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executable file 279 lines (223 sloc) 6.6 KB
#! /usr/local/system/perl/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Getopt::Long;
my $configfile = "/etc/mxmounts";
my $exports = "/etc/exports";
my $exportstag = "# DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE # created by /usr/bin/mxmount #";
my $fullhostname;
my $hostname;
my @lines;
my @exports;
my %V;
my %D;
our $USAGE=<<"_EOF_";
usage: $0
$0 --reexport-only
$0 --noexport
our ($opt_reexport_only,$opt_noexport);
$fullhostname = hostname();
($hostname) = $fullhostname =~ /^([^.]*)/;
%D = ();
%V = (
SHORTHOST => $hostname,
@lines = read_file($configfile);
@exports = read_file_raw($exports);
@lines = parse_variables(@lines);
@lines = parse_data(@lines);
foreach(@lines) {
print STDERR "skipping: '$_'\n";
my %options;
GetOptions (
'reexport-only' => \$opt_reexport_only,
'noexport' => \$opt_noexport,
) or die $USAGE;
@ARGV and die $USAGE;
mount_all() unless $opt_reexport_only;
system("exportfs -ra") unless $opt_noexport;
sub safe_qx { open my $pipe,'-|',@_; return join('',<$pipe>) }
sub add_data0_if_not_present {
my $allmp = $D{$hostname};
$allmp = [] unless (defined $allmp);
foreach my $mp (sort { $a->{mountpoint} cmp $b->{mountpoint} } @$allmp ) {
if ($mp->{label} eq "data0") {
if ($mp->{mountpoint} eq "$V{DEFAULT_MOUNT_PREFIX}/$hostname/0") {
print STDERR "$mp->{mountpoint} already blocked by $mp->{label}\n";
parse_data("$hostname !data0");
sub create_exports {
my $allmp = $D{$hostname};
open(EXPORTS, '>', $exports) or die "can't open $exports: $!";
foreach my $exp (@exports) {
next if($exp =~ /^\s*$/);
last if($exp eq $exportstag);
print EXPORTS "$exp\n";
print EXPORTS "\n$exportstag\n\n";
foreach my $mp (@$allmp) {
next if($mp->{noexport});
my ($mountpoint,$exportopts)=($mp->{mountpoint}, $mp->{exportopts}); # '/amd/theinternet/1','@amd(sync,rw,...)'
my ($hostspec,$optspec)=$exportopts=~/^([^(]+)(.*)/; # '@amd','(sync,rw,...)'
my ($opts)=$optspec=~/\((.*)\)/; # 'sync,rw,...'
my $hosts='';
warn "export $mountpoint to $hostspec opts $opts\n";
if (my ($group) = $hostspec=~/^@(.+)/) {
$hosts=safe_qx('/usr/sbin/hostconfig','--list',$group); # expanded group
$hosts or warn "group $group is empty\n";
} else {
$hosts=$hostspec; # single host
$hosts and printf EXPORTS "%s -%s %s\n",$mountpoint,$opts,$hosts;
close EXPORTS;
sub mount_all {
my $allmp = $D{$hostname};
my @CMD;
foreach my $mp (sort { $a->{mountpoint} cmp $b->{mountpoint} } @$allmp) {
@CMD = ();
push @CMD, 'mount', "LABEL=$mp->{label}", $mp->{mountpoint};
if($mp->{fs}) {
push @CMD, '-t', $mp->{fs};
if($mp->{mountopts}) {
push @CMD, '-o', $mp->{mountopts};
print STDERR join " ", @CMD, "\n";
sub parse_data {
my @lines = @_;
my @invalid = ();
my @data;
my $rest;
foreach(@lines) {
@data = split /\s+/, $_;
unless($data[1]) {
push @invalid, $_;
my $D = {};
$D->{line} = $_;
$D->{host} = $data[0];
$D->{label} = $data[1];
if($D->{label} =~ /^!(.*)/) {
$D->{noexport} = 1;
$D->{label} = $1;
if($D->{label} =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$D->{label} = $1;
$D->{mountpoint} = $2;
} else {
if($D->{label} =~ /^X/) { # X: decent controller based raid
$D->{mountpoint} = 'X/' . $D->{label};
$D->{label} = lc($D->{label});
} elsif($D->{label} =~ /^C/) { # C: controller based raid, confidential
$D->{mountpoint} = 'C/' . $D->{label};
$D->{label} = lc($D->{label});
if (!$data[3]) {
$D->{noexport} = 1;
} elsif($D->{label} =~ /^D/) { # D: scratch software raid (mdadm)
$D->{mountpoint} = 'D/' . $D->{label};
$D->{label} = lc($D->{label});
} elsif($D->{label} =~ /^M/) { # M: decent software raid (mdadm)
$D->{mountpoint} = 'M/' . $D->{label};
$D->{label} = lc($D->{label});
} elsif($D->{label} =~ /^data(.*)/) {
$D->{mountpoint} = $1;
} else {
warn "mxmount: unknown shortlabel '$D->{label}'.. skipping..";
if($D->{mountpoint} !~ m(^\/)) {
$D->{mountpoint} = "$V{DEFAULT_MOUNT_PREFIX}/" . $D->{mountpoint};
$D->{fs} = 'auto';
$D->{mountopts} = $data[2] ? $data[2] : $V{DEFAULT_MOUNT_OPTIONS};
if($D->{mountopts} =~ /\[(.*)\](.*)/) {
$D->{fs} = $1;
$D->{mountopts} = $2;
$D->{exportopts} = $data[3] ? $data[3] : $V{DEFAULT_EXPORT_OPTIONS};
foreach(qw(host label mountpoint fs mountopts exportopts )) {
$D->{$_} = expand_variables($D->{$_});
push @{$D{$D->{host}}}, $D;
return @invalid;
sub expand_variables {
my $s = shift;
foreach my $k (keys %V) {
$s =~ s/$k/$V{$k}/g;
return $s;
sub parse_variables {
my @lines = @_;
my @invalid = ();
my ($key, $value);
foreach(@lines) {
if(($key, $value) = /^(\S+?)=\s*(.*)$/) {
$V{$key} = $value;
} else {
push @invalid,expand_variables($_);
return @invalid;
sub read_file {
my $file = shift;
open F, "$file" or die "can't open $file: $!\n";
my @lines=();
my $line="";
my $cont=0;
while(<F>) {
next if(/^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/);
s/#.*$//; # remove comments..
$_ = $line . $_;
if(s/\\\s*$//) {
# line continous in next line..
$line = $_;
unless($cont) {
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
push @lines, $line;
close F;
return @lines;
sub read_file_raw {
my $file = shift;
my @lines;
open F, "$file" or return;
@lines = <F>;
close F;
return @lines;