diff --git a/fragpipe-22.0-0.build.sh b/fragpipe-22.0-0.build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a6eb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fragpipe-22.0-0.build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+#! /usr/bin/bash
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug
+# COOKIE=$(mcookie|cut -c-8); grep -v V_GREP_ME $0 > /dev/shm/runme-$COOKIE.sh ; sleep 0.3; exec bash /dev/shm/runme-$COOKIE.sh
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Preamble
+# some pipeline parts need python
+set -e
+umask 022
+if [ -n "$TESTING" ]; then PREFIX=/scratch/local2/$PKG-$VERSION-$BUILD ; fi
+mkdir -p $PREFIX
+cat >$PREFIX/profile <<-EOF
+ . /pkg/openjdk-
+ # avoid interference with the package/pkg python
+ if [ -z "\$PYTHONUSERBASE" ]; then export PYTHONUSERBASE=\$HOME/.local/fragpipe-python ; fi
+ if [ -d $PREFIX/.compatlibs ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PREFIX/.compatlibs\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; fi
+source $PREFIX/profile
+# keep pip's download cache when testing
+test -z "$TESTING" && test -d $BUILD_TMPDIR && ( chmod -R u+rwx $BUILD_TMPDIR || true ; rm -rf $BUILD_TMPDIR )
+mkdir -p $BUILD_TMPDIR/home
+# embedded patches, copy script to an accessible location
+cp $0 $BUILD_TMPDIR; ME="$BUILD_TMPDIR/$(basename $0)"
+export HOME=$BUILD_TMPDIR/home
+NPROC=$(( $(nproc) * 4 / 5 + 1 ))
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- fragpipe
+# the complete installable archive, but permissions are a mess!
+# orig: https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe/releases/download/22.0/FragPipe-22.0.zip
+test -e FragPipe-$VERSION.zip || wget -nv $BEEHIVE
+test -d fragpipe || bsdtar -xf FragPipe-$VERSION.zip
+mv fragpipe/bin ..
+mv fragpipe/lib .. # 'libjava' would be smart, but fp uses lib in lookup routines :/
+mv fragpipe/tools ..
+mv fragpipe/workflows ../workflows_dist
+# reset executable attribute in the obvious cases, nerve ...
+# some *.py have a shebang, and some ... (you guessed)
+# this is safer then accidentally 'defusing' linux binaries within tools
+for ext in bat dll exe ico jar obo txt tsv ifl gdb pdb xml json glyc fasta workflow params; do
+ find $PREFIX -type f -name "*.$ext" -exec chmod -c 0644 {} \+
+find $PREFIX -type d -exec chmod -c 0755 {} \+
+# set jar mtimes according to content (btw. I didn't know that java was already around in 1980 :)
+rm -vf jarredater
+sed -ne '/^#Epatch:jarredater/ s/^#Epatch:\S* // p' $ME | patch -p0 --verbose
+find $PREFIX -name '*.jar' -exec python jarredater {} \+
+ # get rid of the way distracting console warning "No interface org.openide.util.spi.SVGLoader instance found"
+ cd ../lib
+ mkdir -p fixup
+ cd fixup
+ bsdtar -xf ../org-netbeans-swing-outline-RELEASE200.jar
+ rm -v ./org/netbeans/swing/etable/columns.svg # the root cause
+ jar -M -c -f org-netbeans-swing-outline-RELEASE200.jar META-INF org
+ # alternative ...
+ # jar -c -f org-netbeans-swing-outline-RELEASE200.jar -m MANIFEST.MF META-INF org
+ mv -v org-netbeans-swing-outline-RELEASE200.jar ..
+ cd ..
