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/* Copyright (c) 2007-2009, UNINETT AS
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013, 2017, NORDUnet A/S */
/* See LICENSE for licensing information. */
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "radsecproxy.h"
#include "hostport.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "util.h"
static void setprotoopts(struct commonprotoopts *opts);
static char **getlistenerargs();
void *udpserverrd(void *arg);
int clientradputudp(struct server *server, unsigned char *rad);
void addclientudp(struct client *client);
void addserverextraudp(struct clsrvconf *conf);
void udpsetsrcres();
void initextraudp();
static const struct protodefs protodefs = {
NULL, /* secretdefault */
SOCK_DGRAM, /* socktype */
"1812", /* portdefault */
REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT, /* retrycountdefault */
10, /* retrycountmax */
REQUEST_RETRY_INTERVAL, /* retryintervaldefault */
60, /* retryintervalmax */
DUPLICATE_INTERVAL, /* duplicateintervaldefault */
setprotoopts, /* setprotoopts */
getlistenerargs, /* getlistenerargs */
udpserverrd, /* listener */
NULL, /* connecter */
NULL, /* clientconnreader */
clientradputudp, /* clientradput */
addclientudp, /* addclient */
addserverextraudp, /* addserverextra */
udpsetsrcres, /* setsrcres */
initextraudp /* initextra */
struct client_sock {
struct sockaddr_storage *source;
int socket;
static struct list *client_sock;
static struct gqueue *server_replyq = NULL;
static struct addrinfo *srcres = NULL;
static uint8_t handle;
static struct commonprotoopts *protoopts = NULL;
const struct protodefs *udpinit(uint8_t h) {
handle = h;
return &protodefs;
static void setprotoopts(struct commonprotoopts *opts) {
protoopts = opts;
static char **getlistenerargs() {
return protoopts ? protoopts->listenargs : NULL;
void udpsetsrcres() {
if (!srcres)
srcres =
resolvepassiveaddrinfo(protoopts ? protoopts->sourcearg : NULL,
AF_UNSPEC, NULL, protodefs.socktype);
void removeudpclientfromreplyq(struct client *c) {
struct list_node *n;
struct request *r;
/* lock the common queue and remove replies for this client */
for (n = list_first(c->replyq->entries); n; n = list_next(n)) {
r = (struct request *)n->data;
if (r->from == c)
r->from = NULL;
static int addr_equal(struct sockaddr *a, struct sockaddr *b) {
switch (a->sa_family) {
case AF_INET:
return !memcmp(&((struct sockaddr_in*)a)->sin_addr,
&((struct sockaddr_in*)b)->sin_addr,
sizeof(struct in_addr)) &&
(((struct sockaddr_in*)a)->sin_port == ((struct sockaddr_in*)b)->sin_port);
case AF_INET6:
return IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&((struct sockaddr_in6*)a)->sin6_addr,
&((struct sockaddr_in6*)b)->sin6_addr) &&
(((struct sockaddr_in6*)a)->sin6_port == ((struct sockaddr_in6*)b)->sin6_port);
/* Must not reach */
return 0;
uint16_t port_get(struct sockaddr *sa) {
switch (sa->sa_family) {
case AF_INET:
return ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_port);
case AF_INET6:
return ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_port);
return 0;
/* exactly one of client and server must be non-NULL */
/* return who we received from in *client or *server */
/* return from in sa if not NULL */
unsigned char *radudpget(int s, struct client **client, struct server **server) {
int cnt, len;
unsigned char buf[4], *rad = NULL;
struct sockaddr_storage from;
struct sockaddr *fromcopy;
socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
struct clsrvconf *p;
struct list_node *node;
struct client *c = NULL;
struct timeval now;
for (;;) {
if (rad) {
rad = NULL;
cnt = recvfrom(s, buf, 4, MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
if (cnt == -1) {
debug(DBG_ERR, "radudpget: recv failed - %s", strerror(errno));
p = client
? find_clconf(handle, (struct sockaddr *)&from, NULL, NULL)
: find_srvconf(handle, (struct sockaddr *)&from, NULL);
if (!p) {
debug(DBG_WARN, "radudpget: got packet from wrong or unknown UDP peer %s, ignoring", addr2string((struct sockaddr *)&from, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
if (recv(s, buf, 4, 0) == -1)
debug(DBG_ERR, "radudpget: recv failed - %s", strerror(errno));
len = RADLEN(buf);
if (len < 20) {
debug(DBG_WARN, "radudpget: length too small");
if (recv(s, buf, 4, 0) == -1)
debug(DBG_ERR, "radudpget: recv failed - %s", strerror(errno));
rad = malloc(len);
if (!rad) {
debug(DBG_ERR, "radudpget: malloc failed");
if (recv(s, buf, 4, 0) == -1)
debug(DBG_ERR, "radudpget: recv failed - %s", strerror(errno));
cnt = recv(s, rad, len, MSG_TRUNC);
debug(DBG_DBG, "radudpget: got %d bytes from %s", cnt, addr2string((struct sockaddr *)&from, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
if (cnt < len) {
debug(DBG_WARN, "radudpget: packet smaller than length field in radius header");
if (cnt > len)
debug(DBG_DBG, "radudpget: packet was padded with %d bytes", cnt - len);
if (client) {
*client = NULL;
for (node = list_first(p->clients); node;) {
c = (struct client *)node->data;
node = list_next(node);
if (s != c->sock)
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (!*client && addr_equal((struct sockaddr *)&from, c->addr)) {
c->expiry = now.tv_sec + 60;
*client = c;
if (c->expiry >= now.tv_sec)
