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executable file 898 lines (751 sloc) 25.2 KB
#! /usr/local/system/perl/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
use Getopt::Std; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1;
use Sys::Syslog;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
import MxRaid::ConfData;
import MxRaid::HostData;
import MxRaid::Utils;
import MxRaid::Color;
my $VERSION = '1.1';
sub exec_usage {
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
print <<"__HELP";
$prog usage:
$prog [options...]
default is to print assembly commands when run w/o options.
-a assemble arrays when run as root
-c check database
-d file alternative database file
-h print this help and exit
-l list arrays on host, with -v will also show candidates
-m monochrome warnings (for the purists)
-n label print config records for new assemblies on host
-q be quiet
-r l:d(:m) config hints, if not a RAID 6 with 16 disks (level, disks, match)
-v be more verbose
-V print Version information and exit
example (list state and assist in assembling a RAID1):
mxraid_assemble -lv -n D0014 -r 1:2:flash
exit 0;
sub exec_version {
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
print " $prog $VERSION\n";
print " -h for usage\n\n";
print " Modules involved:\n";
print " MxRaid::ConfData $MxRaid::ConfData::VERSION\n";
print " MxRaid::HostData $MxRaid::HostData::VERSION\n";
print " MxRaid::Color $MxRaid::Color::VERSION\n";
print "\n";
exit 0;
sub check_enclosures {
# Slow down if known HBAs are in use, possibly there is a lazy enclosure attached.
# This might be skipped if /proc/uptime is large enough?
if (-e '/sys/module/aacraid/version' or -e '/sys/module/smartpqi/version') {
usleep(0.3 * 1e6);
glob('/sys/class/enclosure/*') or return;
my $cnt_0 = () = (glob('/sys/block/sd[a-z]'), glob('/sys/block/sd[a-z][a-z]'));
usleep(0.3 * 1e6);
my $cnt_1 = () = (glob('/sys/block/sd[a-z]'), glob('/sys/block/sd[a-z][a-z]'));
if ( $cnt_0 != $cnt_1 ) { # then something still 'evolves', shout around and take a nap.
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix'); # with 'native' we get EOLs in the logfile, option "noeol" doesn't work
syslog('info', 'still discovering disks, diff is %d. Waiting 3 seconds ...', $cnt_1 - $cnt_0);
sleep 3;
my $ROOT=$<==0?1:0;
my %opts;
getopts('acd:hlmn:qr:vV', \%opts) or die "# ERROR: getopts failed, try -h.\n"; # Values in %opts
exec_usage if $opts{h};
exec_version if $opts{V};
my $VERBOSE=1;
$VERBOSE-=1 if $opts{q};
$VERBOSE+=1 if $opts{v};
my $MDADMCONF_DB = '/etc/mxmd.conf'; # the 'database' with serials
if ($opts{d}) {
my $db = $opts{d};
if (-e $db) {
} else {
die "# db file '$db' does not exist, stopped";
my $MDADM_CONF_BASE = '/dev/shm/mdadm.conf'; # config for mdadm, created with information from above
my $cd = MxRaid::ConfData->new($MDADMCONF_DB); $cd->verbose($VERBOSE); $cd->load();
check_enclosures(); # idle a bit if enclosures are attached ...