+ rm -r fixup
+# the source archive , some bigger libs missing (diann torch_cpu), permissions here are again messed up
+# 'FragPipe-22.0.tar.gz' -> '/src/mariux/md5repo/bfaae508143e0a67b28a6393cbb7b2fb/FragPipe-22.0.tar.gz'
+# orig: https://github.com/Nesvilab/FragPipe/archive/refs/tags/22.0.tar.gz
+test -e FragPipe-$VERSION.tar.gz || wget -nv $BEEHIVE
+test -d FragPipe-$VERSION || tar -xf FragPipe-$VERSION.tar.gz
+cd FragPipe-$VERSION
+# -------------------------------------------------------------- patch time
+# several GUI patches, some are cosmetic, some are related
+# to the fact that the installation directory is read only
+cd ./MSFragger-GUI
+# okay, we have them, so we also like to use them ...
+sed -i -e '/^\s\s*public static final int maxProcessors/ s/= 128;/= 256;/' \
+ src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/tabs/TabWorkflow.java
+# ... and please do not call home on every start
+sed -i \
+ -e "/raw.githubusercontent.com/ s|https.*PATH_BUNDLE|file://$PREFIX/etc/Bundle.properties\"|" \
+ -e '/^\s\s*+ ".properties"\s*$/ d' \
+ src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/params/ThisAppProps.java
+sed -ne '/^#Epatch:FragpipeLocations / s/^#Epatch:\S* // p' $ME | patch -p2 --verbose
+sed -ne '/^#Epatch:Fragpipe / s/^#Epatch:\S* // p' $ME | patch -p2 --verbose
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- compile now
+# a full build, but it will not help with the file attributes, s.a. :/
+# result: build/github-release/FragPipe-22.0.zip
+# #> ./gradlew makeReleaseZipNoJre
+# debug/devel builds for fragpipe-22.0.jar
+# #> ./gradlew jar --rerun
+# only the recompiled gui is needed ...
+# result: build/libs/fragpipe-22.0.jar
+./gradlew --console plain --max-workers $NPROC jar
+mv -v build/libs/fragpipe-22.0.jar $PREFIX/lib
+./gradlew --stop # since it is a 'daemon'
+# ---------------------------------------------------------- finish install
+mkdir -p etc ltools updates workflows
+# the file that is supposed to be downloaded from git-hub
+cp -v build/FragPipe-22.0/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/Bundle.properties etc
+# this works w/o further installing logging jars:
+# JAVA_OPTS=-Dlogback.configurationFile=/package/fragpipe/etc/logback.xml fragpipe
+rm -vf etc/logback.xml
+sed -ne '/^#Epatch:logback/ s/^#Epatch:\S* // p' $ME | patch -p0 --verbose
+# the academic license was acquired by H. Schmidt, some of the tools seem to
+# talk with google analytics, just in case you wonder :)
+cd ltools
+cp -p $REPO_LICENSED_SOFTWARE/2024-417_Academic_Research_Use_License_05142024.pdf .
+bsdtar -xf $REPO_LICENSED_SOFTWARE/MSFragger-4.1.zip
+bsdtar -xf $REPO_LICENSED_SOFTWARE/IonQuant-1.10.27.zip
+bsdtar -xf $REPO_LICENSED_SOFTWARE/diaTracer-1.1.5.zip
+# create a neater launcher, but also keep the funny one bundled
+cat > $PREFIX/bin/mxfragpipe <<- EOF
+ #! /usr/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ # populate ~/.config/FragPipe/fragpipe/workflows on first start
+ WORKFLOWDIR="\$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/FragPipe/fragpipe/workflows"
+ if [ ! -d "\$WORKFLOWDIR" ] ; then # assume first run ...
+ mkdir -vp "\$WORKFLOWDIR"
+ cp --preserve=timestamps /package/fragpipe/workflows.dist/* "\$WORKFLOWDIR"
+ echo 'fragpipe-config.tools-folder=$PREFIX/ltools' >> "\$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/FragPipe/fragpipe/fragpipe-ui.cache"
+ fi
+ # avoid stumbling over our filerunner or doublecommander apps
+ # grep -l inode/directory /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
+ if [ ! -e \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/FragPipe/no_check_filemanager ]; then
+ FILEMANAGER=\$(xdg-mime query default inode/directory)
+ if [[ "\$FILEMANAGER" =~ 'doublecmd' || "\$FILEMANAGER" =~ 'filerunner' ]]; then
+ echo "# ==========================================================================="
+ echo "#"
+ echo "# NOTE: Your default filemanager application is set to \$FILEMANAGER ..."
