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executable file 267 lines (251 sloc) 13.3 KB
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys, time, os, array, optparse
from itertools import compress
usage = "usage: %prog [options] BSMAP_MAPPING_FILES"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="outfile", metavar="FILE", help="output methylation ratio file name. [default: STDOUT]", default="")
parser.add_option("-O", "--alignment-copy", dest="alignfile", metavar="FILE", help="save a copy of input alignment for BSMAP pipe input. (in BAM format) [default: none]", default="")
parser.add_option("-w", "--wig", dest="wigfile", metavar="FILE", help="output methylation ratio wiggle file. [default: none]", default="")
parser.add_option("-b", "--wig-bin", dest="wigbin", type="int", metavar='BIN', help="wiggle file bin size. [default: 25]", default=25)
parser.add_option("-d", "--ref", dest="reffile", metavar="FILE", help="reference genome fasta file. (required)", default="")
parser.add_option("-c", "--chr", dest="chroms", metavar="CHR", help="process only specified chromosomes, separated by ','. [default: all]\nexample: --chroms=chr1,chr2", default=[])
parser.add_option("-s", "--sam-path", dest="sam_path", metavar="PATH", help="path to samtools. [default: none]", default='')
parser.add_option("-u", "--unique", action="store_true", dest="unique", help="process only unique mappings/pairs.", default=False)
parser.add_option("-p", "--pair", action="store_true", dest="pair", help="process only properly paired mappings.", default=False)
parser.add_option("-z", "--zero-meth", action="store_true", dest="meth0", help="report loci with zero methylation ratios. (depreciated, -z will be always enabled)", default=True)
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="don't print progress on stderr.", default=False)
parser.add_option("-r", "--remove-duplicate", action="store_true", dest="rm_dup", help="remove duplicated reads.", default=False)
parser.add_option("-t", "--trim-fillin", dest="trim_fillin", type="int", metavar='N', help="trim N end-repairing fill-in nucleotides. [default: 0]", default=0)
parser.add_option("-g", "--combine-CpG", action="store_true", dest="combine_CpG", help="combine CpG methylaion ratios on both strands.", default=False)
parser.add_option("-m", "--min-depth", dest="min_depth", type="int", metavar='FOLD', help="report loci with sequencing depth>=FOLD. [default: 1]", default=1)
parser.add_option("-n", "--no-header", action="store_true", dest="no_header", help="don't print a header line", default=False)
parser.add_option("-i", "--ct-snp", dest="CT_SNP", help='how to handle CT SNP ("no-action", "correct", "skip"), default: "correct".', default="correct")
parser.add_option("-x", "--context", dest="context", metavar='TYPE', help="methylation pattern type [CG|CHG|CHH], multiple types separated by ','. [default: all]", default='')
options, infiles = parser.parse_args()
if len(options.reffile) == 0: parser.error("Missing reference file, use -d or --ref option.")
if len(infiles) == 0: parser.error("Require at least one BSMAP_MAPPING_FILE.")
if len(options.chroms) > 0: options.chroms = options.chroms.split(',')
CT_SNP_val = {"no-action": 0, "correct": 1, "skip": 2}
try: options.CT_SNP = CT_SNP_val[options.CT_SNP.lower()]
except: parser.error('Invalid -i value, select "no-action", "correct" or "skip"')
if options.min_depth <= 0: parser.error('Invalid -m value, must >= 1')
if options.trim_fillin < 0: parser.error('Invalid -t value, must >= 0')
if len(options.context) > 0: options.context = options.context.split(',')
if len(options.sam_path) > 0:
if options.sam_path[-1] != '/': options.sam_path += '/'
def disp(txt, nt=0):
if not options.quiet: print >> sys.stderr, '[methratio] @%s \t%s' %(time.asctime(), txt)
samFLAGS = 'pPuUrR12sfdS'
def parseFLAG(intFlag):
Parse the samtools integer flag into a string format since
this feature was removed.
binFlag = bin(intFlag)[:1:-1]
return set(compress(samFLAGS,map(int,binFlag)))
if len(options.outfile) == 0: disp("Missing output file name, write to STDOUT.")