my $hd = MxRaid::HostData->new($cd); $hd->verbose($VERBOSE);
my $utils = MxRaid::Utils->new();
my $do_default_action = 1;
if ($opts{c}) {
$do_default_action = 0;
if ($VERBOSE >= 1) {
printf "# Database file :'%s'\n", $MDADMCONF_DB;
printf "# Record count : %d\n", $cd->number_of_db_records;
printf "# Successor labels: %s\n", join(', ', sort(@{$cd->next_db_labels}));
print "\n";
if ($opts{l}) {
$do_default_action = 0;
my @labels = sort @{$hd->raid_labels()};
print "# NOTE: no active raids found.\n" unless @labels;
for my $label (@labels) {
my %reg;
print "$label:\n";
for my $rec (@{$hd->configured_raids()->{$label}}) {
my $md = $hd->mddev_by_member()->{$rec->[0]};
$md = 'n/a' unless defined $md;
printf " %-5s %-9s %-16s '%s'\n", $md, @$rec[0..2];
print " Note: this doesn't look like a standard configuration.\n" if scalar keys %reg != 1;
print "\n";
if ($VERBOSE >= 2) {
my @mounts = split m/\n/, `cat /proc/self/mounts`;
print "Disks not part of a configured SW-RAID:\n";
for my $rec (@{$hd->non_raid_disks()}) {
my $mnt = scalar(grep {m|^/dev/$rec->[0]\d*\b|} @mounts) ? ' (mounted)':'';
printf " %-9s %-16s '%s'%s\n", @$rec[0..2], $mnt;
print "\n";
if ($opts{n}) {
my $color = MxRaid::Color->new();
$do_default_action = 0;
my ($entry, $cnt, $size) = ('', 0, 0);
my ($level, $num_wanted, $match) = (6, 16, undef);
my $chunk_size = 512;
my $dev_no = 0;
my @mounts = split m/\n/, `cat /proc/self/mounts`;
my @candidates;
if ($opts{r}) {
($level,$num_wanted,$match) = split m/:/, $opts{r};
$entry .= $opts{n}.':';
for my $rec (@{$hd->non_raid_disks()}) {
my $dev = $rec->[0];
next unless $dev =~ m/(sd[a-z]+|nvme\d+n\d+)/;
if (grep {m|^/dev/$dev\d*\b|} @mounts) {
warn "# NOTE: /dev/$dev is mounted, skipping.\n" if $VERBOSE >= 2;
if (defined $match) {
next unless ($rec->[1] =~ m/$match/i or $rec->[2] =~ m/$match/i);
push @candidates, $rec->[0];
$entry .= ' '.$rec->[1];
$size += $rec->[3];
if ($cnt != $num_wanted) {
my $msg = "got $cnt disk(s), expected $num_wanted.";
$msg = $color->t_red($msg) unless $opts{m};
print "# NOTE: $msg\n";
if ($opts{n} !~ m/^[CDM][\da-f]\d{3}$/) {
my $msg = "label '$opts{n}' doesn't follow the CDM scheme.";
$msg = $color->t_red($msg) unless $opts{m};
print "# NOTE: $msg\n";
if ($cnt) {
if ($level == 0) {
# do nothing
} elsif ($level == 1) {
$size /= 2;
} elsif ($level == 5 and $cnt>1) {
$size = int ((($cnt-1)/$cnt) * $size);
} elsif ($level == 6 and $cnt>2) {
$size = int ((($cnt-2)/$cnt) * $size);
} else {
print "# RAID level $level not handled ($cnt disks)\n";
$size /= 1024**4; # TB
# 100TB -> 512k, 50TB -> 256k
while ( $size/$chunk_size < 0.115 and $chunk_size > 64) {
while (-e "/dev/md$dev_no") {
die "# ERROR: out of devices ($dev_no). Stopped", if $dev_no >= 128;
my $dev='md'.$dev_no;
print "# Record for '$MDADMCONF_DB'\n\n";
print $entry;
print "\n\n\n";
print "# Hint for creation with mdadm & mkfs.xfs:\n\n";
printf "mdadm -C /dev/%s -l %d -n %d -N %s -c %s %s\n\n",
$level, $cnt,
'/dev/' . join(' /dev/', @candidates);
printf "mkfs.xfs -L %s /dev/%s\n\n", lc($opts{n}), $dev;
printf "# Note: size of array will be %.1f TB\n\n", $size;
if ($do_default_action) {
# prepare to assemble for the complete host
sub create_mdadm_configs {
my $do_assemble = $opts{a};
# compare situation on host with database,
# a replaced disk (different id) won't make it into '%RAIDS',
# thus disk count in RAIDS is always <= disk count in DB
# a db entry with too much or less disk entries will indeed spoil the lookup,
# and assembly by mdadm will fail at the end.
my @mdadm_conf;
my $dev_no = 0;
for my $rlabel (@{$hd->raid_labels()}) {
my $condition_active = 0;
my $condition_incomplete = 0;
my $active_dev_no = -1;
