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executable file 83 lines (78 sloc) 3.15 KB
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
## author afust NEU
## reformat BestperQuery_Hits table to table with all information about one peak in one row
## columns given with $3 should be unique and not be seprated by the delimiter
## with the aggregate function the same entries are sepereated by it, so this has to be adjusted
.reformat.keep.cols <- function(entry, delimiter){
if(grepl(delimiter, entry)){
entry <- unique(strsplit(entry, delimiter)[[1]])
#Script gets arguments
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
# argument the scipt gets
# $1 file which should be reformatted
# $2 key column
# $3 columns that should be kept
# $4 delimiter
# $5 #cores
if(length(args)>=4 && length(args)<=5){
# Process arguments
df.hits <- read.table(args[1], header=TRUE, comment.char="#", sep="\t",check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
key <- as.character(args[2])
keep.cols <- unlist(sapply(unlist(strsplit(args[3],",")), function(t) eval(parse(text=t))))
delimiter <- as.character(args[4])
cols<- colnames(df.hits)
## create output
output <- dirname(normalizePath(args[1]))
filename <- strsplit(basename(args[1]),"[.]")[[1]][1]
filename <- paste0(filename,"_compact.txt")
output <- paste(output,filename,sep="/")
# if multiple cores are present, use them.
cores <- as.numeric(args[5])
c <- makeSOCKcluster(rep("localhost",cores))
## replace occurence of delimiter in data
if(delimiter != ";"){
df.hits[] <- parLapply(c,df.hits, gsub, pattern=delimiter, replacement=";", fixed=TRUE)
} else {
df.hits[] <- parLapply(c,df.hits, gsub, pattern=delimiter, replacement=",", fixed=TRUE)
} else {
## replace occurence of delimiter in data
if(delimiter != ";"){
df.hits[] <- lapply(df.hits, gsub, pattern=delimiter, replacement=";", fixed=TRUE)
} else {
df.hits[] <- lapply(df.hits, gsub, pattern=delimiter, replacement=",", fixed=TRUE)
# combind data by key column
df.reformat <- aggregate(.~df.hits[,key], data=df.hits, FUN=paste, collapse=delimiter, na.action=na.pass)
# remove key column and replace by aggregated column
df.reformat[,key] <- NULL <- colnames(df.reformat)[1] <- key
colnames(df.reformat) <-
#original column order
df.reformat <- df.reformat[,cols]
# transform columns that should be kept
for(i in 1:length(cols[keep.cols])){
col.unique <- parLapply(c, df.reformat[,keep.cols[i]], .reformat.keep.cols, delimiter)
df.reformat[,keep.cols[i]] <- unlist(col.unique)
} else {
col.unique <- lapply(df.reformat[,keep.cols[i]], .reformat.keep.cols, delimiter)
df.reformat[,keep.cols[i]] <- unlist(col.unique)
#write to file
write.table(df.reformat, output, append =FALSE, quote=FALSE,sep='\t', eol='\n',row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
} else {
cat("ERROR wrong usage of script, use like this:\nRscript reformat.R <input> <key> <keep.cols> <delimiter> <<#threads>>\n\nFor example: Rscript reformat.R besthits.txt peak_id 1:3,5 ',' 5\nOr: Rscript reformat.R besthits.txt peak_id 1,3,5 '#'\nLast argument is optional, a number of threads can be added.\n")