def get_alignment(line):
col = line.split('\t')
if sam_format:
if line[0] == '@': return []
flag = parseFLAG(int(col[1]))
if 'u' in flag: return []
if options.unique and 's' in flag: return []
if options.pair and 'P' not in flag: return []
cr, pos, cigar, seq, strand, insert = col[2], int(col[3])-1, col[5], col[9], '', int(col[8])
if cr not in options.chroms: return []
strand_index = line.find('ZS:Z:')
assert strand_index >= 0, 'missing strand information "ZS:Z:xx"'
strand = line[strand_index+5:strand_index+7]
gap_pos, gap_size = 0, 0
while 'I' in cigar or 'D' in cigar:
for sep in 'MID':
try: gap_size = int(cigar.split(sep, 1)[0])
except ValueError: continue
if sep == 'M': gap_pos += gap_size
elif sep == 'I': seq = seq[:gap_pos] + seq[gap_pos+gap_size:]
elif sep == 'D':
seq = seq[:gap_pos] + '-' * gap_size + seq[gap_pos:]
gap_pos += gap_size
cigar = cigar[cigar.index(sep)+1:]
flag = col[3][:2]
if flag == 'NM' or flag == 'QC': return []
if options.unique and flag != 'UM': return []
if options.pair and col[7] == '0': return []
seq, strand, cr, pos, insert, mm = col[1], col[6], col[4], int(col[5])-1, int(col[7]), col[9]
if cr not in options.chroms: return []
if ':' in mm:
tmp = mm.split(':')
gap_pos, gap_size = int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2])
if gap_size < 0: seq = seq[:gap_pos] + seq[gap_pos-gap_size:] # insertion on reference
else: seq = seq[:gap_pos] + '-' * gap_size + seq[gap_pos:]
if pos + len(seq) >= len(ref[cr]): return []
if options.rm_dup: # remove duplicate hits
if strand == '+-' or strand == '-+': frag_end, direction = pos+len(seq), 2
else: frag_end, direction = pos, 1
if coverage[cr][frag_end] & direction: return []
coverage[cr][frag_end] |= direction
if options.trim_fillin > 0: # trim fill in nucleotides
if strand == '+-' or strand == '-+': seq = seq[:-options.trim_fillin]
elif strand == '++' or strand == '--': seq, pos = seq[options.trim_fillin:], pos+options.trim_fillin
if sam_format and insert > 0: seq = seq[:int(col[7])-1-pos] # remove overlapped regions in paired hits, SAM format only
return (seq, strand[0], cr, pos)
# open pipes to alignment files
pipes = []
for infile in infiles:
nline = 0
if infile.strip() == '-': sam_format, fin, infile = True, os.popen('%ssamtools view -Sh -' % options.sam_path), 'STDIN'
elif infile[-4:].upper() == '.SAM': sam_format, fin = True, os.popen('%ssamtools view -S %s' % (options.sam_path, infile))
elif infile[-4:].upper() == '.BAM': sam_format, fin = True, os.popen('%ssamtools view %s' % (options.sam_path, infile))
else: sam_format, fin = False, open(infile)
# Read in chromosomes
ref, cr, seq = {}, '', ''
disp('loading reference file: %s ...' % options.reffile)
for line in open(options.reffile):
if line[0] == '>':
if len(cr) > 0:
if len(options.chroms) == 0 or cr in options.chroms: ref[cr] = seq.upper()
cr, seq = line[1:-1].split()[0], ''
else: seq += line.strip()
if len(options.chroms) == 0 or cr in options.chroms: ref[cr] = seq.upper()
del seq
meth, depth, coverage, meth1, depth1 = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
for cr in ref:
meth[cr] = array.array('H', [0]) * len(ref[cr])
depth[cr] = array.array('H', [0]) * len(ref[cr])
if options.rm_dup: coverage[cr] = array.array('B', [0]) * len(ref[cr])
if options.CT_SNP > 0:
meth1[cr] = array.array('H', [0]) * len(ref[cr])
depth1[cr] = array.array('H', [0]) * len(ref[cr])
options.chroms = set(ref.keys())
BS_conversion = {'+': ('C','T','G','A'), '-': ('G','A','C','T')}
nmap = 0
for sam_format, fin in pipes:
nline = 0
if len(options.alignfile) > 0: pout = os.popen('%ssamtools view -bS - > %s' % (options.sam_path, options.alignfile), 'w')
for line in fin:
if len(options.alignfile) > 0: pout.write(line)
nline += 1
if nline % 10000000 == 0: disp('read %d lines' % nline, nt=1)
map_info = get_alignment(line)
if len(map_info) == 0: continue
seq, strand, cr, pos = map_info
depthcr = depth[cr]
pos2 = pos + len(seq)
nmap += 1
methcr = meth[cr]
refseq = ref[cr]
match, convert, rc_match, rc_convert = BS_conversion[strand]
index = refseq.find(match, pos, pos2)
while index >= 0:
if seq[index-pos] == convert:
try: depthcr[index] += 1
except OverflowError: depthcr[index] = 65535
elif seq[index-pos] == match and depthcr[index] < 65535:
depthcr[index] += 1
methcr[index] += 1
index = refseq.find(match, index+1, pos2)
if options.CT_SNP == 0: continue
methcr1 = meth1[cr]
depthcr1 = depth1[cr]
index = refseq.find(rc_match, pos, pos2)
while index >= 0:
if seq[index-pos] == rc_convert:
try: depthcr1[index] += 1
except OverflowError: depthcr1[index] = 65535
elif seq[index-pos] == rc_match and depthcr1[index] < 65535:
depthcr1[index] += 1
methcr1[index] += 1
index = refseq.find(rc_match, index+1, pos2)
if len(options.alignfile) > 0: pout.close()
disp('read %d lines' % nline, nt=1)
if options.combine_CpG:
disp('combining CpG methylation from both strands ...')