# this one triggers if serials are assigned to the wrong array.
my $num_expected = scalar @{$cd->members($rlabel)};
my $num_found = scalar @{$hd->member_serials($rlabel)};
my $ratio = int(100*$num_found/($num_expected + 1e-6));
if ($num_found != $num_expected) {
warn "# ERROR: $rlabel, expected $num_expected members, but only $num_found disk(s) could be assigned, won't assemble.\n" if $VERBOSE >= 1;
warn "# NOTE: $rlabel, maybe the configuration contains disks from an array on a different host.\n" if $ratio<50 and $VERBOSE >= 1;
warn "# NOTE: (More clearly, go and search for $rlabel somewhere else!)\n" if $ratio<50 and $VERBOSE >= 1;
$condition_incomplete = 1;
my $res = $utils->list_differences( $cd->members($rlabel), $hd->member_serials($rlabel));
if ($res) {
# print Dumper $res;
# second array in $res must be empty, first array contains missing one(s), make shure ;)
die "# ERROR: $rlabel, possible software error, stopped" if scalar(@{$res->[1]});
warn sprintf "# NOTE: $rlabel, disk(s) missing: %s.\n", join(', ', @{$res->[0]}) if $VERBOSE >= 1;
warn sprintf "# NOTE: $rlabel, candidates available: %s\n", join(', ', map {"$_->[0]:$_->[1]"} @{$hd->non_raid_disks()}) if $VERBOSE >= 1;
# some more checks if some/all arrays run already
if (scalar @{$hd->get_md_devices()}) {
my %running;
for my $dev (@{$hd->member_devs($rlabel)}) {
my @sys_info = glob("/sys/block/$dev/holders/md*");
next if scalar(@sys_info) == 0;
die '# Fuck! Stopped' if scalar(@sys_info) > 1; # this will never happen ;)
$sys_info[0] =~ m/(md(\d+))$/;
my $md = $1;
$active_dev_no = $2;
push @{$running{$md}}, $dev; # should be the same key, otherwise the raid is scattered
if (scalar (keys %running) > 1) {
warn "# NOTE: $rlabel, the configured RAID spreads over multiple md-devices, skipped.\n" if $VERBOSE >= 1;
if (values %running) {
$res = $utils->list_differences( $hd->member_devs($rlabel), values %running );
if ($res) {
warn "# Debug case.\n";
warn "# That's embarrassing! (members that should be running / running but not a configured member)\n";
warn Dumper $res;
die "# ERROR: $rlabel, found a serious mismatch between disks running and stored configuration.\n";
} else {
if ($condition_incomplete) {
warn "# NOTE: $rlabel, Array is incomplete, but some disks are part of an active array, check config file ($MDADMCONF_DB)!\n" if $VERBOSE >= 1;
} else {
warn "# NOTE: $rlabel, already active.\n" if $VERBOSE >= 2;
$condition_active = 1;
# ARRAY /dev/md0 devices=/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd,/dev/sde,/dev/sdf,/dev/sdg,/dev/sdh,/dev/sdi
my @tmp = map { '/dev/' . $_ } @{$hd->member_devs($rlabel)}; # pull out devices
my $conf_dev_no;
# we increase $dev_no bottom up, whereas the ones from 'mdadm -A --scan' are populated top down
if ($active_dev_no >= 0) {
} else {
while (-e "/dev/md$dev_no") {
die "# ERROR: out of devices ($dev_no). Stopped", if $dev_no >= 128;
push @mdadm_conf, [
$conf_dev_no , sprintf("ARRAY /dev/md%d devices=%s", $conf_dev_no, join ',', @tmp),
$rlabel , $condition_active, $condition_incomplete
]; # -2- -3- -4-
die "# ERROR: sane device limit (md127) blown, stopped" if $dev_no >= 128;
