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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 21.09.2020
## Author: Nathalie
# GO plots single regions
regions <- c("AMY", "PFC", "PVN", "CER", "vDG", "dDG", "vCA1", "dCA1")
folder_plots <- paste0("figures")
folder_tables <- paste0("tables")
# 1. read DE tables from all regions ----------
list_reg <- list()
for (reg in regions){
res <- read.table(file=paste0(folder_tables, "/02_", reg, "_deseq2_Dex_1_vs_0_lfcShrink.txt"),sep="\t")
res <- res[res$padj <= 0.1,]
res$ensembl_id <- rownames(res)
# res$padj[which($padj))] <- 1
res$gene_symbol <- mapIds(, keys = res$ensembl_id,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="SYMBOL")
res$entrez <- mapIds(, keys = res$ensembl_id,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
list_reg[[reg]] <- res
# 2. check uniqueness of DE genes ---------------
for (reg in regions){
index_reg <- which(regions == reg)
# df <- bind_rows(list_reg[-index_reg], .id="region") %>%
# filter(DE0.1)
df <- bind_rows(list_reg[-index_reg], .id="region")
list_reg[[reg]]$regions_DE <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$ensembl_id,
function(x) paste(df[df$ensembl_id == x,]$region, collapse = " "))
list_reg[[reg]]$unique_DE <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$regions_DE,
function(x) x == "")
# 3. GO enrichment for the genes of each region ------------------
go_enrichment_all <- function(df_reg, GOcoll, unique){
if (unique){
genes <- df_reg$entrez[df_reg$unique_DE]
} else {
genes <- df_reg$entrez
background <- read.table(file = paste0(folder_tables, "/06_background_entrezID.txt"),
header = FALSE)
modules <- rep("not_significant", nrow(background))
modules[which(background$V1 %in% genes)] <- "significant"
# enrichment
GOenrichment <- enrichmentAnalysis(
classLabels = modules,
identifiers = background$V1,
refCollection = GOcoll,
useBackground = "given",
nBestDataSets = length(GOcoll$dataSets),
# threshold = 0.1,
# thresholdType = "Bonferroni",
getOverlapEntrez = TRUE,
getOverlapSymbols = TRUE,
ignoreLabels = "not_significant",
maxReportedOverlapGenes = 500
enrichmentTable <- GOenrichment$enrichmentTable
GOcollection <- buildGOcollection(organism = "mouse")
list_GO <- list()
# GO.BPcollection = subsetCollection(GOcollection, tags = "GO.BP")
for (reg in regions){
go_enr_unique <- go_enrichment_all(list_reg[[reg]], GOcollection, TRUE)
# go_enr_all <- go_enrichment_all(list_reg[[reg]], GOcollection, FALSE)
list_GO[[reg]] <- go_enr_unique
# 4. Plot GO terms
df_all <- bind_rows(list_GO, .id="region")
for (reg in regions){
df_reg <- list_GO[[reg]] %>%
filter(nCommonGenes >= 10, pValue <= 0.1) %>%
group_by(inGroups) %>% slice_min(order_by = pValue, n = 10)
df <- df_all[df_all$dataSetName %in% df_reg$dataSetName,]
df$dataSetName <- sapply(df$dataSetName, function(x) str_trunc(x, 45, "right"))
df$dataSetName <- factor(df$dataSetName, levels = rev(reorder(df$dataSetName[df$region==reg], df$pValue[df$region==reg])))
df$region <- factor(df$region, levels = c("AMY", "CER", "PFC", "PVN", "vDG", "dDG", "vCA1", "dCA1"))
df$inGroups <- factor(df$inGroups)
levels(df$inGroups) <- c("Biological Process", "Cellular Components", "Molecular Function")
# Plot results (plotted pvalues are not adjusted for multiple testing)
df %>%
arrange(desc(dataSetName)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=dataSetName, y = -log10(pValue), fill = region)) +
geom_bar(position = position_dodge2(reverse=TRUE), stat="identity") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.1),linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
coord_flip() +
xlab("GOterm") +
ggtitle(paste0("GO terms enriched for DE genes only in ",reg, " (Top 10 each)")) +
facet_wrap(~inGroups, scales="free") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10))
ggsave(filename = paste0(folder_plots, "/10_", reg, "_GOterms_unique.png"), width = 13, height = 7)