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421 lines (330 sloc) 18.4 KB
from copy import deepcopy
from flask import url_for
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from planet.models.expression.specificity import ExpressionSpecificity
from planet.models.expression.profiles import ExpressionProfile
from planet.models.relationships.sequence_cluster import SequenceCoexpressionClusterAssociation
from planet.models.relationships.sequence_family import SequenceFamilyAssociation
from planet.models.relationships.sequence_interpro import SequenceInterproAssociation
from planet.models.sequences import Sequence
from planet.models.species import Species
from planet.models.clades import Clade
from utils.color import family_to_shape_and_color, index_to_shape_and_color
class CytoscapeHelper:
def parse_network(network):
Parses a network generated by the ExpressionNetwork and CoexpressionCluster model, adding basic information
and exporting the whole thing to a cytoscape.js compatible
:param network: internal id of the network
:return: Network fully compatible with Cytoscape.js
output = {"nodes": [], "edges": []}
for n in network["nodes"]:
output["nodes"].append({"data": n})
for e in network["edges"]:
output["edges"].append({"data": e})
# add basic colors and shapes to nodes and url to gene pages
for n in output["nodes"]:
if n["data"]["gene_id"] is not None:
n["data"]["gene_link"] = url_for("sequence.sequence_view", sequence_id=n["data"]["gene_id"])
if n["data"]["id"] != n["data"]["gene_name"]:
n["data"]["profile_link"] = url_for("expression_profile.expression_profile_find", probe=n["data"]["id"])
n["data"]["color"] = "#CCC"
n["data"]["shape"] = "ellipse"
for e in output["edges"]:
e["data"]["color"] = "#888"
return output
def add_family_data_nodes(network, family_method_id):
Adds family, clade and interpro information to a a cytoscape compatible network (dict)
:param network: dict containing the network
:param family_method_id: desired type/method used to construct the families
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with family, clade and interpro information included
completed_network = deepcopy(network)
sequence_ids = []
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys():
sequence_families = SequenceFamilyAssociation.query.\
sequence_interpro = SequenceInterproAssociation.query.\
data = {}
clades = Clade.query.order_by(Clade.species_count).all()
clade_list = [ for c in clades]
for s in sequence_families:
data[s.sequence_id] = {}
data[s.sequence_id]["name"] =
data[s.sequence_id]["id"] = s.gene_family_id
data[s.sequence_id]["url"] = url_for('family.family_view', family_id=s.gene_family_id)
if is not None:
clade_index = clade_list.index(
color, shape = index_to_shape_and_color(clade_index)
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_color"] = color
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_shape"] = shape
data[s.sequence_id]["clade"] =
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_count"] =
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_color"] = "#CCC"
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_shape"] = "rectangle"
data[s.sequence_id]["clade"] = "None"
data[s.sequence_id]["clade_count"] = 0
for i in sequence_interpro:
if i.sequence_id not in data:
data[i.sequence_id] = {}
data[i.sequence_id]["name"] = None
data[i.sequence_id]["id"] = None
data[i.sequence_id]["url"] = None
data[i.sequence_id]["clade"] = "None"
data[i.sequence_id]["clade_count"] = 0
if "interpro" in data[i.sequence_id]:
data[i.sequence_id]["interpro"] += [i.domain.label]
data[i.sequence_id]["interpro"] = [i.domain.label]
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys() \
and node["data"]["gene_id"] in data.keys():
if "interpro" in data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]:
node["data"]["interpro"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["interpro"]
node["data"]["family_name"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["name"]
node["data"]["family_id"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["id"]
node["data"]["family_url"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["url"]
node["data"]["family_clade"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["clade"]
node["data"]["family_clade_color"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["clade_color"]
node["data"]["family_clade_shape"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["clade_shape"]
node["data"]["family_clade_count"] = data[node["data"]["gene_id"]]["clade_count"]
node["data"]["family_name"] = None
node["data"]["family_id"] = None
node["data"]["family_url"] = None
node["data"]["family_color"] = "#CCC"
node["data"]["family_shape"] = "rectangle"
node["data"]["family_clade_color"] = "#CCC"
node["data"]["family_clade_shape"] = "rectangle"
node["data"]["family_clade"] = "None"
node["data"]["family_clade_count"] = 1
return completed_network
def add_lc_data_nodes(network):
Colors a network based on family information and label co-occurrences.
