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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 15.02.2020
## Author: Nathalie
# Make tables for Anthi with kimono results
regions <- c("AMY", "PFC", "PVN", "CER", "vDG", "dDG", "vCA1", "dCA1")
mode <- "differential"
# 1. read hub gene tables from all regions ----------
list_reg <- list()
for (reg in regions){
if (mode == "differential"){
res <- fread(file=paste0("tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/",
"04_", reg, "_funcoup_", mode, "_nodebetweennessNorm_betacutoff0.01.csv"))
} else {
res <- fread(file=paste0("tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/",
"03_", reg, "_funcoup_", mode, "_nodebetweennessNorm_betacutoff0.01.csv"))
res <- res %>%
filter(nodebetweenness_norm >= 1)
res$entrez <- mapIds(, keys = res$ensembl_id,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
list_reg[[reg]] <- res
# 2. check uniqueness of hub genes ---------------
for (reg in regions){
index_reg <- which(regions == reg)
df <- bind_rows(list_reg[-index_reg], .id="region")
# find regions where gene is also hub
list_reg[[reg]]$regions_hub <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$ensembl_id,
function(x) paste(df[df$ensembl_id == x,]$region, collapse = " "))
# boolean if gene is hub uniquely in this region
list_reg[[reg]]$unique_hub <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$regions_hub,
function(x) x == "")
# 3. GO enrichment for the genes of each region ------------------
go_enrichment_all <- function(df_reg, GOcoll, unique, background){
if (unique){
genes <- df_reg$entrez[df_reg$unique_hub]
} else {
genes <- df_reg$entrez
modules <- rep("not_significant", length(background))
modules[which(background %in% genes)] <- "significant"
# enrichment
GOenrichment <- enrichmentAnalysis(
classLabels = modules,
identifiers = background,
refCollection = GOcoll,
useBackground = "given",
nBestDataSets = length(GOcoll$dataSets),
# threshold = 0.1,
# thresholdType = "Bonferroni",
getOverlapEntrez = TRUE,
getOverlapSymbols = TRUE,
ignoreLabels = "not_significant",
maxReportedOverlapGenes = 500
enrichmentTable <- GOenrichment$enrichmentTable %>%
filter(nCommonGenes > 10, pValue <= 0.1)
GOcollection <- buildGOcollection(organism = "mouse")
# GO.BPcollection = subsetCollection(GOcollection, tags = "GO.BP")
background <- fread(file = "data/kimono_input/prior_expr_funcoup_mm.csv")
background <- unique(c(background$Gene_A, background$Gene_B))
background <- mapIds(, keys = background,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
for (reg in regions){
go_enr_unique <- go_enrichment_all(list_reg[[reg]], GOcollection, TRUE, background)
fwrite(go_enr_unique, file = paste0("tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/",
"/09_", reg, "_GOterms_unique_", mode, ".csv"))
go_enr_all <- go_enrichment_all(list_reg[[reg]], GOcollection, FALSE, background)
fwrite(go_enr_all, file = paste0("tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/",
"/09_", reg, "_GOterms_all_", mode, ".csv"))
list_reg[[reg]]$GOterms_unique <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$entrez,
function(x) paste(go_enr_unique$dataSetName[which(str_detect(go_enr_unique$overlapGenes, x))], collapse="|"))
list_reg[[reg]]$GOterms_all <- sapply(list_reg[[reg]]$entrez,
function(x) paste(go_enr_all$dataSetName[which(str_detect(go_enr_all$overlapGenes, x))], collapse="|"))
# 4. Print df of each brain region to file -------------------
for (reg in regions){
# list_reg[[reg]]$ensembl_id <- NULL
fwrite(list_reg[[reg]], file = paste0("tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/",
"/09_", reg, "_hubGenes_unique_GOterms_", mode, ".csv"))