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executable file 600 lines (544 sloc) 16.2 KB
#! /bin/bash
if [ -n "$TESTING" ]; then PREFIX=/dev/shm/$PKG-$VERSION-$BUILD ; fi
set -xe
umask 022
test -d $BUILD_TMPDIR && rm -rf $BUILD_TMPDIR
mkdir -p $BUILD_TMPDIR/home
export HOME=$BUILD_TMPDIR/home
exec </dev/null
if [ -n "$REMOVE_BUILD_RELICTS" -a -d "$PREFIX" ]; then
# force complete rebuild, but keep downloads
# sanity check before we go berserk
test -e build/perl-$VERSION.tar.gz || exit 1
find . -maxdepth 1 -not -name . -not -name build -exec rm -rf {} \;
find build -maxdepth 1 -not -name build -not -name "*.tar*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
mkdir -p $PREFIX
cat >$PREFIX/profile <<-EOF
if [ -d $PREFIX/.compatlibs ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PREFIX/.compatlibs\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ; fi
. $PREFIX/profile
# Tk test needs display
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
echo "DISPLAY not set. Required for Tk tests." >&2
exit 1
# If you hit errors and want to rerun from where you failed,
# use "if false","fi" to avoid rebuilding everything before
# the error.
# A good point to place the "if false" is here.
# Just uncomment and move the "fi" line to where
# you want to restart.
#if false; then ######################################################### DEBUG
#fi ######################################################### DEBUG
export MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)"
mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
# BerkeleyDB has left the Mariux(tm) core. Perl itself can do without, but some
# good old modules won't (BioPerl and maybe some more).
test -e db-4.8.30.tar.xz || wget -nv $BEEHIVE
test -d db-4.8.30 || tar xf db-4.8.30.tar.xz
cd db-4.8.30
mkdir build-dir
cd build-dir
CFLAGS="-O2 -fPIC" ../dist/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-shared=yes --enable-compat185
make -j$(nproc)
make install_include install_lib # skiping: install_utilities install_doc
# The problem with a git checkout is, that the perl build system does many things
# differentily when is sees .git - e.g. run additional developer checks.
#test -d perl || git clone
#cd perl
#git checkout "v$VERSION" ; git reset --hard
# orig:$VERSION.tar.gz
test -e perl-$VERSION.tar.gz || wget -nv $BEEHIVE
test -d perl-$VERSION || tar xf perl-$VERSION.tar.gz
cd perl-$VERSION
# -d : use defaults for all answers.
# -e : go on without questioning past the production of
# -s : silent mode, only echoes questions and essential information.
# -Dusedevel : allow devel (uneven minor) versions. Prevents bin/perl->bin/perlVERSION symlink
# -Duseshrplib : build shared perl library (required when perl is to be included in a shared library)
# -DEBUGGING : add debugging code (perl -D)
# -Dlocincpth, -Dloclibpth, -Aldflags : the usual args to make a build aware of 'non-standard' locations
# If after all this time you still don't trust threads, remove
# -Dusethreads, -Duseithreads
./Configure \
-des \
-Dprefix=$PREFIX \
-Duseithreads \
-Duseshrplib \
-Dusethreads \
-Dlocincpth=$PREFIX/include \
-Dloclibpth=$PREFIX/lib \
make -j$(nproc)
# Note: If you get a failure in porting/utils test here, it might be, that we are
# running cpan somewhere else which leads to an extra and unexpected "\n" being
# emitted by BEGIN and a failure of the test (which does "perl -c")
make test
make install
test -e $HOME/.cpan/CPAN/ && rm $HOME/.cpan/CPAN/
# Too many modules "recommend" stupid things like mod_perl
# do not auto install recommended modules
# also make known, access to 'BackPAN' likes to have this one
perl -MCPAN <<'_EOF_'
# A test in 'Math::BigInt' goes dreaming (in the current version)...
cpan -T bignum
cpan -u # update everything we already have
# These two with -T (without test), because the tests are interactive and access /dev/tty
# Do these first, because they are required by Bundle::CPAN
cpan -T Term::ReadLine::Perl
cpan -T Term::ReadLine::Gnu
# Now the rest of Bundle::CPAN first, so that we use latest code for the following
# installations
cpan Bundle::CPAN
cpan Log::Log4perl # many module tests request this.
