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function BIDS = OPTIMA_make_BIDS_2(input_dir)
% Prepare datasets for BIDS format, version 2, created 1.7.2019
% Required fields of make_BIDS:
% input_dir - location of the GE data, use absolute path
% data must have passed consistency checks using
% OPTIMA_consistency.m in /run/media/spectro/DATAPART1/OPTIMA/autoscripts_BIOMAX
% the script is expecting a file named
% "biomax_out_*_VERIFIED*.txt" or
% "biomax_out_*_MODIFIED*.txt"
% to be present in the subjects main directory
% directories must be known:
% addpath '/run/media/spectro/DATAPART1/OPTIMA/autoscripts_BIDS'
% function call, e.g.: OPTIMA_make_BIDS_2('/run/media/spectro/DATAPART1/OPTIMA/PTP0270_T0')
% structure BIDS
% input.dir - directory with verified data
% e.g. BIDS.input.dir = '/run/media/spectro/DATAPART1/OPTIMA/PTP0270_T0'
% input.biomax - biomax_out filename
% file history:
% created M. Czisch 1.7.2019
% last modified 12.9.2019 M. Czisch to include SIT1
% BecomeVersion 1.0.2
fprintf('\n\nStart BIDS conversion\n');
clear BIDS
BIDS.input.dir = input_dir;
BIDS.output.dir = '';
BIDS.autoscripts.dir = '/run/media/spectro/DATAPART1/OPTIMA/autoscripts_BIDS';
% have the data being for consistency checked already?
% does biomax_out exist?
% check and prepare temporary BIDS directory structure
pathInfo = what(BIDS.input.dir);
current_dir = pathInfo.path;
BIDS.output.dir = [current_dir,'/BIDS/'];
OPTIMA_check_BIDS(BIDS.input.dir); %OK
mkdir_BIDS(BIDS.output.dir); %OK
% load and format biomax_out info
biomax = load(BIDS.input.biomax);
biomax_table = array2table(biomax,...
% copy biomax_out file to BIDS directory
cmd_str = sprintf('cp %s %s/%s', BIDS.input.biomax, BIDS.output.dir, BIDS.input.biomax); system(cmd_str);
% read content of GE EXAM and SERIES files
% do the conversion to BIDS format
OPTIMA_convert_GE_BIDS_2(BIDS, biomax_table);
% make a json file with dataset description
% copy the ANALYZER files to BIDS naming format
% does not apply for OPTIMA, this is from BeCOME
% OPTIMA_convert_ANALYZER_BIDS_2(BIDS,biomax_table);
% do the conversion of logfiles to BIDS naming format
% do the conversion of EDF files to BIDS naming format
% do the conversion of PPG and RESP files to BIDS
OPTIMA_convert_PPG_BIDS_2(BIDS, biomax_table);
% do tsv conversion of logfiles
% finally, rename the BIDS directory to a proper name
cmd_str = ['rm -r ', BIDS.output.dir,'../',BIDS.input.data_dir(1).PatientID{3},'_BIDS'];
cmd_str = ['mv ', BIDS.output.dir,' ', BIDS.output.dir,'../',BIDS.input.data_dir(1).PatientID{3},'_BIDS'];
fprintf('\n\ndone %s\n', BIDS.input.data_dir(1).PatientID{3});
clear all