# got here? Then it's time to write config files ;)
if (@mdadm_conf) {
# Store files we've created, helps to avoid clobbering generated configs whithin one run.
# This catches the case that $conf_dev_no isn't uniq (this may happen if running arrays are present *and* database errors are present)
my %conf_files_created;
my $bogus_count=1;
for (@mdadm_conf) {
my $dummy_config = $_->[3] + $_->[4];
my $dev_no = $_->[0];
my $rlabel = $_->[2];
my $conf_fn = $MDADM_CONF_BASE;
$conf_fn =~ s/conf$/$dev_no.conf/;
while (exists $conf_files_created{$conf_fn}) {
$conf_fn =~ s/.*\d+$//;
$conf_fn = sprintf "%s.%03d", $conf_fn, $bogus_count;
if ($bogus_count >= 100) {
die "# ERROR: created 100+ config files due to config errors. Stopping now";
open(CNF, '>', $conf_fn) || die "# ERROR: failed to create '$conf_fn' ($!), stopped";
if (!$dummy_config) {
print CNF "# label: $rlabel\n";
print CNF $_->[1], "\n";
} else {
if ($_->[4]) {
print CNF "# $rlabel, Array is incomplete (found less drives than configured).\n" if $_->[4];
print CNF "# Members are part of an active array, check your config!.\n" if $_->[3];
} else {
print CNF "# $rlabel, Array is already active.\n" if $_->[3];
print CNF "# ", $_->[1], "\n";
close CNF;
warn sprintf("# NOTE: $rlabel, created %s'%s'.\n", $dummy_config?'dummy config ':'',$conf_fn) if $VERBOSE >= 1;
next if $dummy_config;
if ($ROOT) {
if ($do_assemble) {
my @args = ('mdadm', '-A', '/dev/md'.$dev_no, '-c', $conf_fn);
warn sprintf "# NOTE: $rlabel, running '%s'\n", join(' ', @args) if $VERBOSE >= 2;
system (@args) == 0 or warn "# Error system @args failed: $?"; # serious, always warn
} else {
printf "mdadm -A /dev/md%d -c %s\n", $dev_no, $conf_fn;
} else {
printf "sudo mdadm -A /dev/md%d -c %s %s\n", $dev_no, $conf_fn, $MDADM_ASSEMBLE_OPTIONS;
} else {
warn "# NOTE: No SW-RAIDS configured on this host.\n" if $VERBOSE >= 1;
{ ####### MxRaid::ConfData
package MxRaid::ConfData;
BEGIN { $MxRaid::ConfData::VERSION = '0.01'; }
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
sub new {
my($pkg, $config) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $pkg;
$self->{config} = $config || return undef;
$self->{verbose} = 0;
$self->{db} = {};
$self->{lookup} = undef;
return $self;
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my @rec;
my $array_name;
my $lines=0;
my @faulty_names;
open(DB, '<', $self->{config}) or die "# ERROR: failed to open config '$self->{config}' ($!), stopped";
while (<DB>) {
$_ =~ s/#.*$//;
$_ =~ s/\s+$//;
next unless $_;
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
@rec = split m/\s+/, $_;
if ($rec[0] !~ m/[CDM][\da-f]\d{3}:/) {
warn "# NOTE: raid name not in expected format (bad key '$rec[0]' at line $lines).\n" if $self->{verbose} >= 1;
$array_name = shift @rec;
chop $array_name; # remove the ':'
next unless @rec;
if (exists $self->{db}{$array_name}) {
warn "# WARN: database contains same array name more than once ($array_name)!\n" if $self->{verbose} >= 1;
push @faulty_names, $array_name;
$self->{db}{$array_name} = [ @rec ];
close DB;
for (@faulty_names) {
delete $self->{db}{$_};
warn "# NOTE: removed badly configured array '$_' from configuration.\n";
my %tmp; # see if this gets expensive ...
for my $label (keys %{$self->{db}}) {
for (@{$self->{db}{$label}}) {
if (exists $tmp{$_}) {
croak "# Error: database contains disk id more than once ($label: $_)! Bailing out";
$tmp{$_} = $label;
$self->{lookup} = \%tmp;
return scalar keys %{$self->{db}};
sub members {
my $self = shift;
my $label = shift || return undef;
return $self->{db}{$label}
# sub serials_by_label {
# my $self = shift;
# my $label = shift || return undef;
# return $self->{db}{$label}
# }
sub label_by_serial {
my $self = shift;
my $serial = shift || return undef;
return $self->{lookup}{$serial}
sub verbose {
my $self = shift;
$self->{verbose} = shift if @_;
sub number_of_db_records {
my $self = shift;
scalar keys %{$self->{db}}
sub next_db_labels {
my $self = shift;
my %tmp;
for (keys %{$self->{db}}) {
my ($cat,$size,$num) = $_ =~ m/([CDM])([\da-f])(\d{3})/;
next unless defined $num;
$cat = '(C/M)' if $cat ne 'D';
if (exists $tmp{"$cat$size"} and $tmp{"$cat$size"} > $num) {
$num = $tmp{"$cat$size"};
$tmp{"$cat$size"} = $num;
my @next;
for my $k (keys %tmp) {
push @next, sprintf("%s%03d", $k, $tmp{$k}+1);
return \@next;
{ ####### MxRaid::HostData
package MxRaid::HostData;
$MxRaid::HostData::VERSION = '0.01';
%MxRaid::HostData::BAD_MODELS = ( # and the cure...