# Now modules (from autobundle of /usr/local/ installation and manual cleanup and some deduplication)
cpan AE
cpan Algorithm::Diff
cpan Algorithm::DiffOld
cpan AnyEvent
cpan AppConfig
cpan Archive::Extract
cpan Archive::Zip
cpan Attribute::Params::Validate
cpan Authen::SASL
cpan B::Keywords
cpan BerkeleyDB
cpan Bit::Vector
cpan CGI
cpan CGI::Fast
cpan CPAN::Admin
# Cache::Memcached has some strange timing tests which fail from time to time
cpan -T Cache::Memcached
cpan Capture::Tiny
cpan Carp::Clan
cpan Chart::Base
cpan Class::Accessor
cpan Class::Data::Inheritable
cpan Class::ISA
cpan Class::Inspector
cpan Class::Load
cpan Class::Singleton
cpan Class::Tiny
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Class::Trigger
cpan Clone
cpan Config::General
cpan Config::Tiny
cpan Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
cpan Crypt::OpenSSL::Random
cpan Crypt::RC4
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan -T Crypt::SSLeay
cpan DBD::SQLite
cpan DBD::mysql
cpan DBI
cpan File::Flock # required by Daemon::Generic
cpan Daemon::Generic
cpan Data::ObjectDriver
cpan Data::OptList
cpan Data::Stag
cpan Date::Calendar
cpan Date::Parse
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Test::utf8 # required by Test::File::ShareDir::Dist
cpan Test::File::ShareDir::Dist # required by DateTime::Locale
cpan DateTime::Locale # required by DateTime
cpan DateTime
cpan DateTime::Locale
cpan DateTime::TimeZone
cpan Devel::CheckLib
cpan Devel::GlobalDestruction
cpan Devel::InnerPackage
cpan Devel::SelfStubber
cpan Devel::StackTrace
cpan Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML
cpan Devel::Symdump
cpan Device::SerialPort
cpan Digest::HMAC
cpan Digest::Perl::MD5
cpan Digest::SHA1
cpan Dist::CheckConflicts
cpan Email::Abstract
cpan Email::Address
cpan Email::Date::Format
cpan Email::FolderType
cpan Email::LocalDelivery
cpan Email::MIME
cpan Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper
cpan Email::MIME::ContentType
cpan Email::MIME::Encodings
cpan Email::MessageID
cpan Email::Outlook::Message
cpan Email::Reply
cpan Email::Send
cpan Email::Simple
cpan Encode::Detect
cpan Encode::Locale
cpan Eval::LineNumbers
cpan Event
cpan Exception::Class
cpan ExtUtils::PkgConfig
cpan FCGI
cpan File::CheckTree
cpan File::Copy::Recursive
cpan -f IO::Event # for File::Flock
cpan File::Flock
cpan File::FnMatch
cpan File::HomeDir
cpan File::Listing
cpan File::Path::Expand
cpan File::Remove
cpan File::ShareDir
cpan File::Slurp
cpan File::Which
cpan Filesys::Notify::Simple
cpan Filter::Util::Exec
cpan Font::AFM
cpan Font::TTF
cpan GD
cpan GD::Graph
cpan GD::Graph::histogram
cpan GD::SVG
cpan GD::Text
cpan Glib
cpan Graph
cpan Graphics::ColorNames
cpan Graphics::ColorNames::HTML
cpan Graphics::ColorNames::Windows
cpan Graphics::ColorNames::Netscape
cpan Graphics::ColorObject
cpan HTML::Tree
cpan HTML::Parser
cpan HTML::Form
cpan HTML::Formatter
cpan HTML::Scrubber
cpan HTML::TableParser
cpan HTML::Tagset
cpan HTML::TreeBuilder
cpan HTTP::Body
cpan HTTP::Cookies
cpan HTTP::DAV # note: tests fail if cpan build dir is on nfs
cpan HTTP::Daemon
cpan HTTP::Date
cpan HTTP::Negotiate
cpan HTTP::Server::Simple
cpan Hash::MultiValue
cpan Hook::LexWrap
cpan IO::All
cpan IO::CaptureOutput
cpan IO::Multiplex
cpan IO::Pty
cpan IO::Socket::SSL
cpan IO::String
cpan IO::Stringy
cpan IPC::Run
cpan IPC::Run3
cpan Inline
cpan Inline::C
# HTTP::Headers::Fast t/lazy_load_for_storable.t want to verify that
# Storable is not loaded right away, but it is pulled in from Test::More
cpan -T HTTP::Headers::Fast; # required by JSON::RPC
cpan JSON
cpan JSON::PP::Compat5006
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Class::Accessor::Lite # required by JSON::RPC
cpan JSON::RPC
cpan JSON::XS
cpan LWP
cpan Lingua::EN::Inflect
cpan Linux::Inotify2
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Linux::USBKeyboard
cpan List::MoreUtils
cpan Log::Message
cpan Log::Log4perl
cpan MIME::Tools
cpan MRO::Compat
cpan Mail::Box
cpan Mail::Box::IMAP4
cpan Mail::Box::POP3
cpan Mail::DKIM
cpan Mail::Util
cpan Mail::IMAPClient
cpan Mail::Identity
cpan Mail::Message
cpan Mail::Transport
cpan Math::Bezier
cpan Math::Calc::Units
# cpan Math::Interpolate # unmaintained! BZAJAC/Math-Interpolate-1.06.tar.gz MakeMaker FATAL: MIN_PERL_VERSION (5.004_01) is not in a recognized format.
