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import extractScriptEntities
import extractSummaryEntities
import spacy
import gensim
from nltk import ngrams
import processAlignment
#from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
summarySceneMap = dict()
model = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin', binary = True)
scenes = extractScriptEntities.extractScriptEntities('script.xml', model)
summarySentences = extractSummaryEntities.extractSummaryEntities('wikiplot.txt', model)
similarity_threshold = 0.54
word_inclusion_threshold = 1.0
entity_inclusion_threshold = 0.43
def removeOne(lemma, dictionary):
if lemma not in dictionary:
elif dictionary[lemma] == 1:
del dictionary[lemma]
dictionary[lemma] -= 1
def getLength(collection):
if collection is None:
return 0
return len(collection)
def countEntities(sceneEntities, summaryEntities):
if sceneEntities is None or summaryEntities is None:
return matched
matched = 0
#print(sceneEntities, '\n', summaryEntities, '\n')
for sceneEntity in sceneEntities:
if sceneEntity in summaryEntities:
matched += 1
return matched
def countWords(sceneBOW, summarySentenceBOW):
if sceneBOW is None or summarySentenceBOW is None:
return 0
matched = 0
matched_set = set()
for summaryWord in summarySentenceBOW:
for sceneWord in sceneBOW:
if model.similarity(summaryWord, sceneWord) >= similarity_threshold:
matched += 1
matched_set.add (summaryWord)
print("Exception: ", summaryWord, ", ", sceneWord)
summarySentenceBOW -= matched_set
return matched
def checkInclusion(matched, total, threshold):
if total == 0:
return True
if matched/total >= threshold:
return True
return False
def getF1Score(groundTruthMap,summarySceneMap):
print("Ground Truth: ", groundTruthMap, '\n', "Generated: ", summarySceneMap)
falsePositives = 0
falseNegatives = 0
truePositives = 0
for sceneNum in groundTruthMap:
if sceneNum not in summarySceneMap:
falseNegatives += len(groundTruthMap[sceneNum])
for sentenceNum in groundTruthMap[sceneNum]:
if sentenceNum in summarySceneMap[sceneNum]:
truePositives += 1
falseNegatives += 1
for sceneNum in summarySceneMap:
if sceneNum not in groundTruthMap:
falsePositives += len(summarySceneMap[sceneNum])
for sentenceNum in summarySceneMap[sceneNum]:
if sentenceNum not in groundTruthMap[sceneNum]:
falsePositives += 1
if truePositives + falsePositives != 0:
precision = truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives)
precision = 0
if truePositives+falseNegatives != 0:
recall = truePositives / (truePositives + falseNegatives)
recall = 0
if precision == 0 or recall == 0:
F1 = 0
F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
print("Precision: ", precision, "Recall: ", recall, "F1: ", F1)
sceneID = 0
for summarySentenceID in range(len(summarySentences)):
summarySentenceBOW = summarySentences[summarySentenceID].bagOfWords
summaryNgrams = summarySentences[summarySentenceID].Ngrams
total_Ngrams = getLength(summaryNgrams)
total_summaryBOW = getLength(summarySentenceBOW)
matched_summaryWords = 0
matched_Ngrams = 0
if sceneID >= len(scenes):
sceneID = startSceneID
startSceneID = sceneID
while sceneID < len(scenes):
matched_Ngrams += countEntities(scenes[sceneID].Ngrams, summaryNgrams)
matched_summaryWords += countWords(scenes[sceneID].bagOfWords, summarySentenceBOW)
sceneID += 1
if checkInclusion(matched_summaryWords, total_summaryBOW, word_inclusion_threshold) \
and checkInclusion(matched_Ngrams, total_Ngrams, entity_inclusion_threshold):
summarySceneMap[summarySentenceID] = set(number for number in range(startSceneID, sceneID))
sceneID -= 1
groundTruthMap = processAlignment.processAlignment()
getF1Score(groundTruthMap, summarySceneMap)
nlp = spacy.load('en')
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
summarySentenceNum = 0
for summarySentence in summarySentences:
sentence = summarySentence.sentence
scriptSentenceNum = 0
for scene in scenes:
sceneSentences = scene.sentences
for sceneSentence in sceneSentences:
similarity = nlp(sentence).similarity(nlp(sceneSentence))
if similarity >= 0.8:
print (sentence, sid.polarity_scores(sentence), sceneSentence, sid.polarity_scores(sceneSentence), '\n', similarity, '\n')
#print (summarySentenceNum, scriptSentenceNum, '\n')
scriptSentenceNum = scriptSentenceNum + 1
summarySentenceNum = summarySentenceNum + 1