debug(DBG_DBG, "radudpget: removing expired client (%s)", addr2string(c->addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
c->replyq = NULL; /* stop removeclient() from removing common udp replyq */
if (!*client) {
fromcopy = addr_copy((struct sockaddr *)&from);
if (!fromcopy) {
c = addclient(p, 0);
if (!c) {
c->sock = s;
c->addr = fromcopy;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
c->expiry = now.tv_sec + 60;
*client = c;
} else if (server)
*server = p->servers;
return rad;
int clientradputudp(struct server *server, unsigned char *rad) {
size_t len;
struct clsrvconf *conf = server->conf;
struct addrinfo *ai;
len = RADLEN(rad);
ai = ((struct hostportres *)list_first(conf->hostports)->data)->addrinfo;
if (sendto(server->sock, rad, len, 0, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) >= 0) {
debug(DBG_DBG, "clienradputudp: sent UDP of length %zu to %s port %d", len, addr2string(ai->ai_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)), port_get(ai->ai_addr));
return 1;
debug(DBG_WARN, "clientradputudp: send failed");
return 0;
void *udpclientrd(void *arg) {
struct server *server;
unsigned char *buf;
int *s = (int *)arg;
for (;;) {
server = NULL;
buf = radudpget(*s, NULL, &server);
replyh(server, buf);
void *udpserverrd(void *arg) {
struct request *rq;
int *sp = (int *)arg;
for (;;) {
rq = newrequest();
if (!rq) {
sleep(5); /* malloc failed */
rq->buf = radudpget(*sp, &rq->from, NULL);
rq->udpsock = *sp;
gettimeofday(&rq->created, NULL);
return NULL;
void *udpserverwr(void *arg) {
struct gqueue *replyq = (struct gqueue *)arg;
struct request *reply;
struct sockaddr_storage to;
for (;;) {
while (!(reply = (struct request *)list_shift(replyq->entries))) {
debug(DBG_DBG, "udp server writer, waiting for signal");
pthread_cond_wait(&replyq->cond, &replyq->mutex);
debug(DBG_DBG, "udp server writer, got signal");
/* do this with lock, udpserverrd may set from = NULL if from expires */
if (reply->from)
memcpy(&to, reply->from->addr, SOCKADDRP_SIZE(reply->from->addr));
if (reply->from) {
if (sendto(reply->udpsock, reply->replybuf, RADLEN(reply->replybuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&to, SOCKADDR_SIZE(to)) < 0)
debug(DBG_WARN, "udpserverwr: send failed");
debug(DBG_DBG, "udpserverwr: refcount %d", reply->refcount);
void addclientudp(struct client *client) {
client->replyq = server_replyq;
void addserverextraudp(struct clsrvconf *conf) {
struct addrinfo *source = NULL, *tmpaddrinfo;
struct list_node *entry;
char tmp[32];
assert(list_first(conf->hostports) != NULL);
if(conf->source) {
source = resolvepassiveaddrinfo(conf->source, AF_UNSPEC, NULL, protodefs.socktype);
debug(DBG_WARN, "addserver: could not resolve source address to bind for server %s, using default", conf->name);
if (client_sock == NULL) {
client_sock = list_create();
for (tmpaddrinfo = source ? source : srcres; tmpaddrinfo; tmpaddrinfo = tmpaddrinfo->ai_next) {
if (tmpaddrinfo->ai_family == AF_UNSPEC || tmpaddrinfo->ai_family == ((struct hostportres *)list_first(conf->hostports)->data)->addrinfo->ai_family) {
for(entry = list_first(client_sock); entry; entry = list_next(entry)){
if (memcmp(tmpaddrinfo->ai_addr, ((struct client_sock*)entry->data)->source, tmpaddrinfo->ai_addrlen) == 0) {
conf->servers->sock = ((struct client_sock*)entry->data)->socket;
debug(DBG_DBG, "addserverextraudp: reusing existing socket #%d (%s) for server %s", conf->servers->sock, addr2string(tmpaddrinfo->ai_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)), conf->name);
if (conf->servers->sock < 0) {
struct client_sock* cls = malloc(sizeof(struct client_sock));
if (!cls)
debugx(1,DBG_ERR, "addserverextraudp: malloc failed");
cls->socket = bindtoaddr(tmpaddrinfo, tmpaddrinfo->ai_family,0);
cls->source = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
if (!cls->source)
debugx(1,DBG_ERR, "addserverextraudp: malloc failed");
memcpy(cls->source, tmpaddrinfo->ai_addr, tmpaddrinfo->ai_addrlen);
debug(DBG_DBG, "addserverextraudp: creating new socket #%d (%s) for server %s", cls->socket, addr2string((struct sockaddr *)cls->source, tmp, sizeof(tmp)), conf->name);
if (!list_push(client_sock, cls))
debugx(1,DBG_ERR, "addserverextraudp: malloc failed");
conf->servers->sock = cls->socket;
if (conf->servers->sock < 0)
debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "addserver: failed to create client socket for server %s", conf->name);
if (source)
void initextraudp() {
pthread_t clth, srvth;
struct list_node *entry;
if (srcres) {
srcres = NULL;
for (entry = list_first(client_sock); entry; entry = list_next(entry)) {
debug(DBG_DBG, "initextraudp: spinning up clientrd thread for socket #%d", ((struct client_sock*)entry->data)->socket);
if (pthread_create(&clth, &pthread_attr, udpclientrd, (void *)&((struct client_sock*)entry->data)->socket))
debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "pthread_create failed");
if (find_clconf_type(handle, NULL)) {
server_replyq = newqueue();
if (pthread_create(&srvth, &pthread_attr, udpserverwr, (void *)server_replyq))
debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "pthread_create failed");
const struct protodefs *udpinit(uint8_t h) {
return NULL;
/* Local Variables: */
/* c-file-style: "stroustrup" */
/* End: */