract device "{device}ip[d:t][..]"
$device = $1;
while((/(\S+)\[(\d+):(\d+)\]/)) { # extract ports
if($_ =~ /(\S+)\:(\S+)/) {
$_todest = $2;
$_ = $1;
if (/(\S+)\/(\S+)/) {
} else {
if("$_" eq "-") {
$_ = $fullhostname;
unless (defined $_todest) {
# printf "ip = $_\n";
# printf "todest = $_todest\n";
if (! ($tmphostname = gethostbyname($_)) ) {
printf STDERR "mxvip::$name *ERROR* Can't resolve '$_'. Skipping.\n";
$ip = inet_ntoa($tmphostname);
if (! ($tmphostname = gethostbyname($_todest)) ) {
printf STDERR "mxvip::$name *ERROR* Can't resolve '$_'. Skipping.\n";
$_todest = inet_ntoa($tmphostname);
$device = eth_to_net_if_not_exists($device);
$H->{$ip} = { device => $device, addressprefix => $addressprefix, ports => {%ports}, todest => $_todest };
return $H;
sub save_config_mxservice {
my ($service, $user, $script) = @_;
my $config = "$rundir/mxservice.$name.cfg";
printf "mxservice::$name creating service-config: $config\n";
open SCRIPT, ">", "$config" or die "can't open $config: $!";
print SCRIPT qq(MX_SRV_USER="$user"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_SRV_SCRIPT="$script"\n);
close SCRIPT or die "can't close $script: $!";
sub print_ips_cfg {
my $H = shift;
my %up = ();
my $i=0;
my $r=0;
my $script = "$rundir/mxvip.$name.cfg";
printf "mxvip::$name creating start script: $script\n";
open SCRIPT, ">", "$script" or die "can't open $script: $!";
foreach my $ip (keys %$H) {
if("$ip" ne "$hostip") {
my $broadcast=join('.',unpack('C*',pack('N',unpack('N',pack('C*',split '\.',$ip)) | (1<<(32-$H->{$ip}->{addressprefix}))-1 )));
print SCRIPT qq(# ip $i\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_IP_ADDRESS[$i]="$ip"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_IP_ADDRESSPREFIX[$i]="$H->{$ip}->{addressprefix}"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_IP_BROADCAST[$i]="$broadcast"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_IP_DEVICE[$i]="$H->{$ip}->{device}"\n);
my $j=$i-1;
foreach my $port (keys %{$H->{$ip}->{ports}}) {
print SCRIPT qq(# forward $i :: $r\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_FWD_IP[$r]="$j"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_FWD_SRC_IP[$r]="$ip"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_FWD_SRC_PORT[$r]="$H->{$ip}->{ports}->{$port}"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_FWD_DST_IP[$r]="$H->{$ip}->{todest}"\n);
print SCRIPT qq(MX_FWD_DST_PORT[$r]="$port"\n);
close SCRIPT or die "can't close $script: $!";
sub hostconfig_list {
my $tag = shift;
$_=`/usr/sbin/hostconfig --list $tag 2>/dev/null`;
return ( split );
sub expand_hosts {
my @oh = @_;
my @hosts = ();
foreach my $host (@oh) {
if($host =~ /^\@(\S+)/) {
push @hosts, hostconfig_list($1);
elsif ($host =~ /^(\/\S+)/) {
next unless(-r $1);
push @hosts, expand_hosts(read_file($1));
} else {
push @hosts, $host;
return @hosts;