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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 08.09.2020
## Author: Nathalie
# Compare deseq SV DE genes between regions
# regions <- c("AMY", "PFC", "PVN", "CER", "vDG", "dDG", "vCA1", "dCA1", "vCA3", "dCA3")
# vCA3 and dCA3 were excluded
regions <- c("AMY", "PFC", "PVN", "CER", "vDG", "dDG", "vCA1", "dCA1")
folder_plots <- paste0("figures")
folder_tables <- paste0("tables")
# 0. functions -------------------------------
write_genelist <- function(genelist, filename){
# write list with ENSEMBL IDs
write.table(genelist, file = paste0(folder_tables, "/06_",filename,".txt"),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# write list with ENTREZ IDs
entrez <- mapIds(, keys = genelist, keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
write.table(entrez, file = paste0(folder_tables, "/06_",filename,"_entrezID.txt"),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# write list with GENE SYMBOLS
symbol <- mapIds(, keys = genelist, keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="SYMBOL")
write.table(symbol, file = paste0(folder_tables, "/06_",filename,"_symbolID.txt"),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# 1. read DE tables from all regions ----------
list_reg <- list()
list_reg_sig <- list()
list_genes_sig <- list()
list_genes_sig_up <- list()
list_genes_sig_down <- list()
background_genes <- list()
for (reg in regions){
res <- read.table(file=paste0(folder_tables, "/02_", reg, "_deseq2_Dex_1_vs_0_lfcShrink.txt"),sep="\t",
header = TRUE)
na_indices <- which($padj))
res$padj[na_indices] <- 1
list_reg[[reg]] <- res
res_sig <- res[res$padj <= 0.1,]
list_reg_sig[[reg]] <- res_sig
list_genes_sig[[reg]] <- res_sig$Ensembl_ID
list_genes_sig_up[[reg]] <- res_sig$Ensembl_ID[res_sig$log2FoldChange > 0]
list_genes_sig_down[[reg]] <- res_sig$Ensembl_ID[res_sig$log2FoldChange < 0]
background_genes[[reg]] <- res$Ensembl_ID
background <- Reduce(intersect, background_genes)
union_back <- Reduce(union, background_genes)
# 2. Overlap between different results --------------
# png(filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_upsetPlot_withCA3.png"), height = 800, width = 1000)
png(filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_upsetPlot.png"), height = 600, width = 1000)
print(upset(fromList(list_genes_sig), nsets = 8, = "freq",
text.scale = c(1.8, 1.9, 1.8, 1.9, 1.9, 1.9),
sets.x.label = "#DE genes in brain region",
mainbar.y.label = "#DE genes in intersection"))
pdf(file = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_upsetPlot.pdf"), height = 9, width = 14)
print(upset(fromList(list_genes_sig), nsets = 8, = "freq",
text.scale = c(1.8, 1.9, 1.8, 1.9, 1.9, 1.9),
sets.x.label = "#DE genes in brain region",
mainbar.y.label = "#DE genes in intersection"))
# # 3. Overlap between regions --------------------
# # Regions AMY, CER, PFC and PVN
# venn.diagram(list(list_genes_sig[["AMY"]], list_genes_sig[["CER"]], list_genes_sig[["PFC"]], list_genes_sig[["PVN"]]),
# category.names = c("AMY", "CER", "PFC", "PVN"),
# filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_AMY_CER_PFC_PVN.png"),
# output = TRUE,
# imagetype="png" ,
# height = 800,
# width = 800,
# lwd = 1,
# col=c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70","#EAE362"),
# fill = c(alpha("#284E5C",0.3), alpha("#288577",0.3), alpha("#73BA70",0.3), alpha("#EAE362", 0.3)),
# cex = 0.5,
# fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.cex = 0.3,
# cat.default.pos = "outer",
# cat.fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.col = c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70","#EAE362"),
# margin = 0.05)
# # Hippocampus ventral
# venn.diagram(list(list_genes_sig[["vDG"]], list_genes_sig[["vCA1"]],
# list_genes_sig[["vCA3"]]),
# category.names = c("vDG", "vCA1", "vCA3"),
# filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_HIPventral.png"),
# output = TRUE,
# imagetype="png" ,
# height = 800,
# width = 800,
# lwd = 1,
# col=c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70"),
# fill = c(alpha("#284E5C",0.3), alpha("#288577",0.3), alpha("#73BA70",0.3)),
# cex = 0.5,
# fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.cex = 0.3,
# cat.default.pos = "outer",
# cat.fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.col = c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70"),
# margin = 0.05)
# # Hippocampus dorsal
# venn.diagram(list(list_genes_sig[["dDG"]], list_genes_sig[["dCA1"]],
# list_genes_sig[["dCA3"]]),
# category.names = c("dDG", "dCA1", "dCA3"),
# filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_HIPdorsal.png"),
# output = TRUE,
# imagetype="png" ,
# height = 800,
# width = 800,
# lwd = 1,
# col=c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70"),
# fill = c(alpha("#284E5C",0.3), alpha("#288577",0.3), alpha("#73BA70",0.3)),
# cex = 0.5,
# fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.cex = 0.3,
# cat.default.pos = "outer",
# cat.fontfamily = "sans",
# cat.col = c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70"),
# margin = 0.05)
# PFC, PVN and dCA1 for progress report on 26.11.2020
png(filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_dCA1_PFC_PVN.png"),
