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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 07.09.2022
## Author: Nathalie
# Compare DEs and DNs with previously identified GWAS risk genes
# of 5 psychiatric disorders (
# TODO: think about background --> restrict to genes in our dataset?
# trait of interest
traits <- c("ADHD", "ASD", "BD", "MDD", "SCZ")
# trait <- "MDD"
# define pathes
basedir <- "/Users/nathalie_gerstner/Documents/ownCloud/DexStim_RNAseq_Mouse"
folder_table <- paste0(basedir,"/tables")
file_hmagma <- paste0(basedir, "/data/reviews/H-MAGMAv1.08_Adult_brain_output.xlsx")
files_dn <- list.files(path = paste0(folder_table, "/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/"),
pattern = "_funcoup_treatment_nodebetweennessNorm_betacutoff0.01.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
regions_files <- sub(".*03a_(\\w*)_funcoup_treatment_nodebetween.*","\\1",files_dn)
file_background <- paste0(folder_table, "/06_background.txt")
## 1. Read DE genes from different brain regions
expr_list <- lapply(files_dn, function(x) fread(x) %>% filter(nodebetweenness_norm >= 1))
names(expr_list) <- regions_files
dn_list <- lapply(expr_list, function(x) x$ensembl_id)
# unique DN genes
data_unique <- bind_rows(expr_list, .id = "region") %>%
group_by(ensembl_id) %>%
summarise(region = list(region)) %>%
mutate(nr_regions = lengths(region)) %>%
mutate(unique = (nr_regions == 1)) %>%
dn_uni <- list()
for (r in regions_files){
dn_uni[[r]] <- data_unique$ensembl_id[data_unique$region == r]
# background genes
background <- read.table(file_background,
row.names = NULL)
# map mouse Ensembl Ids to human Ensembl Ids
human <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host = "")
mouse <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl", host = "")
# --> this is a workaround as the normal commands lead to errors
# --> one mouse ID can be mapped to multiple human IDs
dn_human <- lapply(dn_list, function(x) getLDS(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id"),
filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=x, mart=mouse,
attributesL=c("ensembl_gene_id"), martL=human)$Gene.stable.ID.1)
dn_uni_human <- lapply(dn_uni, function(x) getLDS(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id"),
filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=x, mart=mouse,
attributesL=c("ensembl_gene_id"), martL=human)$Gene.stable.ID.1)
background_human <- getLDS(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id"),
filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=background$V1, mart=mouse,
attributesL=c("ensembl_gene_id"), martL=human)$Gene.stable.ID.1
res_list <- list()
res_list_uni <- list()
for (trait in traits){
## 2. Read GWAS/H-MAGMA data
data <- read_excel(file_hmagma, sheet=paste0("H-MAGMA_",trait)) %>%
arrange(ZSTAT) %>% # rank gene list according to zscore as suggested in paper
filter(GENE %in% background_human)
ranks <- data$ZSTAT
names(ranks) <- data$GENE
## 3. Run fgsea for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = dn_human,
stats = ranks)
# sampleSize = 600)
res_list[[trait]] <- fgseaRes
# unique DN genes
fgseaRes_uni <- fgsea(pathways = dn_uni_human,
stats = ranks)
# sampleSize = 600)
res_list_uni[[trait]] <- fgseaRes_uni
# plotEnrichment(dn_human[["PFC"]],
# ranks)
## 4. Plot GSEA p-values as heatmap from all traits and brain regions
df <- bind_rows(res_list, .id="trait")
df$FDR <- p.adjust(df$pval, method = "fdr") # apply correction across all tests
ggplot(df, aes(x = trait, y = pathway, fill = -log10(FDR))) +
geom_tile() +
xlab("GWAS trait") +
ylab("Brain region") +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "-log10(FDR)",
low="lightgrey", high="#D45E60",
limits = c(0,1)) +
theme_light() +
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
legend.text = element_text(size = 12)
ggsave(paste0(basedir, "/scripts_manuscript/04_PlotsManuscript/Revision/15_Reviewer2_1b_DNall.pdf"),
width = 8,
height = 6)
# plot for unique DN genes
df <- bind_rows(res_list_uni, .id="trait")
df$FDR <- p.adjust(df$pval, method = "fdr") # apply correction across all tests
ggplot(df, aes(x = trait, y = pathway, fill = -log10(FDR))) +
geom_tile() +
xlab("GWAS trait") +
ylab("Brain region") +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "-log10(FDR)",
low="lightgrey", high="#D45E60",
limits = c(0,1)) +
theme_light() +
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
legend.text = element_text(size = 12)
ggsave(paste0(basedir, "/scripts_manuscript/04_PlotsManuscript/Revision/15_Reviewer2_1b_DNunique.pdf"),
width = 8,
height = 6)