+ echo "#"
+ echo "# to fix this issue and switch to thunar, enter:"
+ echo "# #> xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory"
+ echo "#"
+ echo "# to inhibit this message enter:"
+ echo "# #> touch \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/FragPipe/no_check_filemanager"
+ echo "#"
+ echo "# ==========================================================================="
+ sleep 5
+ echo "# launching fragpipe now ..."
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # -classpath '/foobar/lib/*' only adds *.jar files - ohh, what a surprise :)
+ exec java \$FRAGPIPE_OPTS \$JAVA_OPTS \\
+ -classpath '$PREFIX/lib/*' \\
+ com.dmtavt.fragpipe.FragPipeMain \\
+ "\${@+\$@}"
+chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/mxfragpipe
+echo '# Fragpipe install is done ...'
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------ python
+# -------------------------------------- Use git to track package evolution
+test -d .git && rm -rf .git
+git init -q; echo -e '[user]\n name = none\n email = of_your_business...' >> .git/config
+echo '*' > .gitignore
+function piplist() {
+ pip list | awk '{ printf("%-36s %s\n", $1,$2) }' | grep -v '\----' > GameOfVersions
+function track() {
+ if [ -d .git ]; then
+ if git add -f GameOfVersions; then
+ git commit -q -n -m "Package: '$*'" || /bin/true
+ fi
+ fi
+function install() {
+ echo "# ::INST:: # '${@+$@}'"
+ # no-color is nice, but doesn't work when dependencies are installed, so (mis-)use a pipe
+ pip install --no-color --compile --cache-dir=$HOME/.cache/pip --prefix=$PREFIX "${@+$@}" | cat
+ piplist
+ track $*
+# ---------------------------------------- Build Python & support libraries
+ # orig: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.11/Python-3.11.11.tgz
+ BEEHIVE=https://beehive.molgen.mpg.de/9a5b43fcc06810b8ae924b0a080e6569/Python-3.11.11.tgz
+ test -e Python-$PYTHONVER.tgz || wget -nv $BEEHIVE
+ test -d Python-$PYTHONVER || tar -xf Python-$PYTHONVER.tgz
+ cd Python-$PYTHONVER
+ # BerkeleyDB, the undead ...
+ # Newer libgdbm_compat.so versions pull libgdbm.so on their own, our libgdbm_compat.so is older ...
+ # So, let setup.py create '-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat' instead of a sole '-lgdbm_compat'
+ # verbatim: ndbm_libs = ['gdbm_compat'] => ndbm_libs = ['gdbm','gdbm_compat']
+ sed -i -e "/ndbm_libs = / s/_compat'/','gdbm_compat'/" setup.py
+ # leave further hints in the log
+ sed -i -e '/db_setup_debug = False/ s/False/True/' \
+ -e '/dbm_setup_debug = False/ s/False/True/' setup.py
+ # These may come handy if the Python build needs exclusive stuff from $PREFIX
+ # INCLUDEDIR=$PREFIX/include \
+ # LIBDIR=$PREFIX/lib \
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=$PREFIX/lib" \
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=$PREFIX \
+ --enable-shared
+ make -j $NPROC
+ make install
+ # it might come to happen that something down the line may just call 'python', defuse ...
+ test -e $PREFIX/bin/python || ln -s python3 $PREFIX/bin/python
+ python -m ensurepip
+ pip3 install --prefix=$PREFIX -I pip
+ ( # fix 'please update' noise from pip
+ cd $PREFIX/lib/python*/site-packages
+ sed -ne '/^#Epatch:pip/ s/^#Epatch:\S* // p' $ME | patch -p1 --verbose
+ )
+ # I hate to do this ...