for cr in depth:
depthcr, methcr, refcr = depth[cr], meth[cr], ref[cr]
if options.CT_SNP > 0: depthcr1, methcr1 = depth1[cr], meth1[cr]
pos = refcr.find('CG')
while pos >= 0:
depthcr[pos] += depthcr[pos+1]
methcr[pos] += methcr[pos+1]
except OverflowError:
depthcr[pos] = (depthcr[pos] + depthcr[pos+1]) / 2
methcr[pos] = (methcr[pos] + methcr[pos+1]) / 2
depthcr[pos+1] = 0
methcr[pos+1] = 0
if options.CT_SNP > 0:
depthcr1[pos] += depthcr1[pos+1]
methcr1[pos] += methcr1[pos+1]
except OverflowError:
depthcr1[pos] = (depthcr1[pos] + depthcr1[pos+1]) / 2
methcr1[pos] = (methcr1[pos] + methcr1[pos+1]) / 2
pos = refcr.find('CG', pos+2)
if len(options.outfile) == 0: fout, outfile = sys.stdout, 'STDOUT'
else: fout = open(options.outfile, 'w')
disp('writing %s ...' % options.outfile)
if options.wigfile:
fwig = open(options.wigfile, 'w')
fwig.write('track type=wiggle_0\n')
if not options.no_header:
z95, z95sq = 1.96, 1.96 * 1.96
nc, nd, dep0 = 0, 0, options.min_depth
for cr in sorted(depth.keys()):
depthcr, methcr, refcr = depth[cr], meth[cr], ref[cr]
if options.CT_SNP > 0: depthcr1, methcr1 = depth1[cr], meth1[cr]
if options.wigfile:
fwig.write('variableStep chrom=%s span=%d\n' % (cr, options.wigbin))
bin = wigd = wigm = 0
for i, dd in enumerate(depthcr):
if dd < dep0: continue
if options.CT_SNP > 0:
m1, d1 = methcr1[i], depthcr1[i]
if m1 != d1:
if options.CT_SNP == 2: continue
d = float(dd) * m1 / d1
else: d = float(dd)
else: d = float(dd)
if refcr[i] == 'C':
strand = '+'
if refcr[i+1] == 'G': seq = 'CG'
elif refcr[i+2] == 'G': seq = 'CHG'
else: seq = 'CHH'
except IndexError: continue
strand = '-'
if i == 0: continue
if refcr[i-1] == 'C': seq = 'CG'
if i == 1: continue
if refcr[i-2] == 'C': seq = 'CHG'
else: seq = 'CHH'
if len(options.context) > 0:
if seq not in options.context: continue
m = methcr[i]
try: ratio = min(m, d) / d
except ZeroDivisionError: continue
nc += 1
nd += d
if options.wigfile:
if i / options.wigbin != bin:
if wigd > 0: fwig.write('%d\t%.3f\n' % (bin*options.wigbin+1, min(wigm/wigd,1)))
bin = i / options.wigbin
wigd = wigm = 0.
wigd += d
wigm += m
pmid = ratio + z95sq / (2 * d)
sd = z95 * ((ratio*(1-ratio)/d + z95sq/(4*d*d)) ** 0.5)
denorminator = 1 + z95sq / d
CIl, CIu = (pmid - sd) / denorminator, (pmid + sd) / denorminator
if options.CT_SNP: fout.write('%s\t%d\t%c\t%s\t%.3f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\n' % (cr, i+1, strand, seq, ratio, d, m, dd, m1, d1, CIl, CIu))
else: fout.write('%s\t%d\t%c\t%s\t%.3f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\tNA\tNA\t%.3f\t%.3f\n' % (cr, i+1, strand, seq, ratio, d, m, dd, CIl, CIu))
if options.outfile != 'STDOUT': fout.close()
if options.wigfile: fwig.close()
disp('total %d valid mappings, %d covered cytosines, average coverage: %.2f fold.' % (nmap, nc, float(nd)/nc))