:param network: dict containing the network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with colors and shapes based on gene families and label co-occurrances
completed_network = deepcopy(network)
gene_family_only, gene_both = {}, {}
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys():
fam_only, both = [], []
if "family_name" in node["data"]:
fam_only += [node["data"]["family_name"]]
both += [node["data"]["family_name"]]
if "interpro" in node["data"]:
both += node["data"]["interpro"]
gene_family_only[node["data"]["gene_id"]] = set(fam_only)
gene_both[node["data"]["gene_id"]] = set(both)
fam_to_shape_and_color = family_to_shape_and_color(gene_family_only)
both_to_shape_and_color = family_to_shape_and_color(gene_both)
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys():
if node["data"]["gene_id"] in fam_to_shape_and_color:
node["data"]["family_color"] = fam_to_shape_and_color[node["data"]["gene_id"]][1]
node["data"]["family_shape"] = fam_to_shape_and_color[node["data"]["gene_id"]][0]
if node["data"]["gene_id"] in both_to_shape_and_color:
node["data"]["lc_label"] = both_to_shape_and_color[node["data"]["gene_id"]][2]
node["data"]["lc_color"] = both_to_shape_and_color[node["data"]["gene_id"]][1]
node["data"]["lc_shape"] = both_to_shape_and_color[node["data"]["gene_id"]][0]
return completed_network
def add_descriptions_nodes(network):
Adds the description to nodes (if available) and alternative names (aka gene tokens) to a cytoscape.js network
:param network: Cytoscape.js compatible network object
:return: Network with descriptions and tokens added
completed_network = deepcopy(network)
sequence_ids = []
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys():
sequences = Sequence.query.filter(
descriptions = { s.description for s in sequences}
tokens = { ", ".join([ for x in s.xrefs if x.platform == 'token']) for s in sequences}
# Set empty tokens to None
for k, v in tokens.items():
if v == "":
tokens[k] = None
for node in completed_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "gene_id" in node["data"].keys():
if node["data"]["gene_id"] in descriptions.keys():
node["data"]["description"] = descriptions[node["data"]["gene_id"]]
node["data"]["description"] = None
if node["data"]["gene_id"] in tokens.keys():
node["data"]["tokens"] = tokens[node["data"]["gene_id"]]
node["data"]["tokens"] = None
return completed_network
def add_depth_data_nodes(network):
Colors a cytoscape compatible network (dict) based on edge depth
This function is no longer used as it has been replaced by a mapper in the cycss
:param network: dict containing the network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with depth information for nodes added
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
colors = ["#3CE500", "#B7D800", "#CB7300", "#BF0003"]
for node in colored_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "depth" in node["data"].keys():
node["data"]["depth_color"] = colors[node["data"]["depth"]]
return colored_network
def add_connection_data_nodes(network):
A data to cytoscape compatible network's nodes based on the number of edges that node possesses
:param network: dict containing the network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with connectivity information for nodes added
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
for node in colored_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "id" in node["data"].keys():
probe = node["data"]["id"]
neighbors = 0
for edge in colored_network["edges"]:
if "data" in edge.keys() and "source" in edge["data"].keys() and "target" in edge["data"].keys():
if probe == edge["data"]["source"] or probe == edge["data"]["target"]:
neighbors += 1
node["data"]["neighbors"] = neighbors
return colored_network
def add_species_data_nodes(network):
Colors nodes in a cytoscape compatible network (dict) based on species
:param network: dict containing the network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with depth information for edges added
colors = { s.color for s in Species.query.all()}
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
for node in colored_network["nodes"]:
if "data" in node.keys() and "species_id" in node["data"].keys():
node["data"]["species_color"] = colors[node["data"]["species_id"]]
return colored_network
def add_cluster_data_nodes(network, cluster_method_id):
Adds co-expression cluster information to a cytoscape compatible network (dict)
:param network: dict containing the network
:param cluster_method_id: internal id for the clustering method to use
:return: Network dict completed with cluster info
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
probes = [node['data']['id'] for node in colored_network['nodes'] if 'id' in node['data']]