+ ln -s lib $PREFIX/lib64
+install setuptools
+piplist; track START
+install Cython
+install numpy==1.26.4 # The EasyPQP author nailed numpy to this version (needlessly of course, <2 is the right way ...)
+install numba==0.60.0
+install wheel
+PACKAGES=$(sed -e s/#.*$// <<- __PKGLIST__
+ pyopenms==3.2.0
+ easypqp==0.1.50
+ lxml==5.3.0
+for PKG in $PACKAGES; do
+ install $PKG
+# ------------------------------------------------------------ Sanity check
+echo "# --------- *** SANITY CHECKS *** ---------"
+# I guess it makes sense that files can be read by all users ...
+echo "# 1) Check for unreadable files ..."
+for D in bin include lib share; do
+ find $D \! -perm -004 -exec chmod -c a+r {} +
+# a cheap one :)
+echo "# 2) Running pip check"
+pip check
+# load all packages, see warnings and spot installation errors
+echo "# 3) Module load test."
+python -c 'help("modules")'
+echo "# Note: reached end of load test"
+echo "For Deeper checks:"
+echo "cd ${BUILDDIR} ; git log --patch | grep ^[\+\-][^\+\-]"
+# -------------------------------------------------------- Included patches
+#Epatch:pip # Operation 'Forever young', disable version-check per default.
+#Epatch:pip # The option needs to be kept, because some tools make use of
+#Epatch:pip # it and would cause pip to fail.
+#Epatch:pip --- a/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py 2022-08-09 17:29:15.853442948 +0200
+#Epatch:pip +++ b/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py 2022-08-10 10:31:35.124945154 +0200
+#Epatch:pip @@ -892,7 +892,6 @@
+#Epatch:pip dest="disable_pip_version_check",
+#Epatch:pip action="store_true",
+#Epatch:pip - default=False,
+#Epatch:pip - help="Don't periodically check PyPI to determine whether a new version "
+#Epatch:pip - "of pip is available for download. Implied with --no-index.",
+#Epatch:pip + default=True,
+#Epatch:pip + help="Ignore this option, the version check IS disabled.",
+#Epatch:pip )
+#Epatch:jarredater --- jarredater
+#Epatch:jarredater +++ jarredater
+#Epatch:jarredater @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#Epatch:jarredater +import os, sys, time, zipfile
+#Epatch:jarredater +
+#Epatch:jarredater +dt_list = []
+#Epatch:jarredater +if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+#Epatch:jarredater + for f in sys.argv[1:]:
+#Epatch:jarredater + dt_list.clear()
+#Epatch:jarredater + zf = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r')
+#Epatch:jarredater + for i in zf.infolist(): dt_list.append(i.date_time)
+#Epatch:jarredater + zf.close()
+#Epatch:jarredater + maxtime = max( dt_list )
+#Epatch:jarredater + print('# touching', f, '->', maxtime)
+#Epatch:jarredater + epo = time.mktime( maxtime + (0,0,0) )
+#Epatch:jarredater + os.utime(f, (epo, epo))
+#Epatch:logback --- etc/logback.xml
+#Epatch:logback +++ etc/logback.xml
+#Epatch:logback @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback + %d %-5level %-42logger{42} - %msg%n
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+#Epatch:logback +
+### =========================================================================================
+### VERY CAREFUL NOW, we are patchin WinDos files, lookout for '' / '^M' in your editor !