height = 600, width = 600)
plot(euler(list("dCA1" = list_genes_sig[["dCA1"]], "PFC" = list_genes_sig[["PFC"]],
"PVN" = list_genes_sig[["PVN"]]), shape = "ellipse"),
labels = list(cex = 1.5), quantities = list(cex = 1.5))
# 4. Gene lists -------------------------------------
# 4.1 Overlap all regions
overlap <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig)
write_genelist(overlap, "overlap_AMY-CER-PFC-PVN-dDG-vDG-dCA1-vCA1")
overlap_up <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_up)
write_genelist(overlap_up, "overlap_AMY-CER-PFC-PVN-dDG-vDG-dCA1-vCA1_up")
overlap_down <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_down)
write_genelist(overlap_down, "overlap_AMY-CER-PFC-PVN-dDG-vDG-dCA1-vCA1_down")
union_sig <- Reduce(union, list_genes_sig)
write_genelist(union_sig, "union_AMY-CER-PFC-PVN-dDG-vDG-dCA1-vCA1")
# 4.2 Overlap all regions except PFC
overlap1 <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig[c(1,3:8)])
write_genelist(overlap1, "overlap_AMY-CER-PVN-dDG-vDG-dCA1-vCA1")
# difference between all regions and all regions without PFC
d <- setdiff(overlap1, overlap)
d <- list_reg[["PFC"]][d,]
d$ENTREZID <- mapIds(, keys = rownames(d), keytype = "ENSEMBL", column = "ENTREZID")
d$SYMBOL <- mapIds(, keys = rownames(d), keytype = "ENSEMBL", column = "SYMBOL")
write.table(d, file = paste0(folder_tables, "/06_diff_allRegionsExceptPFC.txt"),
quote = FALSE)
# 4.3 Overlap of PFC and CER
overlap_pfc_cer <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig[c(2,4)])
union_other <- Reduce(union, list_genes_sig[c(1,3,5:8)])
write_genelist(overlap_pfc_cer, "overlap_CER-PFC")
d <- setdiff(overlap_pfc_cer, union_other)
write_genelist(d, "overlap_CER-PFC_only")
# 4.3 Overlap of dorsal hippocampus
overlap_dhip <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig[c(6,8)])
overlap_dhip_up <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_up[c(6,8)])
overlap_dhip_down <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_down[c(6,8)])
write_genelist(overlap_dhip, "overlap_dDG-dCA1")
# 4.4 Overlap of ventral hippocampus
overlap_vhip <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig[c(5,7)])
overlap_vhip_up <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_up[c(5,7)])
overlap_vhip_down <- Reduce(intersect, list_genes_sig_down[c(5,7)])
write_genelist(overlap_vhip, "overlap_vDG-vCA1")
# 4.5 overlap ventral and dorsal HIP -------------
list(overlap_dhip, overlap_vhip),
category.names = c("dorsal HIP", "ventral HIP"),
filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_HIP.png"),
output = TRUE,
imagetype = "png" ,
height = 800,
width = 800,
lwd = 1,
col = c("#284E5C", "#288577"),
fill = c("#284E5C", "#288577"),
alpha = 0.3,
cex = 0.5,
fontfamily = "sans",
cat.cex = 0.3,
cat.default.pos = "outer",
cat.dist = 0.05,
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.col = c("#284E5C", "#288577"),
margin = 0.05
list(overlap_dhip_up, overlap_vhip_up, overlap_dhip_down, overlap_vhip_down),
category.names = c("dorsal HIP up", "ventral HIP up", "dorsal HIP down", "ventral HIP down"),
filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/06_comparison_deseq_HIP_upDown.png"),
output = TRUE,
imagetype = "png" ,
height = 800,
width = 800,
lwd = 1,
fill = c("#284E5C","#288577","#73BA70","#EAE362"),
alpha = 0.3,
cex = 0.5,
fontfamily = "sans",
cat.cex = 0.3,
# cat.default.pos = "text",
cat.dist = 0.1,
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.col = c("#284E5C", "#288577", "#73BA70", "#EAE362"),
margin = 0.05)
# intersection dorsal ventral
int <- intersect(overlap_dhip, overlap_vhip)
write_genelist(int, "HIP_intersectDorsalVentral")
# DE in dorsal but not ventral
diff_dv <- setdiff(overlap_dhip, overlap_vhip)
write_genelist(diff_dv, "HIP_diffDorsalVentral")
# DE in ventral but not dorsal
diff_vd <- setdiff(overlap_vhip, overlap_dhip)
write_genelist(diff_vd, "HIP_diffVentralDorsal")
# union dorsal ventral
un_dv <- union(overlap_dhip, overlap_vhip)
write_genelist(un_dv, "HIP_unionDorsalVentral")