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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import numpy as np
import sys
def pcc(filename, output, mcl_output):
Reads an htseq-count matrix, calculated the PCC (Pearson Correlation) for all pairs. It will return a text file with
for each sequence the top 1000 strongest correlated genes and a mcl but also genemania/cytoscape compatible file
containing all gene pairs with a correlation of 0.7 or better.
:param filename: path to input, a htseq-count matrix file
:param output: Matrix output, for each gene it prints the 1000 most strongly co-expressed genes
:param mcl_output: Mcl compatible output
# Read Matrix and store nominators and denominators
with open(filename, 'r') as fin:
nominators, denominators, genes = [], [], []
header = fin.readline()
size = len(header.strip().split('\t'))
for line in fin:
parts = line.rstrip().split("\t")
if size != len(parts):
print("Warning! Unequal number of columns found in line:\n%s.\nExpression matrix corrupt. Aborting!\n" % line, file=sys.stderr)
if len(parts) == size:
temp = []
for j in range(1, len(parts)):
except ValueError:
print("Warning! Non-number character found in line:\n%s.\nExpression matrix corrupt. Aborting!\n" % line, file=sys.stderr)
row_values = np.array(temp)
nomi = row_values-(sum(row_values)/len(row_values))
denomi = np.sqrt(sum(nomi**2))
if denomi != 0.0:
nominators = np.array(nominators)
denominators = np.array(denominators)
# Calculate PCC and write output
with open(output, 'w') as fout, open(mcl_output, 'w') as mcl_out:
print("Database OK.\nCalculating Pearson Correlation Coefficient and ranks.\n")
for i, (nom, denom, gene) in enumerate(zip(nominators, denominators, genes), start=1):
print("Calculated PCC values for sequence:%s, %d out of %d." % (gene, i, len(nominators)))
nominator =, nom)
denominator =, denom)
pcc_values = nominator/denominator
data = [{'score': p,
'gene': g,
'string': g + '(' + str(p) + ')'} for g, p in zip(genes, pcc_values) if g != gene]
# sort by absolute pcc value
data.sort(key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
# get top 1000 genes and write them
subset = data[:1000]
fout.writelines(gene + ": " + '\t'.join([s['string'] for s in subset]) + "\n")
for s in subset:
# Keep scores > 0.7 substract 0.7 from result to remap values to [0,0.3] as this is important for mcl
if s['score'] > 0.7:
print(gene, s['gene'], s['score'] - 0.7, sep='\t', file=mcl_out)
print("PCCs calculated and saved as %s and %s." % (output, mcl_output), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="./")
parser.add_argument('input', help='path to input')
parser.add_argument('output', help='path to ranked output')
parser.add_argument('mcl_output', help='path to mcl compatible output')
args = parser.parse_args()
pcc(args.input, args.output, args.mcl_output)