# cpan Math::IntervalSearch
cpan Math::Random::ISAAC
cpan Math::Random::ISAAC::PP
cpan Math::Round
cpan Math::VecStat
cpan Module::Build
cpan Module::Implementation
cpan Module::Pluggable
cpan Module::Runtime
cpan Mojo
cpan Mozilla::CA
cpan Net::DNS
cpan Net::HTTP
cpan Net::IMAP::Client
cpan Net::IMAP::Simple
cpan Net::SNMP
cpan Net::SSL
cpan Net::SSLeay
cpan Net::Server
cpan NetAddr::IP
cpan OLE::Storage_Lite
cpan Object::Accessor
cpan Object::Realize::Later
cpan PDF::API2
# PDL: fallback to an installable version.
# changelog: 2.048 2021-05-24 -> 'drop SKIP_KNOWN_PROBLEMS support',
# 'drop POGL_VERSION, USE_POGL, WITH_3D config; just try building'
# MAKEFLAGS= cpan PDL # fails due to an unbuildable OpenGL dependency
# "My way, or the highway." :)
cpan ETJ/PDL-2.021.tar.gz
cpan ETJ/PDL-Stats-0.76.tar.gz
cpan PPITerm::UI
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan PPI::Document # required by PPIx::Regexp
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Task::Weaken # required by PPIx::Regexp
cpan PPIx::Regexp
cpan Package::Constants
cpan Package::DeprecationManager
cpan Package::Stash
cpan Package::Stash::XS
cpan Params::Util
cpan Params::Validate
cpan Parse::RecDescent
cpan PatchReader
cpan Path::FindDev
cpan Path::FindDev::Object
cpan Path::IsDev
cpan Path::Tiny
cpan Pegex
cpan Perl::Critic
cpan Perl::Tidy
cpan Plack
cpan Pod::Coverage
cpan Pod::LaTeX
cpan Pod::Plainer
cpan Pod::Spell
cpan Probe::Perl
cpan Readonly
cpan Regexp::Common
cpan Return::Value
cpan Role::Tiny
cpan Router::Simple
cpan SVG
cpan Set::IntSpan
cpan Shell
cpan Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
# cpan Starlink::AST # dies because of too much new Astro-dependencies ...
cpan Statistics::Basic # HD 2021-09-02: J. Handzlik
( # to find R -- sigh!
cpan Statistics::R # -- " --
cpan Statistics::Descriptive
cpan Statistics::Distributions
cpan Stream::Buffered
cpan String::CRC32
cpan String::Format
cpan Sub::Exporter
cpan Sub::Exporter::Progressive
cpan Sub::Install
cpan Sub::Uplevel
cpan Switch
cpan Task::Weaken
cpan Template
cpan Template::Plugin::GD
cpan Term::UI
cpan Test::Deep
cpan Test::Differences
cpan Test::Exception
cpan Test::Fatal
cpan Test::Inter
cpan Test::Most
cpan Test::NoWarnings
cpan Test::Number::Delta
cpan Test::Object
cpan Test::Output
cpan Test::Pod
cpan Test::Pod::Coverage
cpan Test::Requires
cpan Test::Script
cpan Test::SharedFork
cpan Test::SubCalls
cpan Test::TCP
cpan -f Test::Taint # test sometimes fail, because Test::More sets untainted environment variable TEST_ACTIVE
cpan Test::Warn
cpan Test::YAML
cpan Text::CSV
cpan Text::Diff
cpan Text::Format
cpan Text::Soundex
cpan TheSchwartz
cpan Tie::DBI
cpan Tie::RDBM
cpan Time::Date
cpan Time::Period
cpan Tk
cpan Tie::Watch
cpan Tree::DAG_Node
cpan Try::Tiny
cpan URI
cpan Unix::Syslog
cpan User::Identity
cpan Version::Requirements
cpan WWW::Dict::Leo::Org
cpan WWW::Mechanize
cpan WWW::RobotRules
cpan XML::DOM
cpan XML::LibXML
cpan XML::LibXSLT
cpan XML::NamespaceSupport
cpan XML::Parser
cpan XML::Parser::Lite
cpan XML::Quote
cpan XML::RegExp
cpan XML::SAX
cpan XML::SAX::Base
cpan XML::SAX::Expat
cpan XML::Simple
cpan XML::Twig
cpan XML::XPath
cpan YAML
cpan YAML::LibYAML
cpan common::sense
cpan inc::latest
cpan install
cpan local::lib
cpan Date::Manip
cd $PREFIX/build
test -e Donald-1.05.tar.gz || wget -nv -O Donald-1.05.tar.gz
test -d Donald-1.05 || tar xf Donald-1.05.tar.gz
cd Donald-1.05
cpan .