+### =========================================================================================
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations diff --git a/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/FragpipeLocations.java b/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/FragpipeLocations.java
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations index 6f14590e..58f56d5f 100644
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations --- a/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/FragpipeLocations.java
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations +++ b/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/FragpipeLocations.java
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations @@ -106,8 +106,9 @@ public class FragpipeLocations {
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations tools = dir.resolve(Paths.get("../tools"));
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations }
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations - Path workflows = dir.resolve("../workflows");
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations - Path longTermStorage = CacheUtils.getTempDir();
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations + // Path workflows = dir.resolve("../workflows");
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations + Path workflows = dir.resolve( CacheUtils.getTempDir().toString() + "/workflows" );
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations + Path longTermStorage = CacheUtils.getTempDir(); // well this yields to > XDG_CONFIG_HOME + "/FragPipe" <
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations // create locations if they don't yet exist
+#Epatch:FragpipeLocations List paths = Arrays.asList(dir, cache, tools, workflows, longTermStorage);
+#Epatch:Fragpipe diff --git a/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/Fragpipe.java b/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/Fragpipe.java
+#Epatch:Fragpipe index 16fd82ec..64696321 100644
+#Epatch:Fragpipe --- a/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/Fragpipe.java
+#Epatch:Fragpipe +++ b/MSFragger-GUI/src/com/dmtavt/fragpipe/Fragpipe.java
+#Epatch:Fragpipe @@ -289,22 +289,36 @@ public class Fragpipe extends JFrameHeadless {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe log.debug("Saving ui cache: collected {} properties from UI. Size after merging with cached object: {}.",
+#Epatch:Fragpipe tabsAsProps.size(), cache.propsUiState.size());
+#Epatch:Fragpipe try {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - cache.propsUiState.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathUiCache(false));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - cache.propsUiState.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + // when we fail here (lib/../cache), the other one will not be written out :/
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + //cache.propsUiState.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathUiCache(false));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + //cache.propsUiState.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe cache.propsUiState.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathUiCache(true));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe cache.propsUiState.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe } catch (IOException ex) {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - log.error("Error saving ui cache. It won't affect the results.");
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + log.error("Error saving ui cache. It won't affect the results." + " (" +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + FragpipeLocations.get().getPathUiCache(true) + ")"
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + );
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe try {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - cache.propsRuntime.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathRuntimeCache(false));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - cache.propsRuntime.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + // when we fail here (lib/../cache), the other one will not be written out :/
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + //cache.propsRuntime.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathRuntimeCache(false));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + //cache.propsRuntime.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe cache.propsRuntime.setPath(FragpipeLocations.get().getPathRuntimeCache(true));
+#Epatch:Fragpipe cache.propsRuntime.save();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe } catch (IOException ex) {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe - log.error("Error saving runtime cache. It won't affect the results.");
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + log.error("Error saving runtime cache. It won't affect the results." + " (" +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + FragpipeLocations.get().getPathRuntimeCache(true) + ")"
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + );
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + /*
+#Epatch:Fragpipe +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + -- skipping this for the moment --
+#Epatch:Fragpipe +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + - copy the existing workflows on first start (done by the starter script)
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + - then use the users XDG_CONFIG_HOME/FragPipe/fragpipe/workflows directory
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + as the sole source for workflows
+#Epatch:Fragpipe +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe // saving workflows
+#Epatch:Fragpipe Path dirWorkflows = FragpipeLocations.get().getDirWorkflows();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe Path lts = FragpipeLocations.get().getPathLongTermStorage().resolve(dirWorkflows.getFileName());
+#Epatch:Fragpipe @@ -315,6 +329,8 @@ public class Fragpipe extends JFrameHeadless {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe log.error("Error saving workflows between sessions.");
+#Epatch:Fragpipe throw new IllegalStateException(e);
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + */
+#Epatch:Fragpipe +
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe public static FormEntry.Builder fe(JComponent comp, String compName) {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe @@ -385,9 +401,11 @@ public class Fragpipe extends JFrameHeadless {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe System.exit(1);
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + /* why are linux users forced to use 'Nimbus' ?
+#Epatch:Fragpipe if (!headless) {
+#Epatch:Fragpipe SwingUtils.setLaf();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe }
+#Epatch:Fragpipe + */
+#Epatch:Fragpipe FragpipeLoader fragpipeLoader = new FragpipeLoader();
+#Epatch:Fragpipe Bus.register(fragpipeLoader);