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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 05.10.2021
## Author: Nathalie
# Compare GO enrichment of unique DE and hub genes
basepath <- "~/Documents/ownCloud/DexStim_RNAseq_Mouse/"
regions <- c("AMY", "CER", "dCA1", "dDG", "PFC", "PVN", "vCA1", "vDG")
beta_cutoff <- 0.01
folder_plots <- paste0("figures")
folder_tables <- paste0("tables")
# 1. Read DE and hub genes from all regions and background ----------
# DE genes
list_reg_de <- list()
for (reg in regions){
res <- read.table(file=paste0(basepath, folder_tables, "/02_", reg, "_deseq2_Dex_1_vs_0_lfcShrink.txt"),
sep="\t", header = TRUE)
res <- res[res$padj <= 0.1,]
res$gene_symbol <- mapIds(, keys = res$Ensembl_ID,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="SYMBOL")
res$entrez <- mapIds(, keys = res$Ensembl_ID,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
list_reg_de[[reg]] <- res
# hub genes
list_reg_hub <- list()
for (reg in regions){
res <- fread(paste0(basepath, "tables/coExpression_kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/04_",
res <- res[res$nodebetweenness_norm>=1.0 & !$nodebetweenness_norm)]
res$entrez <- mapIds(, keys = res$ensembl_id,
keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID")
list_reg_hub[[reg]] <- res
# background are all genes in out dataset
background <- read.table(file = paste0(basepath, "tables/06_background_entrezID.txt"),
header = FALSE)[,1]
# 2. check uniqueness of DE and hub genes ---------------
# DE genes
for (reg in regions){
index_reg <- which(regions == reg)
df <- bind_rows(list_reg_de[-index_reg], .id="region")
list_reg_de[[reg]]$regions_DE <- sapply(list_reg_de[[reg]]$Ensembl_ID,
function(x) paste(df[df$Ensembl_ID == x,]$region, collapse = " "))
list_reg_de[[reg]]$unique_DE <- sapply(list_reg_de[[reg]]$regions_DE,
function(x) x == "")
# hub genes
for (reg in regions){
index_reg <- which(regions == reg)
df <- bind_rows(list_reg_hub[-index_reg], .id="region")
list_reg_hub[[reg]]$regions_hub <- sapply(list_reg_hub[[reg]]$ensembl_id,
function(x) paste(df[df$ensembl_id == x,]$region, collapse = " "))
list_reg_hub[[reg]]$unique_hub <- sapply(list_reg_hub[[reg]]$regions_hub,
function(x) x == "")
# 2. Plot top GO enrichment of DE and hub genes per brain regions
#minCount <- 0
#minCount <- 5
# minCount <- 10
# --> changed to minCount with regard to number of genes in geneset
for (reg in regions){
# Unique DE genes
genes <- list_reg_de[[reg]]$entrez[list_reg_de[[reg]]$unique_DE]
# GO enrichment for unique DE genes
ego_de <- enrichGO(gene = as.character(genes),
universe = as.character(background),
OrgDb =,
ont = "BP",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
# pvalueCutoff = 1,
# qvalueCutoff = 1,
minGSSize = 5, # min number of genes associated with GO term
maxGSSize = 10000, # max number of genes associated with GO term
readable = TRUE)@result
# min number of genes overlapping
min_count <- ceiling(length(genes)*0.15)
ego_de_filt <- ego_de[ego_de$Count >= min_count,]
# Unique hub genes
genes <- list_reg_hub[[reg]]$entrez[list_reg_hub[[reg]]$unique_hub]
# GO enrichment for unique hub genes
ego_hub <- enrichGO(gene = as.character(genes),
universe = as.character(background),
OrgDb =,
ont = "BP",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
# pvalueCutoff = 1,
# qvalueCutoff = 1,
minGSSize = 5, # min number of genes associated with GO term
maxGSSize = 10000, # max number of genes associated with GO term
readable = TRUE)@result
# min number of genes overlapping
min_count <- ceiling(length(genes)*0.15)
ego_hub_filt <- ego_hub[ego_hub$Count >= min_count,]
# Plot top 10 genes of DE and hub with comparison to each other
# Top 10 terms for DE genes
ego_de_top10 <- head(ego_de_filt, n = 10) %>%
dplyr::mutate("main" = TRUE)
ego_de_top10_hub <- ego_hub[ego_hub$ID %in% ego_de_top10$ID,] %>%
dplyr::mutate("main" = FALSE)
ego_de_plot <- bind_rows("de" = ego_de_top10, "hub" = ego_de_top10_hub,
.id = "groups")
# Top 10 terms for hub genes
ego_hub_top10 <- head(ego_hub_filt, n = 10) %>%
dplyr::mutate("main" = TRUE)
ego_hub_top10_de <- ego_de[ego_de$ID %in% ego_hub_top10$ID,] %>%
dplyr::mutate("main" = FALSE)
ego_hub_plot <- bind_rows("hub" = ego_hub_top10, "de" = ego_hub_top10_de,
.id = "groups")
# Combine them into one dataframe
ego_plot <- bind_rows("de" = ego_de_plot, "hub" = ego_hub_plot,
.id = "subplot")
ego_plot$Description <- factor(ego_plot$Description,
levels = unique(ego_plot$Description))
# labeller function for facet titles
facet_names <- c(
'de'="Top 10 GO terms for DE genes",
'hub'="Top 10 GO terms for hub genes"
# Plot them all together
print(ggplot(ego_plot, aes(x=Description, y = -log10(p.adjust),
fill = groups, colour = main)) +
geom_bar(position = position_dodge2(reverse=TRUE), stat="identity") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.1),linetype="dashed", color = "red") +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey", "black"), guide = FALSE) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Geneset",
values = c("orange", "darkred"),
labels = c("DE genes", "hub genes")) +
coord_flip() +
scale_x_discrete(limits = rev) +
xlab("GOterm") +
ggtitle(paste0("GO terms enriched for DE and hub genes only in ",reg)) +
facet_wrap(~subplot, scales="free", labeller = as_labeller(facet_names)) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10)))
# ggsave(filename = paste0(basepath, folder_plots, "/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/comparisonRegions/",
# "10_",reg,"_GOterms_DEandHubGenes_min", minCount,".png"),
# width = 13, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = paste0(basepath, folder_plots, "/02_CoExp_Kimono/03_AnalysisFuncoup/comparisonRegions/",
width = 11, height = 7)