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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 03.12.2020
## Author: Nathalie
# Decide on a beta cutoff for single region funcoup networks
basepath <- "~/Documents/ownCloud/DexStim_RNAseq_Mouse/"
region <- "PFC"
padj_cutoff <- 0.01
rsquared_cutoff <- 0.1
### FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------
# function to read all files from list
readFiles_concat <- function(file_list){
# initialize empty data frame
dataset <- data.frame()
# read each file from list and append to data frame
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
temp_data <- fread(file_list[i])
dataset <- rbindlist(list(dataset, temp_data), use.names = T)
# Z-score (z_ij) for the differential analysis between gene i and j
z_score <- function(beta_t, beta_c, se_t, se_c){
z <- (beta_t - beta_c)/
sqrt((se_t)^2 + (se_c)^2)
# Plot changes in ranks of nodes with highest betweenness
plotRanks <- function(a, b, labels = TRUE, labels.offset=0.1, arrow.len=0.1)
old.par <- par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
# Find the length of the vectors
len.1 <- length(a)
len.2 <- length(b)
# Plot two columns of equidistant points
plot(rep(1, len.1), 1:len.1, pch=20, cex=0.8,
xlim=c(0, 3), ylim=c(0, max(len.1, len.2)),
axes=F, xlab="", ylab="") # Remove axes and labels
points(rep(2, len.2), 1:len.2, pch=20, cex=0.8)
# Put labels next to each observation
if (labels){
text(rep(1-labels.offset, len.1), 1:len.1, a)
text(rep(2+labels.offset, len.2), 1:len.2, b)
# Now we need to map where the elements of a are in b
# We use the match function for this job <- match(a, b)
# Now we can draw arrows from the first column to the second
arrows(rep(1.02, len.1), 1:len.1, rep(1.98, len.2),,
length=arrow.len, angle=20)
### ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------
# 1. Read data
# 1a. Read co expression networks
dex0_files <- list.files(path = file.path(basepath, "tables/coExpression_kimono"),
pattern = paste0("04\\_singleRegion\\_",region,"\\_dex0\\_funcoup\\_parallel\\_.*\\.csv"),
full.names = TRUE)
dex1_files <- list.files(path = file.path(basepath, "tables/coExpression_kimono"),
pattern = paste0("04\\_singleRegion\\_",region,"\\_dex1\\_funcoup\\_parallel\\_.*\\.csv"),
full.names = TRUE)
data_dex0 <- readFiles_concat(dex0_files)
data_dex1 <- readFiles_concat(dex1_files)
# 2. Join Base and Dex data frame
data <- inner_join(data_dex0, data_dex1,
by = c("target", "predictor"),
suffix = c(".base", ".dex"))
dex_notBase <- anti_join(data_dex1, data_dex0, by = c("target", "predictor"))
# Plot beta values
beta_data <-"base", times = nrow(data)), data$beta_mean.base, data$relation.base),
cbind(rep("dex", times = nrow(data)), data$beta_mean.dex, data$relation.dex)))
# ggplot(data = beta_data, aes(x = V1, y = V2, col = V3)) +
# geom_boxplot() +
# xlab("network") +
# ylab("beta") +
# theme(text = element_text(size=20))
# hist(data$beta_mean.base, breaks = 500) # histogram of beta values in base network
# png(filename = paste0(basepath, "figures/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/singleRegions/",
# region,"_funcoup_differential_betahistogramZoom.png"),
# height = 400, width = 600)
# hist(data$beta_mean.base, breaks = 5000, xlim = c(-0.05,0.05),
# xlab = "Beta", main = "", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis = 1.2)
# hist(data$beta_mean.dex, breaks = 500) # histogram of beta values in dex network
# hist(data$beta_mean.dex, breaks = 5000, xlim = c(-0.05,0.05))
# 3. Remove interactions with very low r squared values & intercept & SVs
data <- data %>%
filter(overall_rsq.base >= rsquared_cutoff, overall_rsq.dex >= rsquared_cutoff) %>%
filter(predictor != '(Intercept)')