ST8000NM0065 => sub {substr $_[0], 0, 8}, # silly coding of serial
ST8000NM0075 => sub {substr $_[0], 0, 8},
ST8000NM001A => sub {substr $_[0], 0, 8},
ST1000NM0045 => sub {substr $_[0], 0, 8},
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
sub new {
my($pkg,$conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $pkg;
$self->{config} = $conf;
$self->{verbose} = 0;
$self->{root_priv} = $<==0?1:0;
return $self;
sub discover_basic {
my $self = shift;
# take only whole disks, no partitions
my @disks = grep {m:/(sd[a-z]+|nvme\d+n\d+)$:} (
glob('/sys/block/sd[a-z]*'), glob('/sys/block/nvme[0-9]*')
my $diskinfo = $self->get_hd_info(\@disks);
my @non_raid;
my %configured_raids;
my %raid_labels;
if (defined $self->{config}) {
my $c = $self->{config};
for my $d (@$diskinfo) {
my $sn = $d->[1];
if ( my $label = $c->label_by_serial($sn) ) {
push @{$configured_raids{$label}}, $d;
} else {
#mdadm -E /dev/sdX -- use picky mode to catch stray raid members?
push @non_raid, $d;
$self->raid_labels( [ sort keys %raid_labels ] );
sub discover_running {
my $self = shift;
my @mds_found = (
glob('/sys/block/md[0-9]'), # upper limit 128, and no leading zeroes
glob('/sys/block/md[0-9][0-9]'), # but who knows
glob('/sys/block/md[0-9][0-9][0-9]')); #
my %hd2md;
my %md2info;
my %cross_lookup;
my %md2hd; # scratch
for my $m (@mds_found) {
$m =~ m,([^/]+)$,;
my $md = $1;
# alternative : glob("/sys/block/$md/slaves/*");
my @tmp = glob("/sys/block/*/holders/$md");
for (@tmp) {
$_ =~ m,/sys/block/(.+)/holders/(.+),;
push @{$md2hd{$2}}, $1;
die "# what, duplicate device?" if exists $hd2md{$1};
$hd2md{$1} = $2;
for my $k (keys %md2hd) {
my @tmp = @{$md2hd{$k}};
@tmp = map { '/sys/block/' . $_ } @tmp; # redo ...
my $hd_info = $self->get_hd_info(\@tmp);
# printf "%s: %s\n", $k, join(' ', @$hd_info);
$md2info{$k} = [ @$hd_info ];
for (@$hd_info) {
$cross_lookup{s2d}->{$_->[1]} = $_->[0];
$cross_lookup{d2s}->{$_->[0]} = $_->[1];
sub raid_labels {
my $self = shift;
$self->{raid_labels} = shift if @_;
return $self->{raid_labels};
sub non_raid_disks() {
my $self = shift;
$self->{non_raid_disks} = shift if @_;
return $self->{non_raid_disks};
sub configured_raids() {
my $self = shift;
$self->{configured_raids} = shift if @_;
sub member_serials {
my $self = shift;
my $label = shift;
my $di = $self->{configured_raids}{$label};
[ map {$_->[1]} @$di ];
sub member_devs {
my $self = shift;
my $label = shift;
my $di = $self->{configured_raids}{$label};
[ map {$_->[0]} @$di ];
sub member_info_by_mddev {
my $self = shift;
$self->{member_info_by_mddev} = shift if @_;
return $self->{member_info_by_mddev};
sub mddev_by_member {
my $self = shift;
$self->{mddev_by_member} = shift if @_;
return $self->{mddev_by_member};
sub member_dev_serial_cross_lookup {
my $self = shift;
$self->{member_dev_serial_cross_lookup} = shift if @_;
return $self->{member_dev_serial_cross_lookup};
sub get_md_devices {
my $self = shift;
return [ sort keys %{$self->{member_info_by_mddev}} ];
# 'shortcut'
sub get_hd_serial {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_hd_info($_[0], 1)
sub get_hd_info {
my $self = shift;
my $dev_list = shift;
my $short_info = shift;
my @ret;
my $num = scalar @$dev_list;
for (my $i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
my ($dk) = $dev_list->[$i] =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
my $model = sys_fs_get_prop('/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/model');
my $sizeb = sys_fs_get_prop('/sys/block/'.$dk.'/size') * 512;
# if (! -e '/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/vpd_pg80') {
# warn "# Note failed to read serial via sysfs ($dk).\n" if $self->{verbose};
# next;
# }
my $serial_number;