sequence_cluster_ass = SequenceCoexpressionClusterAssociation.query.filter(SequenceCoexpressionClusterAssociation.probe.in_(probes))\
data = {}
for sca in sequence_cluster_ass:
data[sca.probe] = {}
data[sca.probe]['cluster_id'] = sca.coexpression_cluster_id
data[sca.probe]['cluster_name'] =
color_shapes = family_to_shape_and_color({p: [v['cluster_name']] for p, v in data.items()})
for node in colored_network["nodes"]:
if node['data']['id'] in data.keys():
node['data']['cluster_id'] = data[node['data']['id']]['cluster_id']
node['data']['cluster_name'] = data[node['data']['id']]['cluster_name']
node['data']['cluster_url'] = url_for('expression_cluster.expression_cluster_view', cluster_id=node['data']['cluster_id'])
if node['data']['id'] in color_shapes.keys():
node['data']['cluster_color'] = color_shapes[node['data']['id']][1]
node['data']['cluster_shape'] = color_shapes[node['data']['id']][0]
return colored_network
def add_specificity_data_nodes(network, specificity_method_id):
Adds profile specificity information to a cytoscape compatible network (dict)
:param network: dict containing the network
:param specificity_method_id: specificity method which should be used
:return: Network dict completed with cluster info
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
probes = [node['data']['id'] for node in colored_network['nodes'] if 'id' in node['data']]
spm = ExpressionSpecificity.query.filter(ExpressionSpecificity.method_id == specificity_method_id).filter(ExpressionSpecificity.profile.has(ExpressionProfile.probe.in_(probes))).all();
data = {}
for s in spm:
if s.profile.probe in data.keys():
if s.score > data[s.profile.probe]['score']:
data[s.profile.probe]['score'] = s.score
data[s.profile.probe]['condition'] = s.condition
data[s.profile.probe] = {}
data[s.profile.probe]['score'] = s.score
data[s.profile.probe]['condition'] = s.condition
color_shapes = family_to_shape_and_color({p: [v['condition']] for p, v in data.items()})
for node in colored_network["nodes"]:
if node['data']['id'] in data.keys():
node['data']['spm_score'] = data[node['data']['id']]['score']
node['data']['spm_condition'] = data[node['data']['id']]['condition']
if node['data']['id'] in color_shapes.keys():
node['data']['spm_condition_color'] = color_shapes[node['data']['id']][1]
node['data']['spm_condition_shape'] = color_shapes[node['data']['id']][0]
return colored_network
def add_depth_data_edges(network):
Colors a cytoscape compatible network (dict) based on edge depth
This function is no longer used as it has been replaced by a mapper in the cycss
:param network: dict containing the network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with depth information for edges added
colored_network = deepcopy(network)
colors = ["#3CE500", "#B7D800", "#CB7300", "#BF0003"]
for edge in colored_network["edges"]:
if "data" in edge.keys() and "depth" in edge["data"].keys():
edge["data"]["depth_color"] = colors[edge["data"]["depth"]]
return colored_network
def merge_networks(network_one, network_two):
Function to merge two networks. A compound/parent node is created for each network and based on the family_id,
edges between homologous/orthologous genes are added.
Note that label co-occurrences need to be (re-)calculated on the merged network
:param network_one: Dictionary (cytoscape.js structure) of the first network
:param network_two: Dictionary (cytoscape.js structure) of the second network
:return: Cytoscape.js compatible network with both networks merged and homologs/orthologs connected
nodes = []
edges = network_one['edges'] + network_two['edges']
nodes.append({"data": {"id": "compound_node_one", "compound": True, "color": "#BEF"}})
nodes.append({"data": {"id": "compound_node_two", "compound": True, "color": "#BEF"}})
for node in network_one["nodes"]:
node["data"]["parent"] = "compound_node_one"
for node in network_two["nodes"]:
node["data"]["parent"] = "compound_node_two"
# draw edges between nodes from different networks
# TODO: optimize this to avoid nested loop
for node_one in network_one["nodes"]:
for node_two in network_two["nodes"]:
# if nodes are from the same family add an edge between them
if node_one["data"]["family_id"] is not None \
and node_one["data"]["family_id"] == node_two["data"]["family_id"]:
edges.append({'data': {'source': node_one["data"]["id"],
'target': node_two["data"]["id"],
'color': "#33D",
'homology': True}})
return {'nodes': nodes, 'edges': edges}
def get_families(network):
Extracts gene families from a cytoscape.js compatible network object
:param network: network to extract families from
:return: List of all families that occur in the network
return [f["data"]["family_name"] for f in network["nodes"] if 'data' in f.keys() and
'family_name' in f["data"].keys() and
f["data"]["family_name"] is not None]