# fi ######################################################### DEBUG
cd $PREFIX/build
test -e Pcap-0.02.tar.gz || cp /home/buczek/build/Pcap/Pcap-0.02.tar.gz .
test -d Pcap-0.02 || tar xf Pcap-0.02.tar.gz
cd Pcap-0.02
cpan .
cd $PREFIX/build
test -e rrdtool-1.6.0.tar.gz || wget -nv
test -d rrdtool-1.6.0 || tar xf rrdtool-1.6.0.tar.gz
cd rrdtool-1.6.0
./configure --prefix $PREFIX
make -j $(nproc)
cd bindings/perl-shared/
cpan .
cd ../perl-piped
cpan .
cd $PREFIX/build
test -e net-snmp-5.9.1.tar.gz || wget -nv
test -d net-snmp-5.9.1 || tar xvf net-snmp-5.9.1.tar.gz
cd net-snmp-5.9.1
# patch -N -p1 < /src/mariux/patches/net-snmp-0001-Fix-incompatible-definitions-of-U64-type.patch || true # xxx
./configure --prefix $PREFIX
# make -j sometimes fails "ranlib: .libs/libnetsnmpmibs.a: Malformed archive"
make install
# Do bioperl last, because it doesn't declare all dependencies correctly
cpan Bio::Perl
# cpan -T Bio::Biblio # "ERROR 11 Unable to connect to database [medline" instead of xml file from net
cpan Bio::Coordinate
#cpan Bio::Graphics::Browser2 # GBrowse - requires Bio::DB::Sam
#cpan Bio::DB::Sam # Bio-SamTools 'Please enter the location of the bam.h and compiled libbam.a files'
cpan -f XML::DOM::XPath # test fails , install anyway for Bio::FeatureIO
cpan Bio::FeatureIO
cpan Bio::Tools::EUtilities
#cpan Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast # several tests fail - tools not available in required version
#cpan Bio::Network::IO # tests fail (whatever)
#still missing (found by: /home/buczek/libcheck/
#Alien::SVN # Alien-SVN: wants SVN install, assumed obsolete
#Apache::XMLRPC::Lite # SOAP-Lite-1.01 : obsolete
#B::Lint* # B-Lint-1.20-0 : I dont think we need this
#CGI::Apache # mod_perl - requires Apache source and asks for it endlessly
#UDDI::Lite # 17 years old junk
#XMLRPC* # XMLRPC-Lite: dont think we still need that
#Apache::SOAP # depends on Apache
# Devel::IPerl -> Markdown::Pod -> Markdent
# Markdown::Pod (0.006) does not work with Markdent 0.27 or 0.28 because of this change:
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan ZMQ::Constants # for Devel::IPerl
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan ZMQ::LibZMQ3 # for Devel::IPerl
cpan DROLSKY/Markdent-0.26.tar.gz # required by Devel::IPerl - Markdown::Pod -> Markdent.
cpan ZMUGHAL/Devel-IPerl-0.008.tar.gz # Devel::IPerl 0.009 requires ZMUGHAL/Net-Async-ZMQ which blocks during test
#cpan Devel::IPerl
cpan Text::NSP # galonska 29.01.2018 -> helpdesk
cpan Excel::Writer::XLSX # klages 20.03.2018, helpdesk
# defeat "Can't locate Makefile.PL in @INC", when Build.PL is used
PERL5LIB=".${PERL5LIB:+:$PERL5LIB}" cpan Convert::Morse # serious fun, kreitler
cpan Math::Amoeba # Multidimensional Function Minimisation (oldie but goldie:), kreitler
cpan Crypt::OpenSSL::PBKDF2 # some more crypto stuff, kreitler
cpan Crypt::OpenSSL::AES
cpan Crypt::Blowfish
cpan Crypt::Blowfish_PP
cpan Crypt::CAST5
cpan Crypt::DES
cpan Crypt::TripleDES
cpan Crypt::TripleDES::CBC
cpan Crypt::IDEA
cpan Crypt::Rijndael
cpan Crypt::CBC
cpan Crypt::MCrypt
cpan Digest::MD4
cpan OpenOffice::OODoc # The Open OpenDocument Connector
cpan Hash::Merge # These are wanted by the GA-Braker pipeline
cpan MCE::Mutex # HD: G. Wang 2021-04-12
cpan Math::Utils
cpan Module::Load::Conditional
cpan Parallel::ForkManager
cpan Scalar::Util::Numeric
cpan threads
cpan App::cpanminus # mean and lean installer, simpler to use by casual users
cpan Data::Grove # from xml-perl. Has some dependency issues, put at end