data <- data[!startsWith(data$predictor, "SV"),]
# 4. Calculate z scores for interactions that are left
data <- mutate(data, z = z_score(beta_mean.dex,beta_mean.base, beta_stderr.dex, beta_stderr.base))
# 5. Cutoff optimization
poss_cutoff <- c(0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1)
nodebetweenness_list <- list()
for(beta_cutoff in poss_cutoff) {
# 5a. Keep only interactions that have at least in one network a beta value > 0.05
data <- data %>%
mutate(diff = (abs(beta_mean.base) > beta_cutoff | abs(beta_mean.dex) > beta_cutoff))
data_diff1 <- data %>%
data_diff1$p_diff <- 2*pnorm(-abs(data_diff1$z))
data_diff1$p_adj <- p.adjust(data_diff1$p_diff, method = "fdr")
# 5b. Create network corresponding to beta cutoff
data_diff <- data_diff1 %>%
filter(p_adj <= padj_cutoff)
head(data_diff[,c("beta_mean.base", "beta_stderr.base", "beta_mean.dex", "beta_stderr.dex", "z", "p_adj")], 20)
# Nodes in network
node_vec <- unique(c(data_diff$target, data_diff$predictor))
# Find modules
relations <- data.frame(from=data_diff$target,
g_diff <- graph_from_data_frame(relations, directed=FALSE, vertices=node_vec)
# Calculate nodedegree
nodedegree <- igraph::degree(g_diff)
nodedegree <- sort(nodedegree, decreasing = TRUE)
# Calculate nodebetweenness
nodebetweenness <- betweenness(g_diff, directed = FALSE) # node betweenness: number of shortest paths going through a node
nodebetweenness <- sort(nodebetweenness, decreasing = TRUE)
nodebetweenness_list[[as.character(beta_cutoff)]] <- nodebetweenness
# hist(nodebetweenness)
# Compare top genes between different cutoffs
for (i in 1:(length(nodebetweenness_list)-1)){
intersect_top <- intersect(names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]][1:100]), names(nodebetweenness_list[[i+1]][1:100]))
match_pos <- match(names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]])[names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]]) %in% intersect_top],
names(nodebetweenness_list[[i+1]])[names(nodebetweenness_list[[i+1]]) %in% intersect_top])
# Rank plot to compare ranks of top genes
# Comparison between i and i+1
png(filename = paste0(basepath, "figures/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/singleRegions/",
width = 700, height = 700)
plotRanks(names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]][1:100]), names(nodebetweenness_list[[i+1]][1:100]),
labels = FALSE)
# Comparison between 1 and i
if (i > 1){
png(filename = paste0(basepath, "figures/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/singleRegions/",
width = 700, height = 700)
plotRanks(names(nodebetweenness_list[[1]][1:100]), names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]][1:100]),
labels = FALSE)
# Venn diagram (euler plot)
# Comparison between i and i+1
list1 <- list(names(nodebetweenness_list[[i]][1:100]),
names(list1) <- c(paste("Beta cutoff", poss_cutoff[i]),
paste("Beta cutoff", poss_cutoff[i+1]))
png(filename = paste0(basepath, "figures/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/singleRegions/",
width = 700, height = 700)
print(plot(euler(list1, shape = "ellipse"),
labels = list(cex = 1.5), quantities = list(cex = 1.5)))
# Comparison between i and 1
if(i > 1){
list1 <- list(names(nodebetweenness_list[[1]][1:100]),
names(list1) <- c(paste("Beta cutoff", poss_cutoff[1]),
paste("Beta cutoff", poss_cutoff[i]))
png(filename = paste0(basepath, "figures/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/singleRegions/",
width = 700, height = 700)
print(plot(euler(list1, shape = "ellipse"),
labels = list(cex = 1.5), quantities = list(cex = 1.5)))
# I WOULD DECIDE ON 0.001 from plots, but top genes have too many connections with 0.001
# --> probably 0.01