if (-e '/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/vpd_pg80') { # exists even for ahci attached disks
# Vital Product Data, page xyz
my $vpd_pg80 = parse_vpd_pg80(sys_fs_get_prop('/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/vpd_pg80'));
if (defined $MxRaid::HostData::BAD_MODELS{uc($model)}) {
$vpd_pg80 = $MxRaid::HostData::BAD_MODELS{uc($model)}($vpd_pg80);
$serial_number = $vpd_pg80;
} elsif (-e '/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/serial') { # nvme disks are supposed to have this
$serial_number = sys_fs_get_prop('/sys/block/'.$dk.'/device/serial');
$serial_number =~ s/^\s+//;
} else {
if ($self->{root_priv}) {
$serial_number = smartctl_info($dev_list->[$i], 'Serial_Number');
} else {
warn "# You must be root to query '$dk'.\n" if $self->{verbose} >= 1;
if (defined $serial_number) {
if ($short_info) {
push @ret, $serial_number;
} else {
push @ret, [$dk, $serial_number, $model, $sizeb];
return \@ret;
sub sys_fs_get_prop {
my $fn = shift;
my $ret = undef;
if (-r $fn) {
$ret = _slurp_file($fn);
$ret =~ s/\s+$//;
} else {
warn "# ERROR: failed to read '$fn'\n";
return $ret;
# 'vpd_pg80'
# Use sysfs attribute vpd_pg80 to read serial number
sub parse_vpd_pg80 {
my $vpd_pg80 = shift;
$vpd_pg80 =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z]+/ /;
$vpd_pg80 =~ s/ +/ /;
$vpd_pg80 =~ s/^ //;
$vpd_pg80 =~ s/ $//;
return $vpd_pg80;
# reading must succeed, thus the croak/die
sub _slurp_file {
my $fn = shift;
open my $F,'<',$fn or die "# Error ($fn): $!\n";
return join ('',<$F>); # closes when scope is left 8)
# alternative if no vpd_pg80 avail
sub smartctl_info {
my $dev = shift;
my @keys = @_;
# smartctl -i /dev/sda | grep 'Serial Number:'
my @res = split m/\n/, `smartctl -i $dev`;
my $parse = 0;
my %smart_data;
for (@res) {
if ($_ =~ m/^===/) {
$parse = 1;
if ($parse) {
my ($key, $val) = $_ =~ m/^([^:]+):\s*(.+)$/;
next unless defined $key and defined $val;
$smart_data{$key} = $val;
if (@keys) {
if (scalar @keys == 1) {
return $smart_data{$keys[0]};
my %ret;
for (@keys) {
$ret{$_} = $smart_data{$_};
return \%ret;
return \%smart_data;
sub verbose {
my $self = shift;
$self->{verbose} = shift if @_;
{ ####### MxRaid::Utils
package MxRaid::Utils;
BEGIN { $MxRaid::Utils::VERSION = '0.01'; }
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
sub new {
my($pkg) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $pkg;
return $self;
sub get_xfs_label {
my $self = shift;
my $dev = shift;
return undef unless $dev =~ m,^/dev/md\d+$,;
my $label = `xfs_admin -l $dev`; chop($label);
return $label;
sub list_differences {
my $self = shift;
my $la = shift;
my $lb = shift;
my $one_way = shift;
# print Dumper $la, $lb; # die'';
my %tmp;
for (@$lb) {
my @not_in_b;
for my $x (@$la) {
push @not_in_b, $x if !exists $tmp{$x};
if ($one_way) {
return [@not_in_b];
my @not_in_a = @{$self->list_differences($lb, $la, 1)};
return 0 if scalar(@not_in_a) == 0 and scalar(@not_in_b) == 0;
return [\@not_in_b, \@not_in_a];
} ####### MxRaid::Utils
package MxRaid::Color;
BEGIN { $MxRaid::Color::VERSION = '0.01'; }
# ABSTRACT: Perl module for simple color enriched printout
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
sub new {
my $self=bless {}, $pkg;
return $self;
# sub t_red { $_[0] || return ''; "*$_[0]*" } # monochrome
sub t_red { shift; $_[0] || return ''; "\033[0;31m$_[0]\033[0;39m\033[0;22m" }
sub t_green { shift; $_[0] || return ''; "\033[0;32m$_[0]\033[0;39m\033[0;22m" }
sub t_purple { shift; $_[0] || return ''; "\033[0;35m$_[0]\033[0;39m\033[0;22m" }